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    Tag: republican kakistocracy

    Patterson Makes Obamacare Palatable, Screws Taxpayers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 09, 2013 at 10:11:21 AM EST
    Tags: L. Brooks Patterson, Obamacare, Seat belts? Feh, Laws shmaws! That's for those little people, Oakland County, DIA TAX, DRIC-NITC, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, backroom shenanigans, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Big government, Filling the Pockets Of Friends, Big Budget, Michigan, GOPe, Democrat-lite, Julianna Smoot & Lon Johnson, Centrists lost 2012, 2014, Randy Richardville, Jase Bolger, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Sure .. he is a 'con'servative, Mandates, Tilting at Windmills, Progressives, Rick Snyder, Rich Baird, NERD Fund, The Flim-Flam Man, Snydercaid, Mr. 36%, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    What an Executive wagon-circling doozy floated this morning in The News.

    Across the nation, the fees and taxes imposed next year through the Affordable Care Act will generate about $20 billion, based on Joint Committee on Taxation estimates, and could affect nearly 60 percent of Americans who receive insurance through their workplace.

    It's uncertain how many employees could pay the higher fees and taxes because employers are deciding whether to absorb the cost or pass along all or part of it. For example, Oakland County government decided to pick up the tab - more than $600,000 - for its workers. Macomb and Wayne county officials could not be reached about their plans.


    As the old saying goes - No pain, No ga, well, in Brooksie's bureaucratic fiefdom... no pain!  Pay up, taxpayers suckers.

    With Republicans like in Oakland County, Randy Richardville, Jase Bolger, and Snyder/Calley, who needs Lon Johnson and Julianna Smoot?

    Comments >>

    Aches and Reoccurring Payne's

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2013 at 11:09:29 AM EST
    Tags: Rep. Bentivolio, Loose Lips Sink Ships, No feeding the animals, Ronulans, Chem-trails, Paulsamic Vinegar, CD-11, Henry the Payne, Stupidity Needs To Be Painful, Smear Merchants, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Granholm, Dave Trott, Vampire Capitalist, Foreclosures, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lawyers, Banksters, backroom shenanigans, Richardville, Schostak Brothers & Company, SB-992, Feral Government, Mike Cox, Attorney General, FOIA's, Kappy Trott, Oakland County, Wayne County, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Mike Bishop, Laura Cox, Rocky Raczkowski, Ronna Romney McDaniel (all tags)

    Want to see how Ronulans deep-six Rep. Bentivolio's reelection?  Chem-trails.

    "We'll bring in some Air Force folks right here in our district. We can have an oversight reform committee hearing right here and we'll investigate," said Bentivolio in response to an audience question. "I'd like to find out about it too."

    Oh, Lord.  Please Kerry, don't play with your vegetables.  We here at RM didn't bust our asses in 2012, just to have a few PaulTards in the crowd grenade us in 2014.

    But despite such embarrassing diversions the first-term Congressman, say political insiders, will be difficult to unseat in 2014 - even with last week's announcement that businessman [Foreclosure Lawyer] and Michigan Republican Party establishment favorite Dave Trott has thrown his hat into the ring. Such is the power of incumbency, and the deep pocketbooks of the GOP's insurgent Ron Paul/Libertarian wing that backs Bentiviolo.

    In the redrawn CD-11, I wouldn't be so cocksure as to hang my hat on "the power of incumbency".  Not in Oakland, and Wayne County's den of vipers, anyway.

    Continued below.

    (611 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Good Luck With That

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 12:26:24 PM EST
    Tags: Terri Lynn Land, ZZZzzz, Snydercaid, Growth Of Government, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, Obamacare, The Flim-Flam Man, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Transparency, Lemon Socialism, City of Detoilet, another $52M flushed, bailing out Progressive Utopia, Gary Peters, Photo ops, The alleged right shoe smells just as bad as the Left, Republican kakistocracy, Bobby ShowStak, MIa-GoPC'd, Grand Rapids Power Brokers, memory holes, TEA Movement, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    An interesting piece happened to turn up on Roll Call regarding the number of former SoS entering U.S. Senate races.

