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    Tag: Dele-Gate

    A Short Political Biography

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 30, 2013 at 01:45:55 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Biography, Dennis Lennox, Republicans, Dele-Gate, Romney, Signs, CMU, Attention, Politics, I Reserve The Right To Correct Factual Errors, There Aren't Any, Homosexuals, Saul Anuzis, News, GOP, Conventions, Drains (all tags)

    For Dennis Lennox. And maybe some things you could really care less about.

    As Lennox goes on a personal campaign to destroy Decorated Veteran Dave Agema, the credibility he carries with some folks needs to be put back in check. A little background on this guy is in order.

    First off, Lennox is no dummy. He is a little queer, (Odd, but I reserve that the matching definition could be that of the reader's own thoughts) but he knows the political game better than most children his age. In fact, a little better than many who have been in the Republican party for some time, as he plays THEM so well. He is a CMU grad or some such thing, and was vice president at one time of the Young Americans for freedom, a group that was once sanctioned (and relieved by the administration)for anti-homosexual chalkings prior to a veterans support event. It was rumored the chalkings were an attempt to drum up 'news' by SOMEONE in that YAF chapter. It made national news, and attention was given. A lot of attention.

    Almost as much as the fabled attacks by university officials while doing the Gary Peters video taping thing, at one point earning him a label of "mentally unstable and a potential "campus shooter" because of his aggressive, in your face tactics". Which was false, and drew the ACLU to his side, yet was likely a label he sought. It also made national media.

    Lennox went to the 2008 RNC event in MN as an alternate delegate. I was there as well. On the way in during one session he happened to be walking up the same route on the outside of the security fences. Along that route, was every national leftist blogger in the US. He made it a point to stop and announce himself to quite a few of of them. to make sure THEY know who he was and gave them 'official' interviews as a Republican going in.

    At that time of course, he had other things going on as well that would add to his 'national persona'.

    Continued below the fold

    (24 comments, 2094 words in story) Full Story

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 25, 2013 at 10:39:30 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Anuzis, Dele-Gate, Dennis Lennox, Dis-connect From Reality, Remember The Grass Roots (all tags)


    Lennox writes:

    Though Anuzis is arguably the state's top GOP strategist, he isn't a career politician nor is he a wealthy businessman who can self-fund a campaign and buy off opposition.


    If he does run, Anuzis would be in a strong position to be the first Michigan Republican to win a Senate seat in 20 years.

    Cough .. Dele-Gate .. Cough

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha heh .. no really .. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Gag  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Cough Dele-Gate ..  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    sniff..  whew.

    Now back to serious news.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    It Was About Sending A Message

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 27, 2013 at 10:16:18 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Republican Party 2013 State Convention, blueblood elites, liberty movement coalition, backroom shenanigans, serving notice, sending a message, unity based on a principled platform, Schostak Must Go, Donation-Gate, Dele-Gate, Mortgage-Gate, Convention-Gate, 62% failure on Election Day, inattention to results, disingenuous hypocrisy, memory holes, Courser 4 Chair, causa provocare, praesto explicare, empowered grassroots operation, State Convention Rule 20, acta non verba, shenanigans and skullduggery, YAFWYALF (all tags)

    "It's not about money ... it's about sending a message."

    That quote is from "The Dark Knight," specifically, the Joker (played with disturbing perfection by Heath Ledger).  Without going into a level of detail that will break the analogy, the point behind that line is that there are some people whose principles are not for sale, regardless of whether for good or ill.  Those who subscribe to the all-too-common philosophy that everyone can be bought, the only question being one of price, don't have the clue before the first clue how to deal with people of principle.

    That philosophical disconnect was on full and open display this past weekend at the Michigan Republican State Convention, and the elites in the establishment plainly didn't know what to do about it.

    (1 comment, 2363 words in story) Full Story

    Mondays Divertere: A Special Kind of Stupid

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Mon Feb 04, 2013 at 08:50:39 AM EST
    Tags: GOPe, Bobby Schostak, Bill Runco, Sharon Wise, DELE-GATE, Corruption, MIGOP Credentials Committee, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio Amnesty, Centrists lost 2012, Michigan, Base, Conservatism, Tea Party, Grassroots, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, SB 59, Snyder veto, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Bill's video couldn't be more timely as Karl Rove, declares War on the Tea Party.

    Comments >>

    Easter Egghead Pale Pastels

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2012 at 05:43:04 PM EST
    Tags: Young Minds of Mush, Prospects, Huntsman, Michigan, Dele-Gate, Conservatism, Bill Buckley, Ronald Reagan, Goldwater (all tags)

    The campus indoctrinated from CMU opines further.

    Take Jon Huntsman: the governor of Utah for more than four and a half years. Huntsman also served stints as the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore and China in the early 1990s and late 2000s, respectively. Besides being fluent in Mandarin, his governorship saw the highest contemporaneous job growth rate in the country. The man was electable.

    And if that isn't enough, Newsweek reported in 2011 that Huntsman was ready after the 2008 election to tweak party platforms to reach a younger base. The key changes: a more centrist Republican approach on "immigration, gay rights and the environment."

