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    Tag: progressives (page 4)

    Juggernaut Divertere: Palinizing America

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Aug 07, 2013 at 01:09:54 PM EST
    Tags: Sarah Palin, Principled, Conservative, Fearless, Wild Bill For America, TEA Partier, Senator Cruz R-TX, 2A, Oaths, Constitution, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it, 2014, Michigan, HAS TO GO, Pale Pastel, GoPC'd, Reince Pubic, MIaGOP, Bobby ShowStak, Lickspittle Lackeys, PPACA enablers, scAmnesty, Common Core, Progressives, Tax hiking, Big Government, BIGGER Spending, Crony Capitalism, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

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    When a UAW Bailout Isn't Enough

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Aug 07, 2013 at 12:50:39 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, Governor Snyder, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Transparency, MEDC, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Public Act 95 of 2013, Corporate Welfare, Public Act 396 of 2012, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Red Wings, Bankrupt Detoilet, Tax Hikes, Public Act 56 of 2011, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Richardville, Bolger, Rewarding Lawbreakers, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Home Team First, Oaths, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, U of M cronies, STEM Amnesty, Progressives, Common Core, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, Michigan, State Senate, HB4714, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    This is about as good as it gets with avoiding clear answers to direct questions.

    God, I just despise the nasally weasel.  Snyder embodies everything that is in topic over here.

    It's going to be a pleasure to fire him next November.

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    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Wednesdays Divertere: o_O

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 07, 2013 at 10:54:55 AM EST
    Tags: Sarah Palin, Principled, Conservative, Fearless, TEA Partier, Senator Cruz R-TX, 2A, Oaths, Constitution, 2014, HAS TO GO, Pale Pastel, GoPC'd, Reince Pubic, MIaGOP, Bobby ShowStak, Lickspittle Lackeys, PPACA enablers, scAmnesty, Progressives, Tax hiking, Big Government, BIGGER Spending, Crony Capitalism, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Usually a video diversion, however, today y'all's get some reading.

    A Schizophrenic Elephant


    Every now and then, a Republican Party leader must feel tempted to stand up and say. "Folks, you've got us wrong. We don't really stand for any of the things that you think we do. We like small business, in theory. But we like big business more. That's about all we have in common. Also we're still against Communism, not that it matters anymore. But we're fine with having a lot of government agencies. We created most of them. And we like abortion and gay rights. We're also on board with Global Warming, illegal immigration and some international law."

    That rarely happens. It rarely happens because that Republican Party is the one that was nearly consigned to oblivion in the first half of the last century. And as the Romney campaign showed, running on a platform of nothing but big business is not very inspiring. If Romney had actually been honest about his views, instead of dressing them up to win  the primaries, he would have done even worse in the general election.


    Personally, outside of Sen. Ted Cruz, maybe a couple others in the House, and the Sarahcuda dabbling around the fringe of GOP, I don't see it as worth saving.

    M'kay, let 'er rip... or, not.  Whatever.

    Comments >>

    Poll Strokers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 31, 2013 at 12:34:15 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, Governor Snyder, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Transparency, MEDC, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Corporate Welfare, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Red Wings, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Richardville, Bolger, Rewarding Lawbreakers, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Home Team First, Oaths, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, U of M cronies, STEM Amnesty, Progressives, Common Core, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, Michigan, State Senate, HB4714, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Gov. Snyder has pretty much sealed his re-election fate.  If he blunders on with his Milliken v2.0 course (with Calley, or not), Rick Michigan will in fact be a One Term Nerd.

    Gov. Rick Snyder's decision to take Detroit into bankruptcy has statewide popularity, but his advocacy for expanding Medicaid has cost him support among fellow Republicans, according to a new poll released exclusively to The Detroit News.

    Snyder's favorability has regained ground from a 38 percent low point in February after the divisive right-to-work debates, climbing to 44 percent this month, according to statewide polls commissioned by Lambert, Edwards & Associates, a bipartisan public relations firm.


    The poll conducted by Denno Research shows 36.5 percent of all voters are more likely to vote for Snyder because of his stance on Medicaid, but it has come at a price among his own supporters and strained his relations with some Republican lawmakers.

