That is a message to Governor Snyder from another blog.
We seldom use such direct attacks in a title even though the content has tended to be more direct as of late. And though we openly wonder on why certain pursuits exist, the Detroit bankruptcy really drives home a point that cannot be ignored. The bankruptcy had to happen, and even though happening later than it should have been, Snyder gets some credit for doing what is needed.
Since 1930, Detroiters have had two choices to reach Windsor, Ontario across the U.S.-Canadian border: the Ambassador Bridge or the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.
Now, the tunnel's operator has joined the city in seeking bankruptcy protection. It's blaming two reasons, according to Reuters: reduced traffic across the border, and the same kind of unmanageable debt burden that led to the city's Chapter 9 petition.
If Michigander's might recall, Governor Rick Snyder, as part of his campaign platform, ran advocating for a second bridge to Canada to be built, using at least partly, taxpayer money. One has to ask, in considering this little plan of his, did he not research the profitability of the two existing means by which to get to Canada (the Windsor Tunnel and the Ambassador Bridge)? If he didn't do the research that makes Governor Snyder just stupid. If he did do his due diligence, he would have seen the enormous operating losses of the Tunnel."