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    Tag: RINOs (page 2)

    Snyder Pooh-poohs Tax Reduction for Michigan Consumers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2012 at 03:30:59 PM EST
    Tags: One-Term-Nerd, Rick Snyder, Republicans, Rinos, Michigan (all tags)

    HB 5696 passes 106-2.  via mLIVE

    "It's a huge tax credit for working families," said Rep. Andrea LaFontaine, a Republican from Columbus Township in St. Clair County who is sponsoring the bill. "It had large bipartisan support. I do think it was long overdue."

    Currently in Michigan, people who buy a new or used car pay sales tax on the full price without a credit if they trade in a vehicle. LaFontaine said what she is proposing is done in 44 other states.

    The Senate approved a similar bill in May on a 37-1 vote, and now it is up to GOP legislative leaders to decide whether to make it a priority - likely in the "lame duck" session after the November election.

    Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said he does not support the House bill "in its current form at this time" because it "creates a problematic hole in the budget without any plan to address it."


    Translating Wurfel: You people are cRaZy.  You all should know by now that Rick doesn't play like that.  Besides, letting the little folks keep more of their money cuts too deeply into the private property tax break he wants for his special interest corporate cronies.

    Vote YES on 5.

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    Feet Meet Fire

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 27, 2012 at 09:28:08 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, One-Term-Nerd, Rick Snyder, Republicans, Rinos, Mitt Romney, Obama, Hugo Chavez (all tags)

    One of the most disturbing things I have ever had to do in my life is pull the lever for Rick Snyder.

    Yeah, I know.  The bootlickers in Lansing are saying that "Gillman has turned RightMichigan.com into a hate Republican site, and right now we need all the help we can get! What is the matter with those guys, going on like that in the middle of the most important election of our time?!"


    I would agree that this is indeed the most election of our time.  Of our lives even, and quite possibly the most defining point we have had in the last century. This is ACTUALLY a LOVE the Republicans site. But its a little more like 'hard love', in the hope that the right decisions are made by those political adolescents that currently are in power .

    Anyhow, Rick Snyder is not running for anything right now.

    Yet he still needs to be held accountable for his actions. And even inaction. Given that Michigan started out the process of this election cycle as a slightly leaning Democrat (Obama) state, and now is considered (once again) a lost cause by the ongoing Republican presidential campaign, we should be a little concerned for the down tickets.  THIS will not help:

    "For the first time, the Governor, on the record, has confirmed he will not call out the president by name.

    MIRS asked, "You will say nothing negative about Barack Obama?"

    "No. I don't say negative things about people whenever I can help it," Snyder said.

    Excuse me, say what?

    Hedging bets? Trying to get him to capitulate on the bridge-trade pact? Is there a new Ardesta sales agreement with the feds for embryo oil?  Whats going on?

    Snyder, and those who support him are a disgrace to the Michigan Republican party.

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    (2 comments, 639 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Moderates Cannot Be Trusted

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 27, 2012 at 10:58:51 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Florida, Charlie Crist, Rick Snyder, Moderates, RINOs (all tags)

    Bottom line, don't expect a squishy Republican to have your back.

    Michigan House and Senate Republicans have found this out.  Between vetoing some of the new voter rules, ignoring legislative will with the bridge, and making it clear he would not be signing on to RTW once it appeared to have broader support, Snyder has been as squishy as a Halloween pumpkin left on the porch till April. Add to this an almost eager demeanor (promoting it early 2011) on the (Obamacare) healthcare exchange and its about as rotten too.

    He makes the arguments for team Obama.  He's made the argument for Team Granholm.

    So what happens when Rick gets primaried in 2014?

    It may not be like the RINO loser Charlie Christ who lost in 2010 to Marco Rubio, and has since shown his true colors:

    Former Republican Florida governor Charlie Crist, writing in Sunday's Tampa Bay Times, endorsed President Obama, calling him "the right leader for our state and the nation."

    Cough .. Cough .. GAG... OMG Charlie, this is NOT Venezuela!

    And now he will be a speaker at the Democratic Convention next week in Charlotte. Continuing:

    Crist lost a bid for the Senate two years ago to tea party favorite Marco Rubio in a bitter battle that divided the state's Republican Party. The moderate Republican ran as an independent in the general election after polls showed him losing the GOP primary to Rubio.  

    In his endorsement, Crist continued to criticize what he says is a Republican Party "pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they've proven incapable of governing for the people."

    See what happens when you steal candy from a baby?

    NO, I don't expect Snyder to go all out and pick up his toys and go home like Crist.  But the pandering to the left, and trying to appease them on THEIR issues is unproductive and teaches no lessons.  Shaking the non conservative elements out of our party can only help when insisting OUR message is correct.  We cannot endure the acceptance of platforms crafted by the other team.

    A primary MUST happen in 2014.  

    Recall that Snyder got 36% of the vote in the 2010 primary, during a year when the Dem crossover into Republican territory was at its peak.  Its time to stop the Crist-crossing of political moderation.  

    If we cannot stand for our message, and cannot stand by it, we cannot teach it.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    The Devil You Know

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 08, 2012 at 08:02:20 AM EST
    Tags: RINOS, Michigan, Republican, Gillman, Not-So-Subtle Loss (all tags)

    My run against incumbent Wayne Schmidt for the 104th district did not fare so well.

