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Tag: tax hikesBy Corinthian Scales, Section News
It has crossed my mind. If growing government is considered "a success" by an alleged Republican dominated state with every lever of power in Lansing, then WhyTF would I want to remain here just to be fleeced?
Michigan's population is slowly rebounding, but millionaires may not be sticking around for the state's revival. [Where is the "revival"?]Continued below the fold (3 comments, 364 words in story) Full Story By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Metro Detoileters ponder billionaire Mike Ilitch's new shiny toy gifted from taxpayers by the vote of the Lansing Majority...
...while the rest of the nation laughs such misguided priorities. (1 comment) Comments >> By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Only one word comes to mind: Starve. Yannow, between the Governerd surrounding himself with a deadbeat Treasurer, and a Medicaid billing mooslime responsible for at least one death now dumping $25K into the One Tough Nerd PAC <cough>HB 4714</cough>, all one has to do is sit back and watch "Rick Michigan" implode all on his own. Damn good thing you're getting your monies upfront, young Johnny. One Term Nerd, baby! By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the Government store
The state of Michigan will soon allow companies, organizations and communities to use the popular "Pure Michigan" branding in joint advertising and marketing. ...and that government of choosing the people, over the people, forking the people, shall not parish from Lansing, nor D.C. (3 comments) Comments >> By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
This is about as good as it gets with avoiding clear answers to direct questions.
God, I just despise the nasally weasel. Snyder embodies everything that is in topic over here. It's going to be a pleasure to fire him next November. (4 comments) Comments >> By Corinthian Scales, Section News
A nation laughs...
In spite of a long documented history of failure, you own it, Lansing Nerdpublicans. OABTW, you own the Tax Hike too. Maybe, just maybe it will sink into Republican voters heads that they have a Nerd problem. However, this is Michigan, so I'm not going to hold my breath. H/t PJ Media By Corinthian Scales, Section News
That's right folks, our alleged Republican Super Majority Senate has decided that a 71.42% increase on "tipping fee" another necessary tax hike on Michiganders.
The FY 2011-12 DEQ budget was built on the assumption that this fee would be raised by the amounts contained in the bill. Currently, the solid waste surcharge fee raises approximately $2.8 million per year. The fee is used as the primary funding source for the regulation, inspection and monitoring of private and public solid waste landfills in the State. The Department of Environmental Quality estimates that under the bill, approximately $4.6 million would be raised in FY 2011-12, and using Department estimates for the volume of waste projected to be deposited in FY 2012-13, the fee would raise $4.3 million for FY 2012-13. Nice, eh? (4 comments, 349 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Rich people create jobs. To grow their income they either invest it in outside companies or perhaps their own, which will use the investment to expand, OR they will spend it on the types of products that require manufacture. Manufacturing itself requires the creation of jobs for the process. A manufacturer, or Value adding business must produce a product that is worth more than the sum of its ingredients, or it fails.
That is a good thing right? ..Why yes, it is..
Profits extracted from the process, are flipped back over in the manner described above. Michigan manufacturers and business owners have created an incredible amount of wealth over the years. In that process there were a few folks who certainly have done well for themselves, including icons like Mike Illitch, Tom Monahan, Dick Devos, and Rick Snyder to name a few. These 'fat cats' have made it possible for a number of other entrepreneurs to find their road to riches as well. Its kind of funny however, when politicians discuss these folks as if they are bad ones that need to be punished.. Below the fold we go! (2 comments, 759 words in story) Full Story
External FeedsMetro/State News RSS from The Detroit News+ Craig: Cushingberry tried twice to elude police, was given preferential treatment + Detroit police arrest man suspected of burning women with blowtorch + Fouts rips video as 'scurrilous,' defends Chicago trip with secretary + Wind, winter weather hammer state from Mackinac Bridge to southeast Mich. + Detroit Cass Tech QB Campbell expected to be released from custody Friday + New water rates range from -16% to +14%; see change by community + Detroit's bankruptcy gets controversial turn in new Honda ad + Royal Oak Twp., Highland Park in financial emergency, review panels find + Grosse Ile Twp. leads list of Michigan's 10 safest cities + Wayne Co. sex crimes backlog grows after funding feud idles Internet Crime Unit + Judge upholds 41-60 year sentence of man guilty in Detroit firefighter's death + Detroit man robbed, shot in alley on west side + Fire at Detroit motel forces evacuation of guests + Survivors recount Syrian war toll at Bloomfield Hills event + Blacks slain in Michigan at 3rd-highest rate in US Politics RSS from The Detroit News + Apologetic Agema admits errors but won't resign + Snyder: Reform 'dumb' rules to allow more immigrants to work in Detroit + GOP leaders shorten presidential nominating season + Dems: Another 12,600 Michiganians lose extended jobless benefits + Mike Huckabee's comments on birth control gift for Dems + Granholm to co-chair pro-Clinton PAC for president + Republican panel approves tougher penalties for unauthorized early primary states + Michigan seeks visas to lure immigrants to Detroit + Peters raises $1M-plus for third straight quarter in Senate bid + Bill would let lawyers opt out of Michigan state bar + Michigan lawmakers launch more bills against sex trade + Balanced budget amendment initiative gets a jumpstart + Feds subpoena Christie's campaign, GOP + Poll: At Obama's 5-year point, few see a turnaround + Obama to release 2015 budget March 4 Front Page
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