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    Tag: conservative (page 2)

    Wednesdays Divertere: o_O

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 07, 2013 at 10:54:55 AM EST
    Tags: Sarah Palin, Principled, Conservative, Fearless, TEA Partier, Senator Cruz R-TX, 2A, Oaths, Constitution, 2014, HAS TO GO, Pale Pastel, GoPC'd, Reince Pubic, MIaGOP, Bobby ShowStak, Lickspittle Lackeys, PPACA enablers, scAmnesty, Progressives, Tax hiking, Big Government, BIGGER Spending, Crony Capitalism, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Usually a video diversion, however, today y'all's get some reading.

    A Schizophrenic Elephant


    Every now and then, a Republican Party leader must feel tempted to stand up and say. "Folks, you've got us wrong. We don't really stand for any of the things that you think we do. We like small business, in theory. But we like big business more. That's about all we have in common. Also we're still against Communism, not that it matters anymore. But we're fine with having a lot of government agencies. We created most of them. And we like abortion and gay rights. We're also on board with Global Warming, illegal immigration and some international law."

    That rarely happens. It rarely happens because that Republican Party is the one that was nearly consigned to oblivion in the first half of the last century. And as the Romney campaign showed, running on a platform of nothing but big business is not very inspiring. If Romney had actually been honest about his views, instead of dressing them up to win  the primaries, he would have done even worse in the general election.


    Personally, outside of Sen. Ted Cruz, maybe a couple others in the House, and the Sarahcuda dabbling around the fringe of GOP, I don't see it as worth saving.

    M'kay, let 'er rip... or, not.  Whatever.

    Comments >>

    RTW Champion Seeks State House Position

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 24, 2013 at 09:43:02 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan 98th, Gary Glenn, State Representative, Republican, Conservative, Right To Work (all tags)

    Several things are happening that will shape the future of Michigan's political scene.

    One particular item is that former US Senate candidate and conservative Republican Gary Glenn is seeking the 98th District House seat. As a result of the failure to lead by our elected congressional types, there is a need for stronger leadership in our state legislatures that Glenn seems to understand.

    "We have to get our government back to a more local level and do our best to dismantle this leviathan in Washington, D.C.," said Glenn. "I don't put a whole lot of faith in Congress to dismantle itself or the federal bureaucracy to do so, which is why I think we are going to need people of fortitude and conviction in state leadership positions who are going to wage that battle."
    True enough.

    There is no question that courage will be needed by state lawmakers to defend Michigan's sovereignty against an acceleration of federal power grabs.  And the man who shepherded Idaho's Right-To-Work legislation into place, worked diligently on Michigan's freedom to work, as well as seeing Michigan's 2004 defense of Marriage act through is hardly a wimpy advocate of conservative principles.

    In the two videos below the fold, Gary talks of history, energy policy, tradition, family, and what was at the time, a hope that Michigan would become the next Right To Work state.

    And not without his help we saw that last part materialize late last year.

    (1 comment, 273 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 12, 2013 at 02:46:43 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, HB4714, Ray Franz, Conservative (all tags)

    Representative Ray Franz (Genuine R-101) issued a statement on Medicaid expansion:

    I apologize in advance for the length of this piece, but this is a big and complex issue.  I find it somewhat amusing that some of the people who were worried that I would vote in lockstep with the Governor, now want me to rubberstamp his Medicaid Expansion plan.  I cannot and here's why:

    First, this subsidized health coverage (benefit) is going to include a very large portion of our population - some say as many as 600,000.  I believe it may be more.  The benefit will go to those over 133% of the Federal Poverty Line.  But that is based on adjusted gross income which takes 5% off the bottom and adjusts.  So the 133% could be 140% of actual earnings - or more.  When you consider that ObamaCare is forcing many in the service and retail industry to cut employee hours to under 29 - this has the potential of including far more than 600,000 people.

    Continued below the fold

    (1 comment, 944 words in story) Full Story

    Thursdays Cynosura: Senator Ted Cruz

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu May 23, 2013 at 11:08:11 AM EST
    Tags: Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Obamacare, Progressives, GOP Leadership, Pledge To America, Boehner, Cantor, 1-2 of the 1-3 of Government, FUBAR, Budget Cuts, Debt Ceilings, Fiscal Cliff, Operation Fast & Furious, wiretapping the AP, EPA selective waivers, IRS selective thuggery, HHS shakedown, Homeland Security selective harassment, Benghazi, Defund Away, Eleventh Commandment, Reince Priebus, Just words, Principled, Consistant, Conservative, Fearless, Senator Cruz R-TX (all tags)

    I could not possibly agree more with Senator Cruz.  And, that's the problem.  The Sea of Red sent in 2010, has lost my trust.  Remember 4/10/2011: "By the way Neil, they're [House Republicans] 100% of the spending bills and taxing authority under the Constitution. They can stop whatever they want to stop."

