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    Tag: RINOs

    About That ..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 23, 2014 at 09:27:08 AM EST
    Tags: Camels Nose, Civil rights, Elliot-Larsen, Gay Marriage, Government, Jase Bolger, Michigan, Homosexuality, Poison, Rick Snyder, RINOS (all tags)

    First of all, people can want to their hearts desire.

    There are certain truisms however.  Diamonds are sparkly, fish swim in the sea, electricity allows us to interact in this way, and "Marriage," is between a man and a woman.  

    Call it what you want, "pairing," "Coupling," "Partnering," etc.. but its not marriage unless its between a man and a woman. And to be clear, it is NOT a civil right.

    On the old blog, Kevin Heine posted a great article on a recent manufactured issue within the Michigan Republican Party.  At the end of it he posted a video that is well worth the watch.


    Read the rest at RightMI.com

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    Who Do You Think You're Fooling?

    By TiredIronTim, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 17, 2014 at 04:43:46 PM EST
    Tags: 2010 elections, Big Govt, GOP, RINOs, Conservatives (all tags)

    How Soon They Forget!

    (3 comments, 417 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Study Says: "D'oh!"

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 03, 2014 at 10:46:46 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Medicaid Expansion, Health Lobby, Emergency Rooms, Obamacare, Statistics, Hospitals, Oregon, NCPA, RomneyCare, Congressional Budget Office, RINOS, Progressives In The Party, Same Snake Two Heads (all tags)

    One of the major reasons used for justifying medicaid expansion in Michigan was that too many were using the hospital emergency rooms, rather than using a regular doctor.

    If fact, during the building expansion debate in 2013, Michigan's Governor Rick Snyder claimed as much:

    "Currently, Snyder says we are funding the Emergency room visits of those without coverage through our increased insurance fees. He believes it would save money to send them to doctors opposed to the Emergency room.

    Patriot Radio's "Trucker Randy" Bishop asked why he didn't opt out of Obamacare, like other states have done. The governor replied because that will leave people without healthcare and at the mercy of emergency rooms."

    Huh, I guess he was wrong.

    At least as is being reported in the Detroit News (and in a million other [surprised] outlets) he was:

    " A new study has found that people enrolled recently in Medicaid went to the emergency room 40 percent more frequently than others, often seeking help for conditions that could be treated less expensively in a doctor's office or an urgent care clinic."
    And there you go.

    And it wasn't as if there was no warning.  It wasn't as if there was no one talking about an increase in Medicaid use, coupled with a reduction of Doctors to handle such things.

    Continued below the fold

    (3 comments, 864 words in story) Full Story


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 08:32:53 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Senate, The End, RINOs, Hansen, Kahn, Kowall, Marleau, Richardville, Rocca, Walker, Casperson (all tags)

    Comments >>

    And the Nightmare Begins In

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 06, 2013 at 09:54:55 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Kowall and Friends, Marketplace Fairness Act, US Senate, Dumb Things People Do, Internet Powers Act, Cut Out Six Sigma, Ask Jack Welch About It, RINOS (all tags)

    However long it takes for the sleepy reps in the US house to take up this inane garbage.

    The premise that promoted the  Marketplace Fairness Act, which flew through the house tonight by a vote of 69-27, is that it is fair to those poor street based businesses, and already SOME groups are touting this as a win for the local shop-keeper or mom and pop store. And not only are pro brick and mortar lobbyists happy.  Michigan legislators are drooling at the potential windfall of nearly $450 million they feel is not being collected as sales tax receipts today.

    Wow!  More money without raising taxes! Sorta Kinda.

    What the geniuses in Lansing and our nations capitol do not understand however, is the incredible dynamic nature of a truly FREE market. The way things are at this time allows a flexibility that will be gone under a 'new management' consortium of nearly 40 states. (Our newest silent partners - with waiting baseball bats) This is not to say that people should not pay their taxes for online purchases, but Lansing lawmakers like Kowall and those who might actually saddle up with this not-so-well thought out plan to eek out that extra pocket change from Michigan taxpayers just puts 20 lb hammers in the hands of other states' legislatures, and marks any internet retailers who call Michigan home as spikes who are only going to be made part of the grade.

    And the train rolls on.

    Continued below.

    (3 comments, 761 words in story) Full Story

    You've Seen The $100 Project

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 12, 2013 at 12:17:51 PM EST
    Tags: Club For Growth, Primary, Republicans, RINOS, Progressives (all tags)

    But have you seen the organized effort out by Club For Growth?

    The question is asked, "Why Primary My Congressman?"

    "Moderate" Republicans often join with liberal Democrats to grow government and increase taxes.

    For years moderate Republicans have joined with Democrats to pass liberal policies that harm economic growth. They have passed spending bills that add trillions to our debt, without ever addressing the structural reforms that are needed to balance the budget and create an environment for economic growth and job creation.

    OK.  Good answer.

    Take just ONE of the identified Congressional critters on their site; Rep Rene Ellmers, who holds a 66% conservative record, yet she represents a district which voted 57% for Romney in 2012. Pretty much 2 years wasted so far there, Hmm?

    Where do our guys stand?

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Boogiemen and Line Jumpers

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 25, 2013 at 09:57:03 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, MiGOP, Republicans, Democrats, RINOS, Tea Party, Conservatives, Stupidity, Pain, Saul Anuzis (all tags)

    I suppose that true conservatives are considered  interlopers nowadays.

    Even within the Republican ranks, good conservatives who carry strong convictions, and won't be bullied to become moderate are labeled as 'extreme'. Labeled in ways that are more harsh than what they would call the reversed polarity party of the Democrats; a party THEY SAY that sites like this should be attacking, before challenging Republicans.

    At the convention as I was speaking with a 1st district delegate and past chair, I was reminded that we are expected to stay in line until fully vested in all manner of the process. Though she would not acknowledge the suggested verbiage of "waiting our turn", she said nothing that would support anything but a path of subservience to the powers-that-be first. "You cant't just jump in and be chair, Jason!" She exclaimed after losing patience with the successful whip efforts in our district. I wonder where she was in 2010?

    I didn't hear her say then; "You can't just jump in and be GOVERNOR!" to the guy who had WON with 64% of Republicans opposing him.

    I guess its just about the money.  Cause that makes it OK.

    Continued below

    (2 comments, 455 words in story) Full Story


    By pauldpeterson, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 13, 2012 at 09:13:01 AM EST
    Tags: capitalism, taxes, unions, crony, democrats, RINOs, socialism, communism (all tags)


    We all know now; it's indisuptable fact. The masks have come off. It's true. The Democrats and RINO's are Socialists. Even Jeffery Immelt (CEO for GE, the tax dodger) has been praising the communism of China. Lenin himself said the point to Socialism is Communism, which manifests itself as a god-like loyalty to party out of fear or desire for power in which the average citizen spies on his/her neighbor for beni-points since the state controls all means of production, and therefore, the acquisition of wealth, or in the case of fully mature communism, the acquisition of your next meal. But notice how they get a foothold on power: Criticize things, like capitalism, as being what they are not, and criticize their opponents for being who they are. This means there is not a "vast right wing conspiracy" as Hillary Clinton asserted just out of the blue; rather, there is, in fact, a Left Wing conspiracy that's been going on for 100 years the results of which we are seeing today. But I digress...

    With true unbridled capitalism, there is self-regulation...

    (1032 words in story) Full Story

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