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    Tag: Registration fees

    Happy Gaia Cult Dirt Worshiper Day

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 22, 2013 at 12:27:05 PM EST
    Tags: Idolaters, Junk Science, 25x25, Saul Anuzis, Honey The Lights Wont Come on, EPA, Energy, ALA, NGO, Tyranny, Eugenics, Wildlands Project, Derek Bailey, Tribal Values, Theft By Prohibition, Progressives, RINO's, Bill Milliken, League of Conservative Voters, Homophiles, Dennis Lennox, Amoral, Leonard Page, Cultural Marxism, Public-Private Partnerships, Looters and Moochers, Parasites, Green Subsidy, Wealth Redistribution, Agenda 21, NEA, Goonions, Public Schools = Socialism Indoctrination Centers, Melissa Harris-Perry, Teaching for Change, Bill Ayers, Taxpayer Hammocks, University aristocracy, Nero's Cross, Divide and Bankrupt the Bourgeoisie, Smart Growth, Complete Streets, Bike trail from Detroit to Wisconsin, Gas Tax Hike, Registration fees, GreenTards, The Sheeple, and Dirt Worshipers (all tags)

    Malfunctioning carbon units ...and, the silence from the easily manipulated bourgeoisie liberals, and their retrograde planning Nerd bike trails becomes deafening.  The environment does not rule me.  I rule over the environment.

    Just another facet of The Left's full-on attack over what is written in The Book.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Don't Raise MI Taxes Tour Coming to Your Neighborhood

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Apr 20, 2013 at 06:50:45 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Loves him some Prevailing Wage, Labor, MDOT, Filling the Pockets Of Friends, gas tax, registration fees, Sales Tax, Internet Sales, Inconsistency, Do we need to raise taxes, Legislature, Wayne Show Pony Schmidt, #BolgerSchmidtFraud, Randy Richardville, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Baby Ruth, One Tough Nerd PAC, Follow The Money, Centrists lost 2012, Primary, Republicans, 2014, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    What a shame it is that the Majority Party in Lansing, need guidance with their allowance like little children require, but thank God for the Good People at Americans For Prosperity looking out for us taxpayers in Michigan, with 13 tour stops around the state.

    First Tour stop:

    Don't Raise MI Taxes Tour Stop (St. Clair Shores)
    Americans for Prosperity - Michigan
    Tuesday, April 23, 2013 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
    Saint Clair Shores, MI

    Thank you for your ongoing efforts, Mr. Hagerstrom!  As noted from an mLive screed, it should be highlighted who the Legislator held responsible for the latest MIaGOP Tax Hike scheme on Michigan residents.

    A new plan taking shape in the state House, spearheaded by Republican [questionable] Rep. Wayne Schmidt of Traverse City, is expected to include increased gasoline taxes and registration fees. The proposal also would exempt fuel purchases from the state's six percent sales tax, which is collected at the pump but is not used to fix roads.

    Congratulations, District 104 voters.  Feeling dumb about sending Wayne "Show Pony" back for another term in Lansing, yet?  I doubt it.  But wait, there's more!

    House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall, signaled support for the plan on Thursday, telling reporters that the legislature must "be committed to solving the full problem," including making sure that all taxes paid at the pump go toward roads.

    What were your words about raising taxes, Speaker Bolger?

    "Taxpayers should be the last place we look".  Never did look here, did you?  You can run, but you can't hide, Mr. Speaker.  Methinks, I hit the bullseye with the accuracy of both assessments.

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Money for Dredging is a Problem?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 07, 2013 at 03:22:09 PM EST
    Tags: Hooray for Hollyweird?, Bill Ford, Silverdome, EFM, Pontiac, Crony Capitalism, That's Bulls#!t, Waterways, Harbors, Harbor of Refuge, Commerce, Littoral Property, Watercraft, registration fees, gas tax, Sales Tax, Tourism, Dredging, HB 4197, SB 0164, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Consider this a double feature with CS, and Jarrett Skorup at Mac Center

    The Disney blockbuster "Oz: The Great and Powerful" opens tonight. The film cost the studio about $200 million to make, but Michigan taxpayers chipped in substantially for the production through the state's generous film subsidy program. In fact, the state paid more per taxpayer than the average price of a movie ticket - Michigan residents should be seeing the film for free.

