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    Tag: sarah palin (page 3)

    Granholm, Here's A Quarter..

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 29, 2010 at 10:16:40 AM EST
    Tags: economy, Jennifer Granholm, L. Brooks Patterson, Michigan, MIRS news, Sarah Palin (all tags)

    If Jennifer Granholm had left her governorship after two years like Sarah Palin did,
    Michiganders would have been better off.

    Granholm made a comment to MIRS news that she believes Sarah Palin is unqualified to be
    President because she left her governorship when "the going got tough."

    - More below -

    (2 comments, 396 words in story) Full Story

    Conservative Unity In Michigan's First District

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 01, 2010 at 08:51:22 AM EST
    Tags: Benishek, conservatism, elections 2010, Herman Cain, Jason Allen, Mark Levin, Michigan's First District, Neil Cavuto, Phyllis Schlafly, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Tea Party, Tom Stillings (all tags)

    Dr. Daniel Benishek is running a positive campaign for U.S. Congress in Michigan's First District.  He gained national attention within hours of Bart Stupak's press conference on March 21st, 2010, when he announced he would vote for the health care bill. It was widely accepted that Stupak had betrayed his conservative district with his decision to vote for the Health Care Bill.  Radio talk-show host Mark Levin had Dan on his radio program the next day, supporting him over Stupak. A flurry of television and radio appearances followed, including Sean Hannity, and Neil Cavuto. With help from the grass roots and the Tea Party Express, Stupak made a decision not to run for re-election.  In a 6-way race for the primary, Benishek won the district with just 15 votes ahead of long-time State Senator for part of the district, Jason Allen.  Allen made a decision not to ask for a recount, and Benishek would move on to face a Democrat challenger, Gary McDowell and three other candidates.  Below is a list of important names and endorsements of Daniel Benishek M.D.

    (8 comments, 184 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Sarah Palin Endorses Dan Benishek in Michigan's First District

    By jenkuz, Section News
    Posted on Mon Oct 11, 2010 at 07:00:46 PM EST
    Tags: Sarah Palin, Benishek, MI01, Stupak (all tags)

    From Sarah Palin's facebook today:

    There's a lot of talk about the race in Michigan's 1st Congressional District. Dr. Dan Benishek is the kind of commonsense voice we need in Washington to replace the retiring Bart Stupak. As a physician, he understands why Obamacare must be repealed and replaced with true health care reform. Dan is determined to work to get our country's fiscal house in order. As a self-described "hunter and fisherman and proud member of the NRA," he's great for Michigan 1st District, which like Alaska, is home to outdoor enthusiasts who love their hunting and fishing. Please visit Dan's website at www.benishekforcongress.com and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

    (117 words in story) Full Story

    Palin coming to Michigan

    By dennislennox, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 13, 2010 at 09:02:59 AM EST
    Tags: sarah palin (all tags)

    Americans for Prosperity will be bringing former Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican Party vice presidential nominee in 2008, to Michigan in a few weeks.

    Governor Palin will be in northwestern Oakland County on May 1 for the Americans for Prosperity-sponsored Defending the American Dream Summit.

    This will be a great opportunity to hear -- and meet -- Governor Palin and other leading free-market, center-right activists and leaders from across Michigan.

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