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    Tag: government (page 2)

    When The Costs Go Up

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 06, 2013 at 07:11:28 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Poison, Rick Snyder, Dric, International Bridges, Tolls, Fares, Math, Hearings, Government (all tags)

    So Does the Rate.

    While private enterprise for the most part has been able to hold costs and effects of inflation in check, in many cases through efficiencies and watchful management, government does no such thing.  An infrastructure operation that is run by government hasn't the same incentives, or mechanisms that allow increased costs to be aggregated along side found savings.  The Price will always go up. And the announcement of rate increases over one international bridge?

    "The Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority (SSMBA) today reminded International Bridge customers of public hearings next week in Michigan and Ontario to review a proposed toll rate increase.

    The proposed increase was prompted by the SSMBA Board of Directors' review on Aug. 15 of its long-range financial plan that details the operational and capital improvement project needs of the bridge for the next 30 years. The proposed toll increase (in U.S. dollars) includes an increase in passenger vehicle tolls from the current $3 per trip to $3.50 per trip on April 1, 2014, and from $3.50 to $4 on April 1, 2019."

    Is foreshadowing for what will happen for another several hundred miles south.

    The math in easy to understand terms has been done before

    This type of hearing could be expected several times in only the first few years for a new crossing that won't even open with operating capital.

    Comments >>

    Needs More Cow Bell

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 26, 2013 at 09:36:48 PM EST
    Tags: Justin Amash, Flaming a-hole, Obamacare, Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, Brian Calley, Tie, 19-19, Senate vote, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Welfare, Rules, Government, Constitution, Defender Award, I repeat... 'Defender Award'!?!?!, In God We Trust, Grandstanding, Ronulans, Liberaltarians, TEA movement, Conservatives, Wes Nakagiri (all tags)

    Twitiot of the day.

    Justin Amash

    Lt Gov @briancalley stood w/ me from day one when I decided to run for Congress. He's a great friend & ally, and I'm honored to support him.

    11:47 AM - 26 Aug 2013

    How do you like them apples, Wes Nakagiri?  TEA folk?  Yessirree, 'ol constitutional Justin just face-wedgied all those opposing Snyder's Obamacare Medicaid Expansion by palling around with the deciding vote.

    Yannow, I had planned on doing a flattering writeup on the 5 U.S. Reps from Michigan, who signed a commitment to defund Obamacare but, with this loosely wrapped clown from CD-3 working with the Snyder administration to backdoor Obamacare entanglements in this state - screw Justin.  At least I know Camp, Miller, Rogers, and Upton, will never be Conservative, unlike that all over the map Amash Liberaltarian Bee-esS.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    The Northern Follies

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 21, 2013 at 10:50:04 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, State Senate, Howard Walker, Wayne Schmidt, Greg MacMaster, 104th, 105th, 37th, Republican Primary, Northern Michigan, Medicaid, Expansion, HB4714, Government (all tags)

    The campaigns have truly begun.

    As many of you are aware, State Senator Howard Walker R-37th has decided to forgo a second term, thus leaving a fairly solid Republican seat up for grabs.  Walker might well have gotten tired of the threats to primary him, but he has publicly  responded that it was a family decision.  We wish him the best, and hope he departs the senate with head held high, SANS a Medicaid/Welfare expansion vote when the time comes.  Voting FOR such a thing would be a pretty serious blemish on a fairly decent record to walk away with.

    Unfortunately, the shame of expanding government is carried by the already announced would-be replacements.

    Wayne Schmidt RINO-104th, and Greg MacMaster R-105th, are vying for the seat, each with the distinction of having supported the growth of government through their vote for Obamacare.

    Note the designated (R) difference used, as their overall records could be parsed to paint a true picture of ideology.  Schmidt's frequent support of many things expansion and subsidy, stand in contrast to the GOP platform of smaller government, and intrusion. Of course Schmidt's record is longer, and more easily scrutinized than that of MacMaster, who riding the Tea Party wave of 2010, has since revealed that on key issues, he cannot be counted on to hold the conservative line. MacMaster has been a vocal opponent to disastrous A21 policies, and has introduced legislation that has made it no further than the committees, one of them chaired by Schmidt.

