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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?
Raise the curtain.
Sundays Divertere: Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion
By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
Posted on Sun Jul 28, 2013 at 12:26:56 PM EST
Tags: Common Core, Jeb Bush, Governor Snyder, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, The Flim-Flam Man, Melissa Harris-Perry, Abortion, Lenin: must exploit youth to advance Communism, Teaching for Change, Sodomites, Bill Ayers, Perverts, Frank Kameny, Homosexuals, Communist Party USA, Deviates, Dan Savage, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), Lobbyists, Progressives, Amoral, Log Cabins, Lennox, Inkerbell, rdww, Ronulans, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Bernadine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Mike Klonsky, SDS, Rap Brown, Student Afro American Society, Bobby Seale, The Black Panthers, Armed Revolution, Young Patriots, American Liberation Front, UNESCO, NERD Fund, University aristocracy, DNC, Arab Spring, Ron Boji, Middle East Caliphate, The Soviets and Islam, Occupy, White House, NBPP, Eric Holder, Green Jobs, Van Jones, EPA, NEA, MEA, Debbie Squires, Valerie Jarrett, Governments Greatest Creation, The Sheeple, They Laugh at Themselves For Being Morons? (all tags)
"Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever" - Bill Ayers Vladimir Lenin
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