Yep. Keep on giving up your Right to due process over to a powerful centralized Ineptocracy.

Yep. Keep on giving up your Right to due process over to a powerful centralized Ineptocracy.
As the Obamacare fiasco goes on, so do the preposterous claims that it will save money.
The ACA planners undoubtedly ran into a man like Anderson in the video, yet were unswayed in their quest to make red lines out of blue (or transparent) ink. Economics however, not being too difficult, is still a basic skill that is not yet fully understood by the progressive left. (And those who think that expanding welfare in Michigan brings a financial advantage to the state)
Nothing new, but always disappointing.
The left has no tolerance for the suffering, unless THEY too are a part of the intolerant left. Battling cancer ends the right to free speech apparently. Julie Boonstra’s effort to let folks know how badly Obamacare has affected HER has simply made her a target for those who present themselves as champions of compassion.
How ‘progressive.’ H/T AFP on Twitter
In 2011, then senate candidate Peter Konetchy spoke to a group of conservatives in Kalkaska, Michigan.
He spoke on issues that have become front and center in the fight against government overreach. Our Constitution and what we have allowed to be done to it as a part of the conversation. I have a video of the entire meeting on Youtube.
As a part of the question and answer, the question was asked: “Do you support the repeal of the 17th amendment?” His response was clear and to the point, and very relevant to much of what our current troubles are.
We have a short window to demonstrate support for this constitutional conservative in a relatively safe Republican district. Make it clear Constitutional Conservatives mean business by spreading the word, and offer support in whatever way possible.
April Fools! Nevertheless, it’s a timeless fun little reminder about Gun Banning Debbie.
H/t Me