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    Tag: tea party (page 2)

    Greg McNeilly Calls For Republican Party's demise

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 20, 2013 at 08:36:47 PM EST
    Tags: Greg McNeilly, Homunculus, Michigan, Tea Party, Republicans, Conservatives (all tags)

    Some things just don't make any sense.

    Such is the diatribe from a self important Greg McNeilly, who wishes the Tea Party Types to leave the Republican party.  Labeling Conservatives Magpies and Malcontents and even

    "... Many of them are actually an invasive species, they are not Republicans."
    says the political operative.

    While many of us are at the conference building connections and assuring the long term strength of a Conservative Republican Party that actually has SOME foundation that is worth defending, a spinning political homunculus assumes the role of who is, and who is not, of importance to the party of Reagan.

    Go figure.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Snyder In Trouble & The Left Verifies It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 03:42:19 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rick Snyder, Susan Demas, Medicaid, Elections, Primary, Tea Party, Governors Race, Brian Calley, Mark Schauer (all tags)

    An iCaucus poll taken this week has revealed troubling news for Rick Snyder and Brian Calley.

    Polling of delegates throughout the state has revealed that Both Rick Snyder and Brian Calley could face successful challenges in the primary and at convention respectively.  MIRS and other sources are reporting that the polling has so far shown that those responding indicate 44-41% Snyder should face a primary challenger in 2014, and Calley a convention challenger 40-37%.  The remaining percentages are undecided. Margin of error 4.99%, and Confidence 95%.

    WHOM the preferred challenger might be is another matter entirely. With a number of names used to reflect different philosophic grounding ONE (as yet unnamed) possible poll answer barely gets outside of the margin of error but ahead of Snyder, and three fail terribly against Snyder according to my other sources. (again, unnamed-as-yet) This comes as little surprise as the governor is facing stiff opposition by conservatives across the state putting pressure on state senators, and the one possibility that senate Dems might stick Snyder in the back on the final vote so they can call his 'leadership' weak.

    Somehow I doubt that.

    In fact, the Dems are just starting to tell us what they are afraid of.

    Go below the fold for more.

    (13 comments, 561 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Sunday Divertere - Remember These?

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun May 19, 2013 at 09:33:53 AM EST
    Tags: Mike Barry, Tea Party, Constitution, Progressive Punishment, Government (all tags)

    I miss the tea party events put together with a shoestring, non professionals, and true grass roots (and righteous) concern for our constitution under attack by this administration.

    Though most is spot on, about half way through he really hits a great point. Watch for his note on "punishment" Also, the sign that reminded me of all the great signs during the Tea Party growth period; The one that reads "If you thinks health care is expensive now, wait till its free" warmed my heart with its truthfulness and insight.

    Comments >>

    Boogiemen and Line Jumpers

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 25, 2013 at 09:57:03 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, MiGOP, Republicans, Democrats, RINOS, Tea Party, Conservatives, Stupidity, Pain, Saul Anuzis (all tags)

    I suppose that true conservatives are considered  interlopers nowadays.

    Even within the Republican ranks, good conservatives who carry strong convictions, and won't be bullied to become moderate are labeled as 'extreme'. Labeled in ways that are more harsh than what they would call the reversed polarity party of the Democrats; a party THEY SAY that sites like this should be attacking, before challenging Republicans.

    At the convention as I was speaking with a 1st district delegate and past chair, I was reminded that we are expected to stay in line until fully vested in all manner of the process. Though she would not acknowledge the suggested verbiage of "waiting our turn", she said nothing that would support anything but a path of subservience to the powers-that-be first. "You cant't just jump in and be chair, Jason!" She exclaimed after losing patience with the successful whip efforts in our district. I wonder where she was in 2010?

    I didn't hear her say then; "You can't just jump in and be GOVERNOR!" to the guy who had WON with 64% of Republicans opposing him.

    I guess its just about the money.  Cause that makes it OK.

    Continued below

    (2 comments, 455 words in story) Full Story

    Mondays Divertere: A Special Kind of Stupid

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Mon Feb 04, 2013 at 08:50:39 AM EST
    Tags: GOPe, Bobby Schostak, Bill Runco, Sharon Wise, DELE-GATE, Corruption, MIGOP Credentials Committee, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio Amnesty, Centrists lost 2012, Michigan, Base, Conservatism, Tea Party, Grassroots, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, SB 59, Snyder veto, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Bill's video couldn't be more timely as Karl Rove, declares War on the Tea Party.

    Comments >>

    Tea Party Versus Establishment Senate Candidates

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 19, 2012 at 02:02:10 AM EST
    Tags: Tea Party, establishment, US Senate (all tags)

    One of the arguments you often hear against the Tea Party from liberals and establishment Republicans is that Tea Party candidates cost Republicans control of the US Senate.  But does this claim stand up to scrutiny?  Let's examine race-by-race to determine whether it is true.

    (5 comments, 1039 words in story) Full Story

    Rebuild America Tour Hitting Michigan

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2012 at 08:44:14 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rebuild America, Tea Party Express, I Built This, Tea Party (all tags)

    Michigan is STILL in play. No matter the apparent snub by BOTH candidates.  The [I Built This] Tour is on.

    The 5-week "Rebuild America" tour will travel all across this great nation holding rallies and running TV ads in the most critical swing states in this election. Please join us as we come to a town near you! And bring a picture no larger than 3.5" x 5" of something you built; we'll collect these photos along the tour then construct them in to a giant sign at Obama campaign headquarters that says, "Yes we DID build it!"

    In Michigan the following stops will be made (yesterday they hit Iron Wood and Iron Mountain :

    Wednesday, October 3rd

    Thursday, October 4th
    Friday, October 5th
    Saturday, October 6th
    Sunday, October 7th
    Monday, October 8th

    A COMPLETE Schedule is available here

    Candy and I will be at the Traverse City stop. See you there!

    Comments >>

    Blame It On Bush

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Aug 30, 2012 at 08:36:23 AM EST
    Tags: Obama, Blame, Bush, Fox, Tea Party (all tags)

    An instant classic!

    Too good to not share.

    H/T My Rightonline peeps.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

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