    "We may have decent name ID, but it's weak brand ID. That was something I discovered when I ran," Grayson continued. "Despite the higher profile, it's not like it's a natural pivot into the next statewide race. And I think sometimes that puts us in a bit of a tough spot, because there's this perception that maybe we're stronger candidates than we really are."

    The U.S. Senate Historical Office does not maintain a list of former secretaries of state who have served in the Senate. But according to data compiled from the National Association of Secretaries of State and other sources, CQ Roll Call identified just 10 senators since 1904 who ever held that position.

    Of those 10 - seven Democrats and three Republicans - just three were elected to the Senate as a sitting secretary of state.

    So, one has to ask, exactly what has Terri Lynn Land done other than hold a ho-hum title?  I mean besides running an abject failure 2010 campaign with this twice failed anti-2A dope that split the Party just enough to allow Rick Michigan's nose under the tent.  Did a 2014 Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land lead a charge against Obamacare expansion in Michigan, known as Snydercaid?  Nope.  If you believe so, please, provide a link showing anywhere she did.  It's not like Terri, and her hubby don't have the coin and didn't have the time to bird dog the Nerd bus crisscrossing the state when JenniRick embarked on his Tour de Harassment.  Bottom line.  Where the Hell is Terri Lynn Land?!?!

    Continued below the fold.

    (337 words in story) Full Story

    The Daily Dillon

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 22, 2013 at 11:56:17 AM EST
    Tags: Transparency, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Andy Dillon, alleged paramour, Dillon House staffer, Amy U. Hichez, Redford Twp. Parks Commissioner, Miles Handy, Wayne County Corruption Lives On, Robert Ficano, The Ed McNamara Machine, Mike Duggan, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Kevyn Orr, Detroit, Michigan Democratic Party, Obama, Julianna Smoot & Lon Johnson, Unions, AstroTurf, Thugs, Bullies, SB-992, Bobby ShowStak, Republican kakistocracy, Grand Rapids Power Brokers, Feral Government, Rodney Stokes, Strange bedfellows, The alleged right shoe smells just as bad as the Left, Wayne County Business Development Corporation, Laura Cox, John Rakolta Jr, AG Bill Shuette, Mitt Romney, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Mike Cox, Scarlet letters, memory holes, TEA Movement, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    This is a sorta fun development for Conservatives watching what the Snyder administration has placed into its own lap.  Remember what Terry Stanton (same office of Amy Hichez) stated about our Treasury Dept., just yesterday?

    "Any personal issues he is working through have not, in any way, affected his performance as State Treasurer."

    Pure Bee-esS.  Meet current Treasury Department "Executive Assistant," and former Dillon House staffer ($56,000.00), Amy U. Hichez.

    State Treasurer Andy Dillon's secretary sued his ex-wife for defamation Wednesday for claiming she had an affair with her boss.

    In a lawsuit filed in Wayne County Circuit Court, Amy U. Hichez denied having an affair with Andy Dillon - allegations Carol Owens-Dillon publicly leveled in a July 7 posting on her Facebook page.

    Owens-Dillon stood by the allegations Wednesday.

    "I'm surprised she is doing this because she will be putting her boss negatively in the press and I'm quite sure he doesn't need that," Owens-Dillon said in a statement to The News.

    Indeed.  What further defamation is possible with those who sit in government with Andy and his buddy, Miles Handy?  Yet, much like Hillary Clinton, and Huma Abedin, the slovenly attired self-invented Nerd persona is going to stand by his man.  Frillant move for the Executive branch of state government that is the flagship of the MI-GOP.