    About 37 percent of Republican voters said they were less likely to vote for the incumbent Republican governor because of his support of expanding the Medicaid entitlement program, a major component of President Barack Obama's health care law.

    "He's got his party behind him on (Detroit)[duh!], but when you talk about Medicaid expansion, forget it [Jeez, go figure]," said Bill Ballenger, publisher of the Lansing newsletter Inside Michigan Politics.

    When Snyder is out at County Party fundraisers, pay attention to what the Nerd doesn't say about his government growing, tax hiking agenda before writing him and Schostak that contribution check.  NOTE:

    While the governor held a series of forums over the past month advocating for Medicaid expansion inside medical facilities across the state, he's taken a different message to his Republican base lately.

    During a speech Monday night before Macomb County Republicans in Sterling Heights, Snyder didn't mention his Medicaid plan or his proposals to raise taxes to fix the state's roads, but made clear the state would not be bailing out Detroit.

    What a mealy-mouthed corporatist weasel, nevertheless, there it is = Rick Snyder.

    More importantly, the 800 lb. Conservative Gorilla is in the "Big Tent" and still has no use for milquetoast Team R pale pastel.  If Senate Republicans had any doubts on how/why they should Vote No on HB 4714, it has been unequivocally removed for them.  Or, be betrayed again by a term limited Richardville without the kiss.

    Vote at your own electoral peril, Senators.

    Comments >>

    Spencer Abraham Strikes Again

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 30, 2013 at 07:35:49 PM EST
    Tags: Spencer Abraham, 1997 La Raza Award, Amnesty, islam pandering, George W, John McRINO, McCain-Kennedy scAmnesty, Illegal Aliens, Rape, Children, Carlos Gutierrez, Mitt Romney's Hispanic Outreach, Karl Rove, Progressives, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Home Team First, Michigan, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Yannow, after watching George W and John McRINO get trounced three times in '07 when they were pushing their McCain-Kennedy scAmnesty vote, this will seem par for the GOP course to most RM readers.

    Nearly a hundred top Republican donors and Bush administration officials sent a letter to the House GOP on Tuesday urging lawmakers to pass a bill that legalizes illegal immigrants, arguing that the current system is already allowing them to stay and so it makes sense to register them and bring them into the system.

    The donors, led by former Bush administration Cabinet officials Carlos Gutierrez and Spencer Abraham, also said that immigrants are potential Republican voters who can be won over - if the party can be seen as welcoming to immigrants.


    I wonder if they mean something like this over a dozen potential Republican voters.  Nice, eh?

    Is it really any wonder why Michigan's La Raza Award recipient and Muhammadan pandering fool lost his Senate seat to Debbie Stabenow?  No.  Democrat trumps Democrat-lite every time.  Matter of fact, Democrat-lite always paves the way for electing a Democrat.  Fact.  See Ford, Read My Lips Bush, Dubya (yes, he built that Obama), Reach Across the Aisle McCain, and Willard.  Another fact?  Hispandering has never won over undocumented Democrats to the GOP.  Yes, unfortunate as it is, even St. Ronald got that wrong.  Face it, Ron was only human.  That's the trouble with idolaters today <cough>PaulTards</cough>.

    As for La Raza Abraham's buddy, not only is Carlos Gutierrez a disgusting excuse for a human, but also a treacherous open borders tool, and reasonably questionable American citizen.

    Quite frankly, anyone contributing money to the state or, national Party or, any of its committees is - certifiably nuts.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Another $11.88 Goes to Toasty Looters and Moochers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 30, 2013 at 12:23:00 PM EST
    Tags: Public Act 95 of 2013, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Moochers and Looters, Progressives, Corporatists, Snyder, Richarville, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, Two Party System, Historic Scam (all tags)

    Your share of the LIEAF = 99¢ per month.  Sounds much better that way, eh?

    The following Michigan utilities filed notices of intent to participate and included meter counts:

    Alger Delta Cooperative Electric Association, Bay City Electric Light & Power, Chelsea Electric Department, Cherryland Electric Cooperative, City of Marshall Electric Department, City of Negaunee Electric Department, City of Norway Electric Department, City of Petoskey, City of St. Louis, Consumers Energy Company, DTE Electric Company, Hillsdale Board of Public Works, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Lowell Light and Power, Newberry Water & Light Board, Niles Utility Department, Northern States Power Company, Presque Isle Electric and Gas Co-op, Thumb Electric Cooperative, Union City, Village of Baraga, and Village of Clinton.

