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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Snyder Pooh-poohs Tax Reduction for Michigan Consumers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2012 at 03:30:59 PM EST
    Tags: One-Term-Nerd, Rick Snyder, Republicans, Rinos, Michigan (all tags)

    HB 5696 passes 106-2.  via mLIVE

    "It's a huge tax credit for working families," said Rep. Andrea LaFontaine, a Republican from Columbus Township in St. Clair County who is sponsoring the bill. "It had large bipartisan support. I do think it was long overdue."

    Currently in Michigan, people who buy a new or used car pay sales tax on the full price without a credit if they trade in a vehicle. LaFontaine said what she is proposing is done in 44 other states.

    The Senate approved a similar bill in May on a 37-1 vote, and now it is up to GOP legislative leaders to decide whether to make it a priority - likely in the "lame duck" session after the November election.

    Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said he does not support the House bill "in its current form at this time" because it "creates a problematic hole in the budget without any plan to address it."


    Translating Wurfel: You people are cRaZy.  You all should know by now that Rick doesn't play like that.  Besides, letting the little folks keep more of their money cuts too deeply into the private property tax break he wants for his special interest corporate cronies.

    Vote YES on 5.

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    Talk about disconnect! (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Sep 28, 2012 at 04:24:05 PM EST
    "...a problematic hole in the budget without any plan to address it."

    Look lady, the overwhelming majority of the Michigan GOP elites are too stupid to recognize the fact that the actions of the guv are a boat anchor...a very large boat anchor in fact, on their own party.

    His income tax hike and pension tax hikes aren't winning him any converts. This question would never have been asked if there really wasn't any concern.

    His gas tax hike hike we're not supposed to be aware of yet. Especially during a lame duck? Terrible idea. No wonder he is so against Prop 5. I am certain that an audit never crossed his mind either.

    Given the sheer numbers in the House and Senate, an override of his veto should be at the ready just to remind him of where his priorities need to be.

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