    So we are at the starting gate with Wayne "I Like Big Government" Schmidt, and Greg "I tried to cut a deal for small business" MacMaster.  The former being one you can trust to disappoint frequently; the latter not solidly rooted in conviction.  The former not nearly as 'popular' as the latter, being one who doesn't raise money so well.

    So do we break out the checkbooks, hold our noses, pirouette, or sit on our hands?

    To be continued.

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    Flowers for AlgerRon

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 14, 2013 at 01:45:45 PM EST
    Tags: Rand Paul 'alternative' Bail Out?, WTF?, City of Detroit, Progressive's Utopia, JoAnn Watson, Squatters, Chill spot, Smoke some weed, Ronulans, Justin Amash, Obamacare, Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, One Term Nerd, Brian Calley, Senate vote, Slick Rick, Governor Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Corporate Welfare, Bobby ShowStak, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Welfare, Rules, Crime, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Government, Constitution, Defender Award, I repeat... 'Defender Award'!?!?!, In God We Trust, Grandstanding, Liberaltarians, poisoning the party brand, 'Scotty' Boman, Leon Drolet, Mike 'I evolved' Cox, Scarlet Letters, Log Cabins, Lennox, Lickspittle Lackeys, Inkerbell, rdww, Peter Pan, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Perverts, GoProud, Sodomites, Homosexuals, Elections, 2014, Natural Law, God, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, Conservative, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it, #BraveWithDave (all tags)

    Was away from everything news related for the past few days, and not to be surprised with my return to an interesting blurb in mLive the other day (Nope. Not linking to them) that it is still SSDD in the sociopathic world of politics.

    "The emergency manager has met with the White House and members of the state's congressional delegation, and these meetings focused on how the federal government can assist in Detroit's restructuring," said Orr's spokesperson Bill Nowling in an email message. "At each of those meetings it was made clear that a federal bailout is not a possibility."

    Let that sink in.

    Nobody is interested in bailing out LBJ's "model city" Detroit.  N-O-B-O-D-Y.  Sure, the Congressional Black Caucus has gone whining to race-baiter-in-chief, president Odowngrade², with JoAnn's "bring home some bacon" meme, but that narrative is as common as the sun rising in the East.  Besides, preezy Soetoro's agenda is already booked with making this entire nation look like Detoilet, so, how in the Hell can he bail out Detoilet?  Barry can't.  All of D.C. knows that bailing out Detoilet is opening Pandora's box.  Think Killadelphia isn't just around the corner on going teats up?  Think again.  It is poison for the Democratic Socialist Party in 2014 as much as implementing Obummercare is, and completely lethal for Hillary PUMA's in 2016.  Don't even go there about BJ and Mrs. Secretary Benghazi - they know damn well they've got damage control issues on their hands.

    However, click on the Full Story button.  I want you all to meet a very real-life Charlie Gordon character from Daniel Keyes' award winning short story.

    (1 comment, 1001 words in story) Full Story

    With the guy who Holds the Deciding Vote on Medicaid Expansion in Michigan?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 14, 2013 at 10:00:54 AM EST
    Tags: Justin Amash, Obamacare, Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, Brian Calley, Senate vote, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Welfare, Rules, Government, Constitution, Defender Award, I repeat... 'Defender Award'!?!?!, In God We Trust, Grandstanding, Ronulans, Liberaltarians (all tags)

    If I hadn't read it with my own eyes...

    Working w/ my good friend @briancalley to welcome new Rs to @MIGOP who care about limited government, economic freedom & individual liberty.

    Really, Justin?  Working with those trying to implement Obamacare entanglements in Michigan, isn't exactly what I would describe as a Republican value.

    I rescind my opinion - both suck.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    EPA Destroys Michigan Jobs

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 02, 2013 at 04:25:29 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Jobs, EPA, Reglations, Obama, Marquette, Presque Isle, Coal, Power, Energy, Government, CO2, Jimmy Carter, Failures, Integrys, WE, Wisconsin Energy, Wolverine Power, Cliffs Mines (all tags)

    Almost 2 years Ago I wrote how Michigan jobs were being targeted by Obama's administration and its functionary weapon, the EPA.

