And how much taxpayer money has been lost to cronyism over the last 7 years?
Michigan politicians have been telling us that the film credits were needed to compete with other states for years. Its just not so.
People in the industry have been remarking how successful other states have been by giving filmmakers taxpayer money to ‘create’ jobs in those states; all the while competing against Michigan’s excessive subsidizing of the vanity industry which HQs in Hollywood.
But the bottom line?
Filmmakers will shoot wherever it works. Not because of money, but because of scenery, availability of people and extras, and whatever else fits their movie storyline. I have been saying this since the Michigan film boondoggle began. Seven years ago:
“Those proponents who feel that the deal worked out was a bargain, and that we are getting FREE Money should consider the fact they have lost the value this state brings without the additional money that was essentially “left at the table.” They forget the natural beauty, the variety of urban, nature and waterscapes which are highly sought after already. Michigan has SO MUCH to offer ANY industry without any overblown incentives.”
So very much, that its why I cannot imagine living anywhere else.
And NOW it seems there is some acceptance that all the money paid out to producers for the privilege of using our natural resources was a sham. Even the governor says ‘no mas.’
” “It’s important that we support creativity and innovation in our state, and we’ll continue to have a Michigan Film Office to assist moviemakers and production staff,” Snyder said. “Michigan has much to offer the movie industry, including top-notch talent and beautiful backdrops that will continue to draw filmmakers to Michigan even without taxpayer-funded incentives.” “
Yeah. That’s right.

Just a friendly reminder of when Snyder's and Calley's lips move...
"Yeah, he slept on the couch last night," Leonard joked during a recent radio interview.,4668,7-277-57577-346607--,00.html
Oh! And, here is $50M a year redistributed by the
RepublicansMichigan Gang Of Polyps to the Moochers and Looters:,4629,7-136-3452-358905--,00.html
At least we got Gran Torino out of Lansing's theft.
Kudos to the utilities that filed notice of their intent to opt-out of the program; Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Upper Peninsula Power Company, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, d/b/a We Energies, Cloverland Electric Cooperative, Great Lakes Energy Cooperative, Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Association, HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative and Cherryland Electric Cooperative.
They face the toughest structuring and are not taking the 'blue pill.'
What happens when you take a failed real estate developer (with very suspicious occurrences in his past) , an ex-con "philanthropist" (jail time and big fine...nice), a big-time contributor to republican causes (who stood to gain big-time from this Michigan Taxpayer largesse continuing) and the brother to one of the high and mighty potentates in the democratic party (also co-CEO of one of the largest talent agencies in America)?
Short answer to your question, Jason. Two words: "Poison Pill"
Ah, nothing like pure, unabated crony capitalism to "enrich" certain wallets...
Not to mention good ol fashioned plain crookedness. Recall Hangar 42?
Oh, I remember it alright.
The overinflating of property values. The "unusual" payoffs to various parties involved in the process. The assignment of staffers into why a tax credit was taking so long to award. The AG fouling up (and I'm being very restrained regarding this description since I'm on a "family-friendly" site) the only case that I can recall which actually ever went to trial.
I mean, seriously...what are the odds?