    Never won a state in the primary.  Drops out with placing 3rd in New Hampshire.  Not even a noteworthy stalking horse candidate.

    H/t BigFurHat

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    Nice Try

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 12, 2012 at 09:30:37 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Dele-Gate, D.Inks, Conservatism, Young Minds of Mush, Bill Buckley, Ronald Reagan, Goldwater (all tags)

    For about the 100th time.

    Self described moderates complain after every 'surprising' loss that the conservatives are chasing them out of the party.  Often that nonsequitor is used to explain the loss, and make themselves feel better for having no core foundation.

    The side bar (hash tag #RightMi) had a real winner link to a story by a recent teenager with all the answers to our current political problems. His premise is essentially, that anything Bill Buckley Jr. has said, is correct, and applicable to our current election results.  Specifically noting the "Buckley Rule" of selecting a winnable candidate, thus advancing conservatism in that manner.  Inks writes:

    "Looking at the past two elections, it seems that the GOP has forgotten the last three words of the Buckley Rule, and it is now costing us elections.

    On the national level, the party primary voters have forced candidates further to the far right on issues that make our candidates undesirable to moderate American voters. During the time he was governor, Mitt Romney had viable, working solutions to health care and environmental problems. "


    So Much Bloviating.

    Inks has adopted the 'loser' posture, where there is nothing to stand for but (what is apparently) the winners position. (even if wrong.) He has twisted a mildly misinterpreted Buckley stance and given new meaning to the word accommodation and capitulation.  Mr Inks should remember in the last century the national socialists were elected as well.  Yes, the winners can be wrong, and standing for something opposite what those 'winners' stand for is unacceptable to this young man.  Buckley's "rule" once again is abused for a squishy position of a milquetoast political wannabe.

    Buckley by the way was one of three, including conservative hero Russell Kirk to convince Barry Goldwater to run for president anyhow. What Buckley hadn't seen coming, was the shift in the way media, and the progressive/socialist training farms known as public schools and universities would through relative shifts, change what is a winning candidate.  The acceptable forum in fact, for Mr. Ink's article we should note, carries a small irony.  

    Continued below.

    (48 comments, 606 words in story) Full Story

    After This Election

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Aug 31, 2012 at 11:25:48 AM EST
    Tags: MIchigan, Dele-Gate, RNC, Prompter-Gate, Rules Changes, Backroom, Smoke Filled Rooms, Dirty Dealing, Republican, Elite, Power (all tags)

    The Republican party may be toast no matter the outcome of November's election.

    The antics by rules committee folks to hold power in the hands of a certain few are designed to keep a succession scheme working.  In Michigan, it was the DELEGATE scandal.  In Tampa it was what we see in the following video.

    There is an imperative to remove Obama.  Voting for Mittens and Ryan will be the only way this happens for now.  Mitt might well be a great president, and Ryan hold even greater promise to many.  However, the power struggle within the party makes a great case for those who would think about crossing over and casting their not-Obama vote.  It was stated clearly in a single tweet:

    "If this is how Republicans treat their own, what might we expect for independents and Democrats"


    That video taped teleprompter was a Breitbart moment.  It was the truth for all to see. And it shows an utter disregard for the grassroots and their efforts to bring this country back into some semblance of what it once was. The thought that Republican leadership would do the right thing now a faded idealistic notion.  

    Conservatives apparently no longer have a welcoming home.  And that fact might well spell the end of the GOP after 2012.

    (26 comments) Comments >>

    No DRIC/NITC Transparency for 'We The People'?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 12, 2012 at 02:19:52 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Transparency, DELE-GATE, MI-GOP, Dashboards, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Light Rail boondoggles, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, TEA movement (all tags)

    It's yet another pretty sad day for the "DELE-GATE" tattered MI-GOP when even a slippery goonion labor propped up turd like Richardville is cut out of the loop by the Governerd.

    via The Detroit News

    Despite a big grin on his face, Gov. Rick Snyder sidestepped questions Tuesday morning about a possible announcement this week on an agreement to build a new bridge to Canada.

    Snyder fielded questions about the New International Trade Crossing after speaking at a transportation summit at the Motor City Casino in Detroit.

    "There's supposed to be announcement on Friday? I hadn't heard that," teased Snyder. "All I will say is that I'm fully committed to building the NITC because of its importance to the economy of Michigan and Canada."

    Rest here

    Bull. Sh!t!  It's more than obvious that this shady Canadian schemed Public Private Partnership, Chicom and NAFTA entwined goonion labor payola boondoggle Bridge deal being foisted upon U.S. taxpayers by the Governerd, Prince William Clay II, and LaHood just has to reek to high heaven.  Frankly, I'm not so sure anymore that if we all ended up with a Gov Bernero instead of the Ann Arbor Nerd, that 'ol Virg would've been as brazen and as slimy in this unnecessary bridge as Ricky Ardesta is.  As much as I hate to say it, even a lame-duck Jenny the now Wartless wasn't this devious and clandestine when pursuing it as the DRIC.

    TEA movement folk, y'all might want to be seriously scouting for a Governerd primary challenger now.

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