    Michigan has 4.5 million individual taxpayers, and the state gave the film studio $39.7 million to shoot in Pontiac. That works out to a subsidy of $8.82 per taxpayer while average ticket prices nationwide are $7.96.

    The subsidy was granted in 2010 when the program refunded up to 42 percent of Michigan expenses to film makers - essentially a check from the treasury to Hollywood studios. The program expired, but the Legislature, dominated by Republicans, overwhelmingly decided to keep it around.

    Despite "conservatives" who claim to not like the government picking winners and losers and "liberals" who say government shouldn't benefit large corporations and big business, Michigan politicians continue to spend taxpayer money on the program. The state has budgeted $50 million  this year with political leaders on both sides of the aisle pushing for more.


    What total crap.  Lansing could only find a way to free up 29% of the monies for maintaining our waterways in comparison to what Hollywood ripped off on one movie filmed in a mismanaged broke-ass city with an EFM.  You read that right.  $11.5M, and STEALING $8.7M from projects already underway to pay for dredging.

    The Governerd's half billion dollar piggy bank?  Hands off.  Damn near $40M in our tax dollars sent to Disney with assets totaling $74.8 Billion?  No problem.  The Water Wonderland?  Take a hike.

    This is why politicians are despised.

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    Campus Lizards Promoting Fuel Tax Hikes

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 14, 2013 at 12:29:05 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Loves him some Prevailing Wage, Filling the Pockets Of Friends, Obamacare, Exchanges, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Medicaid, Randy Richardville, Spending Your Kids Inheritance, Entitlements, gas tax, registration fees, Sales Tax, Internet Sales, SB 59, Snyder veto, Centrists lost 2012, Primary, Republicans, 2014, Labor, Unions, Obama, Julianna Smoot & Lon Johnson, Government Expansion, Higher Taxes, Back Door Politics, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Our tax dollars at work...

    "Fair share" without repealing Prevailing Wage on the table, Mr. Zang?  If that isn't a load of Granholm-sized mental masturbating psychobabble, I don't know what is.  Nice try, Gov. Snydholm, but your taxpayer funded mob-rule bus tour for tax hikes would even make Obama blush with your blundering heavy-handed propaganda.

    Snyder can't get his Exchange, and expansion of Medicaid abyss sitting Sen. Kahn's lap when Snyder has his Sales Tax, and Fuel Tax Hike scheme sitting in Sen. Kahn's lap too, so Slick Snyder scrapped Repeal of Prevailing Wage.  The Governerd played right into the Democrats hands unwittingly, or not.  More importantly, the Governerd is filling the goonion coffers for the Michigan Democratic Party voting base.  Talk about being "divisive," Governerd?

    Folks on the Right in this state should never wonder how we ended up with a loser like Jim Blanchard, winning Office.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Littoral Living: Highest Property Taxes in the State

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 12, 2013 at 03:03:20 PM EST
    Tags: Waterways, Harbors, Harbor of Refuge, Commerce, Littoral Property, Watercraft, registration fees, gas tax, Sales Tax, Tourism, Dredging, HB 4197, SB 0146 (all tags)

    For the premium paid, why are funds for dredging even an issue?

    Detroit News

    The state Senate is considering taking $30 million from Michigan's rainy day fund for emergency dredging of harbors and waterways this year to relieve shallows that threaten the state's boating industry as a result of historic low levels in the Great Lakes.

    That proposal was unveiled Tuesday as part of a broader set of options for dealing long-term with the recurring need to dredge the state's 90 recreational harbors that cater to recreational boating. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers use federal funds to maintain appropriate depths in commercial harbors handing 100 million or more tons of cargo per year.

    Lawmakers portrayed it as a quicker and more robust alternative to Gov. Rick Snyder's call for $22 million in emergency funds that would be used to address the problem in the current budget and $8 million the following year. That was included in the governor's budget plan.


    The article goes on to state that MDOT's budget may be tapped.  Perhaps, that's not out of the question considering how many boats I see filling up at gas stations paying road tax.  Well, at least the ones not using Rec Gas, and Off-road Diesel like I do, anyway.  Better question is where in the Hell has all the registration fee monies gone?  Has anyone actually sat down and looked at the Watercraft Fee Schedule?  It's got-damn obscene.  Add insult to injury, the article glosses over reviving a local tax grab scheme too.