    While the Republican controlled congress fiddles with bills and resolutions that will never make it to the President's desk, the damage is already being done. The EPA has made it unprofitable for a power company to do business in the UP.  As the Candidate Obama put it so bluntly in 2008:

    "If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that's being emitted."
    Fast forward to NOW?

    The Presque Isle Power plant in Marquette faces a shutdown as a major buyer seeks electricity off the grid from elsewhere. From Energy Biz:

    "Cliffs Natural Resources Inc., which operates two iron ore mines in Michigan, has notified We Energies that it will begin buying electricity from Integrys Energy Services, a retail electricity provider that sells electricity in states that have opened up their power markets to competition, Cliffs spokesman Dale Hemmila said.

    Cliffs spent $120 million with We Energies last year, according to a filing with the Michigan Public Service Commission."

    This results in a loss of electricity sales that suddenly makes the $140 million in upgrades for EPA compliance all the more unrealistic and quite dangerous for our northernmost residents.

    While the competitive forces are straight up and legitimate, A shutdown of this plant due to a federal regulatory nightmare will have an unpredictable effect on the stability of electricity in the Upper peninsula.  Costs for residents will likely skyrocket, and service will become sub-par.

    Michigan Congressmen?  Its on you now.  Time to Defund.

    Comments >>

    Open Government/FOIA Town Hall Meeting in Traverse City

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 31, 2013 at 09:27:18 AM EST
    Tags: Transparency, Mackinac Cernter, FOIA, Training, Watchdog, Government, Traverse City (all tags)

    Continuing its series on transparency in government, The Mackinac Center is hosting a community event for those who want a better understanding of how the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act work.

    Date: Aug. 1, 2013

    The Mackinac Center is hosting a series of community events aimed at raising awareness of common problems encountered by those who attempt to request government records and provide information to those who want a better understanding of how the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act work. Our state has valuable tools for holding public servants accountable but those tools are useless if people don't know about them or don't know how to use them.

    Vic McCarty, host of "The Vic McCarty Show" on WMKT AM1270 in Traverse City, will be moderating this event.

    The panelists will be:

    • Miriam Aukerman, ACLU Staff Attorney

    • Robin Luce-Herrmann, General Counsel, Michigan Press Association

    • Michael J. Reitz, Executive Vice President, Mackinac Center for Public Policy

    This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is needed!

    The event will be held on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    Traverse Area District Library - Woodmere Branch Library
    610 Woodmere Avenue
    Traverse City, MI 49686

    Comments >>

    Proof You're An Idiot

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jul 26, 2013 at 10:48:30 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Bankruptcy, Snyder, Detroit, Tunnels, Bridges, DRIC, NICT, Boondoggles, Government (all tags)

    That is a message to Governor Snyder from another blog.

    We seldom use such direct attacks in a title even though the content has tended to be more direct as of late.  And though we openly wonder on why certain pursuits exist, the Detroit bankruptcy really drives home a point that cannot be ignored.  The bankruptcy had to happen, and even though happening later than it should have been, Snyder gets some credit for doing what is needed.

    For the remainder of the message however, Stephanie quotes Forbes and opines:

    "In light of Detroit's bankruptcy case getting national attention, many people have missed this little development:

    Detroit's Tunnel To Canada Follows The City Into Bankruptcy.  

    Since 1930, Detroiters have had two choices to reach Windsor, Ontario across the U.S.-Canadian border: the Ambassador Bridge or the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.

    Now, the tunnel's operator has joined the city in seeking bankruptcy protection. It's blaming two reasons, according to Reuters: reduced traffic across the border, and the same kind of unmanageable debt burden that led to the city's Chapter 9 petition.

    If Michigander's might recall, Governor Rick Snyder, as part of his campaign platform, ran advocating for a second bridge to Canada to be built, using at least partly, taxpayer money.  One has to ask, in considering this little plan of his, did he not research the profitability of the two existing means by which to get to Canada (the Windsor Tunnel and the Ambassador Bridge)?  If he didn't do the research that makes Governor Snyder just stupid.  If he did do his due diligence, he would have seen the enormous operating losses of the Tunnel."

    Read the rest here

    Unless someone can find a gray area in there somewhere, she has a point.

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