    That down-ticket vote for "Team R" will suffer in 2014.  That is just a 'No boundaries' Rick Michigan, enabling - fact.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Because Leopards Change Their Spots

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 21, 2013 at 10:17:19 AM EST
    Tags: Transparency, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Andy Dillon, Miles Handy, Wayne County Corruption Lives On, Robert Ficano, The Ed McNamara Machine, Mike Duggan, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Kevyn Orr, Detroit, Michigan Democratic Party, Obama, Julianna Smoot & Lon Johnson, Unions, AstroTurf, Thugs, Bullies, SB-992, Bobby ShowStak, Republican kakistocracy, Grand Rapids Power Brokers, Feral Government, Rodney Stokes, Strange bedfellows, The alleged right shoe smells just as bad as the Left, Wayne County Business Development Corporation, Laura Cox, John Rakolta Jr, AG Bill Shuette, Mitt Romney, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Mike Cox, memory holes, TEA Movement, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Germans have the coolest words for such things involving the Rick Snyder experiment.  For example, take the self-invented Nerd persona's selection for state Treasurer.

    Pure Schadenfreude.

    Dillon has acknowledged a bout with alcoholism while being the governor's point man for handling financially distressed cities and school districts.

    But now the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office is considering a domestic assault charge against Dillon stemming from a July 13 confrontation with his ex-wife, Carol Owens-Dillon, at their Redford Township home.

    Dillon, a former Democratic speaker of the state House of Representatives, and the Snyder administration are not answering questions about his alleged actions.

    "We do not believe it is appropriate to respond to speculation," Snyder spokesman Dave Murray said Tuesday in a statement. "Gov. Snyder believes Treasurer Dillon is doing a good job on behalf of the people of Michigan."

    Again, zero transparency from Rick Snyder.  Sure Dave Murray, we little people "believe" you too.  Just try boozing as a "point man" in the Private Sector, and see how long it takes to be shown the door.  And, this is a so-called Executive's decision?  Amazing.  Fact remains that Rick Snyder owns that appointment, and isn't man enough to deal with his can of worms - but, he'll have to before long.  There's more...

    "Treasurer Dillon is in the office and on the job every day, working diligently as always for the people of the State of Michigan," spokesman Terry Stanton said in an email. "Any personal issues he is working through have not, in any way, affected his performance as State Treasurer."

    12 years of taxpayer funded professional turd polishing just can't be wrong, yes?  Survey says...

    A Wayne County Family Court judge has issued a mutual restraining order against Dillon and his ex-wife after they filed competing personal protection orders against each other.

    The acrimony stems from a July 13 incident at the Dillon residence in Redford Township where Carol Owens-Dillon alleges her ex-husband hired a tow truck driver to break into a vehicle she was driving that contained her divorce files. In court records, Owens-Dillon claims she had "racially-charged text messages" in the file that she intended to deliver to Snyder.

    D'oh!  Really.  Who could've foreseen the years of dysfunction that Andy Dillon, would bring to an alleged Republican administration?  Hmmm, I wonder...

    (633 words in story) Full Story

    R is for Reverse... When Riding With Democrats

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 14, 2013 at 09:13:58 AM EST
    Tags: L. Brooks Patterson, Detroit Institute of Arts, How do you circumvent Headlee and raise taxes? Create an authority...that's how, Art Tax, PA 296 of 2010, Macomb County, Oakland County, Wayne County, Detroit, Anyone want to take a wild guess whose going to pay for this boondoggle?, DIA TAX, DRIC-NITC, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, backroom shenanigans, Tom Stroup, Write-in Campaign, 'Nutty Nancy' and Babbling Brooks, Seat belts? Feh, Laws shmaws! That's for those little people, Pay up Suckers (all tags)

    Do you remember what Oakland County's "king-maker" said when pushing through the DIA Tax?  I do.

    Voters in Oakland County will decide this August on a property tax to support the Detroit Institute of the Arts. Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is encouraging residents to support it.

    "So the tax would have been 19 bucks on the average home sold last year. You know, that's a bad day at Starbucks," Patterson said to laughter from the audience [Sheeple] at Friday's Pancake & Politics panel discussion.

    "I think the tax will fly.  I think people understand appreciate. And then when you get, if the tax passes ... the communities that pass it get free admission to the DIA, so you're gonna get it back your first trip. So, I think it's gonna pass overwhelmingly."