    Bonus: it's good to read that Priebus is backpedaling on his spineless reach across the aisle herd (ya, it's about as politico speak squishy as it gets without full omission of being complicit).  Nonetheless, Ted Cruz forced Reince to put those cards on the table - Cruz, like Reagan ultimately did, Eleventh Commandment be damned!

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    You got Your Crony in my Capitalism

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 08, 2013 at 07:38:27 PM EST
    Tags: A Republic if you can keep it, Lansing Majority?, MIaGoPC'd, NOT Praiseworthy, Bobby ShowStak, SB-992, Schostak Brothers & Company, Dwindling returns, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Michigan, GOPe, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Progressives, Primary, Rick Snyder, Corporatism, Wealth Redistribution, Big government, Big Budget, STEM Amnesty, Medicaid Expansion, Expansion Of Welfare, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Pure governmental a$$hattery.

    How about a nice big bowl of Yooper Super Scooper Fudge ice cream?

    Or Traverse City Cherry Bomb or maybe a sugar cone of Very Vernors?

    Those flavors haven't been created yet but they could be in the Pure Michigan ice cream contest, which kicks off Wednesday.

    Pure Michigan is teaming up with Hudsonville Ice Cream in an effort to help promote the bounty of food and agricultural products available in the state.


    At least I know which Crapitalism brand name not to buy from now on.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Salute to South Carolina Republicans

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat May 04, 2013 at 09:32:46 AM EST
    Tags: Leadership, Kudos to SC House Republicans, A Republic if you can keep it, Obamacare, John RobertsCare, Slimy Lawyers, Navigators, Single Payer, Lansing Majority?, MIaGoPC'd, NOT Praiseworthy, Lisa Lyons, Bobby ShowStak, Dwindling returns, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Michigan, GOPe, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Primary, Rick Snyder, Progressives, Big government, Big Budget, STEM Amnesty, Medicaid Expansion, Expansion Of Welfare, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Spineless squish republiCant's in Lansing, take note of what testosterone looks like.

    The South Carolina House approved a bill Wednesday criminalizing the implementation of President Obama's health care law in the state.

    The Republican-controlled House voted 65-39 on the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act.

    The act renders "null and void certain unconstitutional laws enacted by the Congress of the United States taking control over the health insurance industry and mandating that individuals purchase health insurance under threat of penalty."

    "This kind of victory occurs when the grassroots across the State come together and coalesce," Chris Lawton, spokesman for the Greenville Tea Party, told The Greenville Post. "I could not be prouder."

    The bill declares "Obamacare" unconstitutional - despite the Supreme Court ruling last year that the Affordable Health Care Act was constitutional - and that there will be criminal penalties for enforcing the law.

    Gov. Nikki Haley earlier this year said that the state will not implement the nation's health care law.


    About damn time a BOLD message is sent.  Of course, the above is example why "Team R" in Michigan, continues its path of dwindling election results with following the stealth Democrat Nerd agenda.  Merely being a Corporatists "it's about jobs" fed, and state, debt slave is setting the Pale Pastel bar too low for this once Great State, and Nation.  BUT, y'all got your second dose of Bobby ShowStak leadership rewards, didn'tchya?

    H/t Bad Bad Juju

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Sundays Divertere: Stay With It To The End

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Apr 14, 2013 at 08:00:23 AM EST
    Tags: Bowing To The King, Government Tyranny, Cultural Marxism, Lickspittle Lackeys, Sheeple, Big Government, academia, Lennox, Bill Ayers, Peter Pan, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, New Left, GoProud, Perverts, Progressives, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, Amoral, GoPC, MIaGOP, Elections, 2014, Michigan, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Firearm Registration, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Be a victim, CMU, Rape, Robberies, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Holy cow, indeed.  They walk amongst us.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Thursdays Divertere: Proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes'!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Apr 11, 2013 at 11:36:35 AM EST
    Tags: Cultural Marxism, Melissa Harris-Perry, New Left, Progressives, Wealth Redistribution, Eugenics, Amoral, academia, John Dewey, Bill Ayers, Teaching for Change, Self-Reliance, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Piers Morgan, confirms all that mentioned by Mother Heroine hyphenated Melissa, is true because it's written in the Constitution just like the word "muskets".

    (4 comments) Comments >>

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