    "Everything is on the table," said state Sen. Geoff Hansen, R-Hart, who is taking the lead in the effort.

    No, Sen. Hansen.  $630M rainy day fund?  It's enough of the Bee esS.  No new taxes - period.  Dredge the damn waterways.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Snyder was SO UPSET at Bob King and Prop 2

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 08, 2013 at 09:11:07 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Loves him some Prevailing Wage, Filling the Pockets Of Friends, Obamacare, Exchanges, gas tax, Sales Tax, registration fees, Spending Your Kids Inheritance, Entitlements, Taxes, SB 59, Snyder veto, Centrists lost 2012, Primary, Republicans, 2014, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Somebody really needs to check the Nerd for Granholm's moles.

    Detroit News

    The Republican governor told reporters trying to repeal prevailing wages is a "very divisive" issue. He says he's instead focusing on getting support for his new state budget and ensuring changes affecting the state's largest health insurer get to his desk.

    House Republicans say state agencies, universities and school districts could save money if they didn't have to pay prevailing wages.


    So, instead of finding cost savings for the taxpayer, the Governerd says, "Hey! It's just so much easier to keep raiding the little peoples wallets. Besides, have you seen the Democrat, and unions that I'm in cahoots with?".  Anybody thinks for one moment that the Nerd wanted anything to do with Freedom To Work Law in this state .. they have a room temperature IQ.

    Speaker Bolger, this rests squarely on your shoulders now.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    You Don't Sweat Much For A Fat Girl

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 31, 2013 at 01:32:26 PM EST
    Tags: Sales Tax, Michigan Roads, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Randy Richardville, Rick Snyder, Internet Sales, Main Street Fairness, DICK Durbin Plan, Big government, Budget, Wholesale Tax Hikes, gas tax, registration fees, Taxes, Exchanges, Obamacare, Gun Control, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, CMU, Rape, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Michigan, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    That's prolly the nicest thing I have to say about Lansing Republicans.  They aren't even faking it anymore, they just want to raid folks bank accounts.  

    via The Detroit News

    Bills introduced Wednesday in the state Senate include a proposed constitutional amendment to raise the 6 percent sales tax to 8 percent and devote the extra revenue to transportation funding.

    The state's 19-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax would go away in return.

    If voters didn't like that approach, a mix of increased gas tax and vehicle registration fees would go into effect if there's support in the Republican-controlled Legislature.

    The bills call for registration fees to rise by about 80 percent. Gas and diesel taxes would be roughly doubled.

    A scant few days after the Obama amnesty loving Nerd finished his SOTS, there you have it.  Senate republicrats rushed to hammer out SJR J (Richardville - Kahn/Caswell) tie bar to SB 85 (Kahn - Pappageorge), and SB 88 (Kahn), or SB 86 (Kahn), and SB 87 (Kahn).  Look, Team R Governerd lackeys, you serve feces on a croissant, but it's still a sh*t sandwich.  Look elsewhere for revenue?  Oh, Hell no.  Tax 'em because it's a crisis.  If I were one of the Socialists on Team D, I would make you Lansing republicans pay through the nose for that tax hiking yes vote you need to pass either of that crap being served.  And, they will.

    Continued below

    (315 words in story) Full Story

    Both Plans Gave Me Gas

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 23, 2013 at 01:26:37 PM EST
    Tags: Speaker Bolger, Michigan Roads, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Rick Snyder, Big government, Budget, Wholesale Tax Hikes, gas tax, registration fees, Taxes, Exchanges, Obamacare, Gun Control, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, CMU, Rape, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Michigan (all tags)

    via freep.com

    Michigan voters could face a May 7 vote on how they want to pay for billions of dollars in road and bridge repairs in the next few years.

    A key lawmaker has put forward a plan under which voters would be asked to choose between a legislative plan to hike fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees, or a second option that would involve a 2-percentage-point increase in the state's 6% sales tax.

    The statewide vote would be premised on the gas tax increase and vehicle registration hike already getting approved in the Legislature. So choosing neither would not be an option.


    Yessirree, SSDD in Lansing.

    Funny how 2¢ was viewed not long ago.  Keep that stiff upper lip, Speaker Bolger.

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