    I ran for a number of reasons:

    • He supports agenda 21 type initiatives
    • He is a consummate crony capitalist
    • He is NOT a solid RTL candidate, though he is actually endorsed
    • He and his wife were financial supporters of the local Dem party not-so-long ago.
    • He will NOT fight the health care mandate, nor support any tenth amendment action.
    • He FAILED our local party and community by NOT supporting right to work legislation
    So yeah, I thought it was the right time.

    I thought I would do very well.  In fact, right to the very end, it seemed likely we would see a solid victory.  At the door I saw nothing but support.  The message was right.  The radio ads were highly effective though sparse. There were about 30 people who were helping in some way.  There was a great number who said "I already voted for you." Others were getting the same feedback.  There was no doubt in my mind of a victory.

    It looked promising, and frankly was not at all predictive of a 65-35% indignant loss.


    The obvious handicap of running against incumbency aside, I have some suspicions of the mistakes made along the way that would lead to such an end.  There is a lot of analysis to be done.  I will try to objectively assess the failures and mistakes so that it never happens again.  

    But looking at CD-11, I have greater concern about the ability of Michigan to shake off its milquetoast RINO brand. And in two years, we may have the bull of the herd trying to stick around.

    God save us.

    (8 comments) Comments >>

    How Would Our Senate Candidates Have Voted?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 15, 2012 at 05:40:35 PM EST
    Tags: Sen Rand Paul, Rep Justin Amash, HR 4268, No Michigan Representative as Cosponsors, Crony Capitalism, Export-Import Bank, Corporate Welfare, RINOs, Comrade Stabenow, Comrade Levin, Michigan, TEA Party Movement, Right, Conservatives must vote, Gary Glenn, US Senate, Konetchy, Hoekstra, Durant, Hekman (all tags)

    S.Amdt. 2101 to H.R. 2072 (Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2012)

    Today's vote: ONLY NINE Senate Republicans worthy of being in DC... Coburn (R-OK), DeMint (R-SC), Hatch (R-UT), Lee (R-UT), Moran (R-KS), Paul (R-KY), Risch (R-ID), Rubio (R-FL), Vitter (R-LA)

    The Senate minority Lugar/Graham/Brown/Mitch McRINO's voted in lockstep with comrades Stabenow, Levin, and Harry Reid.

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    Michigan's RINO Problem

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 15, 2012 at 10:27:30 AM EST
    Tags: Sen Rand Paul, Rep Justin Amash, HR 4268, No Michigan Representative as Cosponsors, Crony Capitalism, Export-Import Bank, Corporate Welfare, RINOs (all tags)

    Remember this?

    The fallout on this from Weeper Boehners' House?  61% of the voting Republicans voted with the socialist Democrats.  Bachmann did not vote.  How did our reps do?  

    Those who appropriately voted 'NO': Amash, Huizenga, Upton, Walberg.  Thank you.

    Now, the Big Government Corporate Welfare vote: Benishek, Camp, McCotter, Miller, Rogers.

    Yes... Benishek, Camp, McCotter, Miller, and Rogers outed themselves again voting along with the unanimous Michigan Democrat vote.

    Remember that.

    (3 comments) Comments >>


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 08, 2012 at 11:14:56 PM EST
    Tags: Gary Glenn, Pete Hoekstra, Clark Durant, Dick Lugar, Richard Mourdock, Michigan, Indiana, Republicans, RINOS, US Senate, Responsibility, Primary, Signatures, Tea Party (all tags)

    Bottom line is we need to understand when we've taken the wheel, and are actually driving this thing.

    I don't doubt the ability of the tea movement to shoulder once again, a myriad collection of RINOs, power hungry moderates, and mislabeled Republicans this election.  I expect them to once again carry across the finish line, the standard bearers of establishment elitism and compromise. But there is something else that we will see.

    They will have replaced a few of those along the way.

    And it starts with the victory of Richard Mourdock over Richard Lugar in the Indiana Republican US Senate primary.  Tea party grass roots ultimately helped by favorites such as Palin, and Club for growth, to overcome the entrenched RNC financed defense of "Obama's favorite Republican" made the Bob Bennett loss of a couple years ago more real.  It took it from fluke status to a legitimate answer for politicians who pander too far over to the left for their own good.

    Fair play,and a good game.  Play to win, and when we don't, we plod forward to the next election.

    But what really makes this especially interesting, is that the same folks who shepherded in Mourdock, are now backing Gary Glenn.  The search to replace Stabenow has brought out a number of candidates, all of whom would be satisfactory when making the stark comparison to the puppet of the leftists, but not all will make it into the final cut.

    More below ~

    (23 comments, 699 words in story) Full Story

    GOP Agenda 21 Mayor Endorses $100M Tax Hike On Kent County

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Apr 07, 2012 at 10:44:12 AM EST
    Tags: Loss of Sovereignty, Democrats, Agenda 21, Congressional District 1, Derek Bailey, Tribal Values, McDowell, Wildlands Project, EPA, Theft By Prohibition, Republicans, RINOS, George Heartwell, Bill Milliken, League of Conservative Voters, Proprerty Rights, Michigan, Dan Benishek, Dan has my vote (all tags)

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant?  Then let the sun shine, baby...

    GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Calling Grand Rapids Community College "a cornerstone of our community for the past 96 years," Mayor George Heartwell is urging colleagues to pass a resolution of support for a millage that would ensure the school "can continue to serve their growing student population into the next century."

    Rest here

    So, what is the pay and benefit packages for GRCC employees compared to the private sector?  Ya, it's the buildings being neglected in this 'shared sacrifice' equation alright.

    Why 'ol Mayor Heartwell and Chief Walking Eagle would make perfect wealth redistributing bookends, yes?

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