    M'kay, so Babbling Brooksie got his way with herding the 7 Republican turncoats on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners who voted with the unanimous Democrats to send the DIA Tax Hike and Oakland County Art Institute Authority creation (see page 387) off to a vote by the Sheeple.    Yannow, it is written that the age-old axiom says, Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.  Congratulations, Oakland County, voters!  You have spoken!  By your vote, YOU OWN THE DIA TAX.

    Oakland County officials plan to take their first step next week to safeguard property taxes meant for funding the Detroit Institute of Arts from getting in the hands of the city's creditors.

    Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said the resolution is a pre-emptive strike against Detroit and its creditors as the city prepares to fight to persuade bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes the city is eligible for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection.

    "That would be a tremendous betrayal of public trust. That's not what that tax was passed for," Patterson told The Detroit News on Tuesday. "We will take steps to suspend the tax levy. We're clearly within our rights, and we're going to exercise that."

    Read on.

    Then what was the tax passed for, Brooksie?  A hint.  Would you like to know what would be a tremendous betrayal of public trust?  Still being led around by a hoary County politician who refuses to accept he has outlived his usefulness (tho, apparently now sober), and now wants his Obamacare-esque "do over" for his DIA Tax hike scheme with November 2014 elections approaching.

    Now pay up, suckers.

    OABTW, next time, don't "forget" to wear your seat belts when riding with Brooksie and his Democrat friends.

    Comments >>

    You got Your Crony in my Capitalism

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 08, 2013 at 07:38:27 PM EST
    Tags: A Republic if you can keep it, Lansing Majority?, MIaGoPC'd, NOT Praiseworthy, Bobby ShowStak, SB-992, Schostak Brothers & Company, Dwindling returns, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Michigan, GOPe, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Progressives, Primary, Rick Snyder, Corporatism, Wealth Redistribution, Big government, Big Budget, STEM Amnesty, Medicaid Expansion, Expansion Of Welfare, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Pure governmental a$$hattery.

    How about a nice big bowl of Yooper Super Scooper Fudge ice cream?

    Or Traverse City Cherry Bomb or maybe a sugar cone of Very Vernors?

    Those flavors haven't been created yet but they could be in the Pure Michigan ice cream contest, which kicks off Wednesday.

    Pure Michigan is teaming up with Hudsonville Ice Cream in an effort to help promote the bounty of food and agricultural products available in the state.


    At least I know which Crapitalism brand name not to buy from now on.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Rep. Bentivolio, You Want Them To Read What They Pass?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 07, 2013 at 01:30:26 PM EST
    Tags: Kerry Bentivolio, Read the Bill Act of 2013, CD-11, memory holes, S.3360 of 2012, US Congress, GOPe, Party Overhaul, Grassroots, Michigan, 'Nutty Nancy' and Babbling Brooks, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, backroom shenanigans, Republican kakistocracy, Big government, Big Budget, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Primary, Rick Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Heaven's to Betsy, what has this world come to when the Ruling Class would be required to read Laws that govern us, and they exempt themselves from?

    WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Kerry Bentivolio introduced the Read the Bills Act of 2013. This legislation makes important changes to the way Congress does business by giving ample time to review legislation before it is voted on, requiring that all votes on passage be taken by roll call, and by providing that legislation shows in context how it modifies existing law.

    It is a basic moral question that a member of Congress should only vote to pass legislation having read and understood it. The Read the Bills Act accomplishes this by requiring that every vote on a bill's passage take place no less than 7 days after the text of the bill is available on-line to the public where it can easily be found. There is an exception to the "7 day rule" for declarations of war.

    "It is our duty to be transparent to the constituents we serve. This legislation will increase transparency and ensure that Congress doesn't pass legislation to find out what is in it," said Rep. Bentivolio. "Every law affects how the American people live and it is a dereliction of the Oath of Office to pass laws without knowing what they are."

    Rep. Bentivolio's, bill may be viewed here.

    Uh-oh.  No more "unanimous consent" sneak through?   The oligarch running the District of Corruption isn't going to be too happy about that, Rep. Bentivolio.  However, you have my support on this bill.  As an aside... any friendly wagers that this legislation dies in committee like S.3360 did in the Senate last year?

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