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    Tag: sarah palin (page 2)

    A NOT Endorsement.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 31, 2012 at 08:53:22 AM EST
    Tags: Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann (all tags)

    Frankly, the best conservative candidates for president are either gone, or not running.

    Sarah Palin, the smarter than you think VP candidate of 2008 sparked the imagination of tea folk throughout the country, and had already been exposed to the chicken pox of media skewering. She would have been immune to their poisoned quills this time around.  However, the generosity of the milquetoast Republican establishment would not be forthcoming.  Where the media left off, the supposed spokespeople of the Right picked up, and inserted doubt of viability. Her decision to remain a viable voice meant NOT running.


    Herman Cain, one of those folks who actually understands how to identify problems and assign the proper talent to them, was probably the best hope in advancing the conservative message.  He was the first out of the gate with a plan for tax reform, and whether one agrees with HIS proposal, its hard to argue what we have currently is remotely correct.  Decidedly innovative, its too bad he is not running still. There is no doubt he was the greatest threat to the current admin for a number of reasons.


    Michele Bachmann has been fighting the tea party fight in DC consistently, yet never got the full support she needed.  When Herman Cain dropped out, much of that support went to Newt.  If she had hung in at least to Florida, I believe she would have had a resurgence.  Next to Herman, she was the best representative of tea values in the recent slate.

    And out of those left?

    Paul -
    Out of the park wrong on foreign affairs.
    Newt - Questionable values, probable opportunist.
    Romney - Romneycare. (need we say more?)

    Did I forget someone?

    (19 comments) Comments >>

    Sarah & Herman

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 27, 2011 at 08:38:42 PM EST
    Tags: Conservatives, 2012, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Primaries, President, Republicans, Excitement, Inspiration, Candidates (all tags)

    Here it is folks.  The end of the country as we know it.

    The lefties are in charge, their EPA is destroying business, the justice department is destroying our borders, the president is destroying our world standing as a super power, the treasury and fed destroying our currency, the previous congress has set the timer for self destruct on healthcare, and the current and presumably 'better' congress cannot even show the skills needed to stop the fiscal bleeding. Michigan's own congressmen have been stitching their fingers together ala super committees, and even the good doctor Dan has wrapped the gauze a little too tightly choking off the air that provides for common sense.

    How important is 2012 to you?

    Think death-star-about-to-blow-up-the-planet kind of important.

    "It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters. "

    That word "impossible," of course, is for the pessimistic. I am being quite 'up' in my assessment as stated above.  My overall optimism was put in place a little this morning however.

    An article by John Hawkins on 7 Reasons Why Mitt Romney's Electability Is A Myth was a reminder that there are people who are more motivated by charisma, charm, and I might dare say 'gravitas', than by substantive policy concern. Hawkins starts off:

    "1) People just don't like Mitt Romney: The entire GOP primary process so far has consisted of Republican voters desperately trying to find an alternative to Mitt Romney. Doesn't it say something that GOP primary voters have, at one time or another, preferred Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and now even Ron Paul (In Iowa) to Mitt Romney?

    To some people, this is a plus. They think that if conservatives don't like Mitt Romney, that means moderates will like him. This misunderstands how the process of attracting independent voters works in a presidential race. While it's true the swayable moderates don't want to support a candidate they view as an extremist, they also don't just automatically gravitate towards the most "moderate" candidate. To the contrary, independent voters tend to be moved by the excitement of the candidate's base (See John McCain vs. Barack Obama for an example of how this works). This is how a very conservative candidate like Ronald Reagan could win landslide victories. He avoided being labeled an extremist as Goldwater was, yet his supporters were incredibly enthusiastic and moderates responded to it.

    Let's be perfectly honest; Mitt Romney excites no one except for Mormons, political consultants, and Jennifer Rubin. To everybody else, Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama is a "lesser of two evils" election where we'll grudgingly back Mitt because we won't lose as badly with him in the White House as we would with Obama. That's not the sort of thing that gets anyone fired up to make phone calls, canvass neighborhoods, or even put up "I heart Mitt" signs in their yards. "

    And concern over policy doesn't necessarily mean Romney is right either.  The point well made in this particular segment goes beyond even Mitt's ability to excite and make enthusiastic, those masses that are needed to beat the king of corruption now residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    More below ~

    (6 comments, 1462 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Tuesdays Divertere: Wild Bill Introduces Atlas

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 15, 2011 at 01:10:21 PM EST
    Tags: Pam Geller, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, TEA Party Movement, SIOA, The Soviets and Islam, MSM, Obamas' Arab Spring, Eric Holder DoJ, Rick Perry & Aga Kahn, Education Jihad, Chris Christie & Sohail Mohammed, Litigation Jihad, Grover Norquist & Sami Al-Arian & Abdurahman Alamoudi, HAMAS & CAIR, Iran, Sharia, Dearborn, ACCESS, Robert Ficano, Azzam Elder, Jizya, Jeffrey Collins (all tags)

    Pamela Geller at the Florida Tea Party Convention in Daytona.

