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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Snyder In Trouble & The Left Verifies It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 03:42:19 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rick Snyder, Susan Demas, Medicaid, Elections, Primary, Tea Party, Governors Race, Brian Calley, Mark Schauer (all tags)

    An iCaucus poll taken this week has revealed troubling news for Rick Snyder and Brian Calley.

    Polling of delegates throughout the state has revealed that Both Rick Snyder and Brian Calley could face successful challenges in the primary and at convention respectively.  MIRS and other sources are reporting that the polling has so far shown that those responding indicate 44-41% Snyder should face a primary challenger in 2014, and Calley a convention challenger 40-37%.  The remaining percentages are undecided. Margin of error 4.99%, and Confidence 95%.

    WHOM the preferred challenger might be is another matter entirely. With a number of names used to reflect different philosophic grounding ONE (as yet unnamed) possible poll answer barely gets outside of the margin of error but ahead of Snyder, and three fail terribly against Snyder according to my other sources. (again, unnamed-as-yet) This comes as little surprise as the governor is facing stiff opposition by conservatives across the state putting pressure on state senators, and the one possibility that senate Dems might stick Snyder in the back on the final vote so they can call his 'leadership' weak.

    Somehow I doubt that.

    In fact, the Dems are just starting to tell us what they are afraid of.

    Go below the fold for more.

    Rush Limbaugh is fond of reminding us the left has a 'tell'. Frequently he says:
    "  I've always said that the left will always tell us who they fear, they will always tell us who they really are frightened of. "
    Indeed they do.

    It was easy to see, if only using the Sarah Palin model as an example. (One he uses in the link) And in this case, it appears as if Susan Demas is the one popping her head up and freaking.  She seems concerned that Tea Party groups might try to find a primary candidate. We know this because she headlines her latest screed with an obvious knowledge of whats in the minds of Tea Party conservatives: Tea Partiers should be throwing Rick Snyder a ticker-tape parade

    If curious, an apt analogy would be Muslims telling the Jews how to be kosher. When she says

    "Tea Partiers should be throwing him a ticker-tape parade for taking action on so much of their agenda.


    If the Tea Party really went to war against Snyder, that could ensure that Democrat Mark Schauer takes the oath of office in January 2015. "

    she betrays her complete misunderstanding of what the tea types are about. But in pretending to be concerned about our desires to defeat Mark Schauer, she reveals her fear that we might actually challenge the governor and prevail.

    Why would she care? Or bother to comment if it wasn't so?

    We know the Dems are throwing everything they can at Michigan this next time around. They will most certainly hit Snyder on some of the issues tea folk support, but they also want to count on disenfranchised grassroots Republicans to sit on their hands.  A fresh principled conservative challenger would energize that base they want to suppress, and this is little more than an attempt at discrediting conservative action to replace the preferred target so that (campaign finance troubled) Mark Schauer has even the smallest chance.

    The fact they are coming out now drives it home.

    < Its OBAMACARE Stupid | WAR >

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    You got it right! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Nathan Inks on Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 05:29:35 PM EST
    ...with the "whom", that is.  Good job, Jason!  You're learning! ;)

    And go figure . . . (none / 0) (#2)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 09:48:53 PM EST
    . . . a StratNat "alternate LLC" (Michigan Political Reports) is now circulating a survey, perhaps motivated by the parliamentary sleight-of-hand that protected Calley's ass from having to cast the tie-breaking vote on HB 4714.  They know he's vulnerable.

    For those not receiving it, the survey goes thus:

    1. Do you consider yourself an Establishment Republican, Tea Party Republican or Libertarian Republican?

    2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Governor Rick Snyder?

    3. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Lt. Governor Brian Calley?

    4. Do you have favorable or unfavorable opinion of Wes Nakagiri?

    5. If the election for Lt. Governor were held today, would you vote for Brian Calley or Wes Nakagiri?

    6. If the election for Attorney General were held today, would you vote for Bill Schuette or someone else?

    7. If the election for Secretary of State were held today, would you vote for Ruth Johnson or someone else?

    8. If the election for Michigan Supreme Court were held today, who would you vote for? (Vote for 2) Options are: David Viviano, Brian Zahra, Todd Courser

    9. If the election for University of Michigan Regent were held today, who would you vote for? (Vote for 2) Options are: Ron Weiser, Jennifer Gratz, Carol Ann Fausone

    10. If the election for Michigan State University were held today, who would you vote for? (Vote for 2) Options are: Jeff Sakwa, Melanie Foster, Anne Norlander, John Inhulsen, Scott Schultz

    11. On political issues, do you consider yourself to be Very Conservative, Somewhat Conservative, Moderate or Liberal?

    12. What is the most important issue facing the state? Options are: Freedom, Social Issues, Jobs / Economy, Budget, Roads, HealthCare, Taxes, Education

    Now, reading that, why on earth would this poll be circulating this far in advance of the Mackinac Conference?

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