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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?Tweets about "#RightMi, -YoungLibertyMI, -dennislennox,"
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Nice TryBy JGillman, Section News
For about the 100th time.
Self described moderates complain after every 'surprising' loss that the conservatives are chasing them out of the party. Often that nonsequitor is used to explain the loss, and make themselves feel better for having no core foundation. The side bar (hash tag #RightMi) had a real winner link to a story by a recent teenager with all the answers to our current political problems. His premise is essentially, that anything Bill Buckley Jr. has said, is correct, and applicable to our current election results. Specifically noting the "Buckley Rule" of selecting a winnable candidate, thus advancing conservatism in that manner. Inks writes: "Looking at the past two elections, it seems that the GOP has forgotten the last three words of the Buckley Rule, and it is now costing us elections.SMB So Much Bloviating. Inks has adopted the 'loser' posture, where there is nothing to stand for but (what is apparently) the winners position. (even if wrong.) He has twisted a mildly misinterpreted Buckley stance and given new meaning to the word accommodation and capitulation. Mr Inks should remember in the last century the national socialists were elected as well. Yes, the winners can be wrong, and standing for something opposite what those 'winners' stand for is unacceptable to this young man. Buckley's "rule" once again is abused for a squishy position of a milquetoast political wannabe. Buckley by the way was one of three, including conservative hero Russell Kirk to convince Barry Goldwater to run for president anyhow. What Buckley hadn't seen coming, was the shift in the way media, and the progressive/socialist training farms known as public schools and universities would through relative shifts, change what is a winning candidate. The acceptable forum in fact, for Mr. Ink's article we should note, carries a small irony. Continued below.
The most conservative candidate who could win was not selected. The middle of the road, shifting chameleon like qualities that are embraced by the moderates who in fact control the mechanics of the selection process, were. The true conservatives who live, breath and advocate principled conservatism were weeded out by the likes of Inks and his ideological dinosaur brethren holding the reins to the republican party. (For now)
We all remember THAT. And for that particular saga, 11 million Conservative voters sat on their hands. Either THAT, or there was fraud. Take your pick. But to continually defend a non position of shifting apologies to the progressive left? To Win? Conservative do have a challenge. They must overcome the will-to-power of the middle of the picket fence impaled moderates in order to reach those on the other side and reveal the advantages to conservatism. The apologists in their pretend-to-conservatism, offer a false image, thus confusing those who might be willing to escape the prison and perversion of progressivism. The apologists seek the smaller pond as their stature will never be superior, instead of facing the uncertainty of what a bigger pool of success will bring. Yes that was the small fish in a big pond analogy. And in the meantime, the rising tides will not come, and all boats remain firmly planted stuck in the muddy bottom. And for the hundredth time we must explain why.
Nice Try | 48 comments (48 topical, 0 hidden)
Nice Try | 48 comments (48 topical, 0 hidden)