    Folks, that's what a hero looks like.

    via iOwnTheWorld.com

    Comments >>

    2011 Western Conservative Presidential Straw Poll

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Aug 04, 2011 at 03:03:25 PM EST
    Tags: 2011 Western Conservative Summit Straw Poll, Michele Bachman, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Guiliani, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Thaddeus McCotter, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Paul Ryan, Herman Cain (all tags)

    By Golly this comes as no surprise. Promoted I like pizza.

    (2 comments, 128 words in story) Full Story

    And By The Way, Lansing Rally Tomorrow.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 13, 2011 at 02:58:12 PM EST
    Tags: Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Obama, Posers, Birthers, Lansing, Michigan, Rally (all tags)

    I don't think I am the only one to greet Mitt Romney's announcement that he will be seeking the presidency with a total yawn. Neither exciting nor a practical change agent, Romney represents ALL that is wrong with moderate Republicanism.

    Perhaps I could sum it up in one word: "Romneycare"

    Add to this, he has already misjudged 60% of the primary electorate by coming out of the gate saying he believes Obama is a legit president, or at least that he is a citizen.

    "I think the citizenship test has been passed. I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office ..."

    First off, count me as somewhat of a birther.  Or at least as one who believes like that crazy-like-a-fox Trump, that Obama has some issues tied with the birth record he has spent gawd-awful amounts of money hiding. Not a good enough reason on its face? I mean seriously Mitt, 60% of people who voted with the Republicans think he wasn't born here.  And as to the citizenship test, which one was that? Are you simply trying to not be skewered by the media that you expect to put you in as a McCain type who was easily controlled for 2012?

    Controllable and easily manipulated.  What a weasel.  If he wins the primary, we will have another term of the worst president ever, because people will again sit on their hands.  He would probably sell us out like Bush did when the bank situation arose anyhow.  No principle whatsoever.  No personal constitution.

    This time we need to take a real look at the 'posers' like Romney, Gingrich, and even Huckabee who wouldn't do what needs to be done.  Talk a great talk, but look at their records.  At least Huckabee would be likely to look at a Fair Tax.  I could vote for him.  Even with him saying Obama grew up in Kenya, when we all know his childhood was spent in Indonesia.

    Problem with that?  See the "57 states" comment by the guy who is our current white house occupant.  Actually, Kindergarten is where we learn how many states there are.  Some of us actually might have learned about how Puerto Rico and Guam fit into the scheme too.  But the dweller of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue never picked that up apparently.

    And that occupant has a lot of questions that have yet to be answered. ~ more below ~

    (6 comments, 1089 words in story) Full Story

    Palin's Response

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Jan 12, 2011 at 04:18:10 PM EST
    Tags: Sarah Palin, Free Speech, Arizona, America (all tags)

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    Heated Rhetoric?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jan 09, 2011 at 11:15:14 AM EST
    Tags: blame, Congresswoman, Conservatives, Daily Kos, democrats, free Speech, Giffords, liberals, Murder, politics, propaganda, Racism, Sarah Palin (all tags)

    ~ A reminder to keep on talking. We shall not be silenced.  - repost from MTTM ~

    A very bad thing happened yesterday.  A deranged man attacked a public figure, for a reason that only he might know.  In the process, he also attacked and killed others who may, or may not have been intended targets.  Apparently the initial target was a Democrat, and he used a gun.

    As was expected, there is posturing in the editorial theater about where the responsibility lays for yesterdays horrific act.  As was also expected, the initial barrage was aimed at conservative groups or individuals for 'fanning the flames' with talk radio, tea parties etc.  And there is no surprise that Sarah Palin, whom the left fears with the darkest and seemingly largest parts of their souls, would become a target yet again.

    While there are countless blogs, and news articles that link Palin's electoral target map to this one man's insanity,  I will present the work of merely ONE writer, as it encompasses the complete propaganda package in it's entirety.

    More below.

    (25 comments, 1299 words in story) Full Story

    Upton Should Call On Sarah Palin

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 30, 2010 at 11:55:05 PM EST
    Tags: Abortion, economy, environmentalism, EPA, Fred Upton, Global Warming, government regulation, green energy, Jennifer Granholm, John Boehner, Michigan, Politics, Repeal, Republicans, Sarah Palin, sierra club (all tags)


    Fred Upton got the post he wanted in the House, as Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  Boehner gave him the job over massive objections from conservatives.  Perhaps if Upton cries, he will convince some of them that he's going to be a real stalwart.

    JGillman of RightMichigan voices the concern that so many are thinking.  Now that Upton got the post over all the objections, will he do what needs doing?

    Judging from some of  his responses to criticism, I'd say that's a definite no.

    He said he was going to Washington to repeal that healthcare law, then he agreed to support the insertion of Pitt's Protect Life Act, and Smith's No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act into the law.  That's called nibbling around the edges.  The way the genius Republican leadership has been going, if the acts do end up being inserted, they will become known as the Stupak amendment for criminy's sake.   Why in the world would you say you were going to repeal it, but first change it a little to make it better, then repeal it?  Does that make sense?

    (3 comments, 470 words in story) Full Story

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