    (The City of Croswell, Bayfield Electric Cooperative, and HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative (which had previously indicated their intent to opt in) filed elections to opt out.)

    Today's order directs all utilities that have opted-out of the collection of the surcharge not to shut off service to any residential customer from Nov. 1 through April 15, 2014, for nonpayment of a delinquent account.

    Ah yes, the force of government in action.

    The MPSC is an agency within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

    Unnecessary, overcompensated bureaucrats within the tax dollar thieving Ineptocracy.

    Comments >>

    Sundays Divertere: Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Jul 28, 2013 at 12:26:56 PM EST
    Tags: Common Core, Jeb Bush, Governor Snyder, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, The Flim-Flam Man, Melissa Harris-Perry, Abortion, Lenin: must exploit youth to advance Communism, Teaching for Change, Sodomites, Bill Ayers, Perverts, Frank Kameny, Homosexuals, Communist Party USA, Deviates, Dan Savage, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), Lobbyists, Progressives, Amoral, Log Cabins, Lennox, Inkerbell, rdww, Ronulans, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Bernadine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Mike Klonsky, SDS, Rap Brown, Student Afro American Society, Bobby Seale, The Black Panthers, Armed Revolution, Young Patriots, American Liberation Front, UNESCO, NERD Fund, University aristocracy, DNC, Arab Spring, Ron Boji, Middle East Caliphate, The Soviets and Islam, Occupy, White House, NBPP, Eric Holder, Green Jobs, Van Jones, EPA, NEA, MEA, Debbie Squires, Valerie Jarrett, Governments Greatest Creation, The Sheeple, They Laugh at Themselves For Being Morons? (all tags)

    "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever" - Bill Ayers Vladimir Lenin

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    What's in Your Wallet?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 22, 2013 at 05:02:58 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, Governor Snyder, Rick... Michigan?, The Flim-Flam Man, Rewarding Lawbreakers, Illegals, Sanctuary City Ann Arbor & Detroit, Amnesty, Marco RubiObama, Exemption Employees, ObamaCare, Medicaid, Creepy Provisions, Expansion Medicaid, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Agriculture Reform. Food and Jobs Act of 2013 (S.954), JP Morgan, EBT Cards, Welfare, Expansion, executive-grade arm-twisting, Progressives, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Two wings - One bird, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, Rule Of Law?, One Term Nerd, Jeb Bush, Common Core, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Cheap Labor, Underemployment, Who Profits?, Follow the money, U of M cronies, Big Ed, Perkins Loans, STEM Amnesty, Government Funding, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, University Aristocracy, STEMinists, MEDC, Snyder's self-invented culture of the 'bullied' Nerd, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Bobby Schostak, Hispandering, poisoning the party brand, Oaths, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Michigan, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Subsidies, Taxes, Citizens, School Fund, $300 Million, Elections, Conservatism, Republicans, Real Leadership, Home Team First, Principle, One Chance (all tags)

    Besides Rick Snyder, same 'ol same old... Amnesty for gatecrashers.

    The immigration overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate could put a big squeeze on the budgets of state and local governments.

    The proposal does not help states pay for costs incurred by required policy changes, including ramped up English classes and greater access to public hospitals and health clinics.

    "Potentially, we are going to create a financial catastrophe for states and localities," said Sheri Steisel, senior federal affairs counsel and a human services expert at the National Conference of State Legislatures. "The states will end up with the cost and consequences of the federal decision-making, with very little resources to rely on to make up the difference."


    Not that the self-invented Nerd persona since being sworn to his Oath has done a damn thing about that "big squeeze" anyway.  Why Hell, stealth Democrat Rick Michigan has even fought his own Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson, over providing gatecrashers a driver license, squashing voter verification, and placing the Lawless to the front of the line ahead of American citizens.

    Michiganders must really enjoy being little more than Debt Slaves.  Wolverines - do not.  Frankly, I don't see a snowball's chance in Hell that Snyder will be a second term anything in this state, but go ahead "liberty-minded network" with squandering your time and resources on Calley.

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