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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Transparency: NERD Fund is Drying up

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 15, 2013 at 02:47:08 PM EST
    Tags: Transparency, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, Governor Snyder, Mr. 36%, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Kevyn Orr, MEDC, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Embryos, Crony Capitalism, 21st Century Investment Fund, NextEnergy, Chris Rizik, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Discera, U of M TTNAB, ChiComs, DRIC-NITC, DRTP, Tunnels, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Light Rail boondoggles, Public Act 95 of 2013, Corporate Welfare, Public Act 396 of 2012, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Red Wings, Bankrupt Detoilet, Tax Hikes, Public Act 56 of 2011, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Richardville, Bolger, Rewarding Lawbreakers, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Home Team First, Oaths, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, U of M cronies, STEM Amnesty, Common Core, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, One Tough Nerd PAC, Follow The Money, Michigan, State Senate, HB4714, 2014, HAS TO GO, Pale Pastel, GoPC'd, Reince Pubic, MIaGOP, Bobby ShowStak, Lickspittle Lackeys, PPACA enablers, scAmnesty, Progressives, Tax hiking, Big Government, BIGGER Spending, Pure Bee-esS, Gas Tax Hike, Andy Dillon, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Only one word comes to mind: Starve.

    Yannow, between the Governerd surrounding himself with a deadbeat Treasurer, and a Medicaid billing mooslime responsible for at least one death now dumping $25K into the One Tough Nerd PAC <cough>HB 4714</cough>, all one has to do is sit back and watch "Rick Michigan" implode all on his own.  Damn good thing you're getting your monies upfront, young Johnny.

    One Term Nerd, baby!

    < Flowers for AlgerRon | What's In A Name? >

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