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    Tag: government (page 3)

    MiFTW Says NO To Medicaid Expansion In Michigan

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 02, 2013 at 12:31:08 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, FTW, Brian Pannebecker, Tim Bos, Freedom To Work, Labor, Medicaid, Expansion, Snyder, Poison Apple, Republicans, Government, Bureaucrats, ObamaCare, Bad Policy, Federal, Tyranny (all tags)

    Recall that Snyder was backed into signing the Freedom To Work Act, but now needs to defend it.

    Part of that task is to provide an atmosphere that PROMOTES a healthy dialogue between employer and employee. A couple of points made below should be noted.

    Michigan Freedom To Work, a coalition of union and merit shop workers, employers, retirees and thousands of grass roots activists favoring more Michigan jobs, labor freedom and workers' choice, today announced its analysis of proposed Medicaid expansion in Michigan.

    "Medicaid expansion as proposed in HB 4714 is anti-worker and anti-jobs,"
    Said Brian Pannebecker, spokesman for Michigan Freedom To Work and a UAW/Ford employee.
    "It is designed to triple Medicaid payments and add nearly 500,000 more to Michigan Medicaid rolls. It will encourage employers to hold down hours and wages, and place a glass ceiling over those workers seeking advancement. Earn a quarter raise and lose your insurance? Many of those already having private sector insurance will lose that preferred care and they will be dumped on Federal public insurance. It may save some companies money to push some of their operating costs on our grand children but it will disrupt the employer/employee relationship and shock Michigan's fledgling recovery into a tail spin. That is not wise public policy.

    Continued below the fold.

    (6 comments, 547 words in story) Full Story

    Like Obama, Listen to the Only 'Smartest Evah' Person in the Room...

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 27, 2013 at 06:20:14 PM EST
    Tags: One Term Nerd, executive-grade arm-twisting, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, creeping progressivism, poisoning the party brand, Obamacare, Michigan, Creepy Provisions, Expansion Medicaid, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Welfare, Rules, Government, MIaGOP (all tags)

    It just makes my blood boil that my taxes are paying for this.

    What a lying Progressive slovenly attired Hillary pantsuit-esque uniform wearing Corporatist slime-ball.  There is no such thing as "free" monies.  Rewarding bad governmental behavior will only decimate every state dumb enough not to see the Feds are offloading their debt onto them.

    One provision of the law [ObamaCare], the bulk of which goes into effect next year, expands state Medicaid coverage to individuals earning less than 138 percent of the federal poverty level. In exchange, the federal government will provide 100 percent reimbursement for the expandedcoverage for three years, phasing down to 90 percent in 2020.

    "The fastest thing that's going to go when we're cutting spending in Washington is a 100 or 90 percent match rate for Medicaid. There's no way. It doesn't matter if Republicans are running Congress or Democrats are running Congress. There's no way we're going to keep those match rates like that," said Ryan, who added that he has spread the warning to Republican governors and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    Word from chair ShowStak on any of this Nerd treachery?  Crickets chirping.  Willard, and his V.P. selection were your chosen boys, Bobby.  Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land?  Nothing but tumbleweeds blowing through Deadwooden shoeville.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Stop Citizen!

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 26, 2013 at 08:55:00 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Creepy Provisions, Expansion Medicaid, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Welfare, Rules, Government (all tags)

    "You have already consumed your daily caloric intake of 2500.  Please report to the nearest State Dept of Excess for purging."

    What?  You didn't expect that your health choices would matter any longer?

    By golly those house Dems and Republicans sure your bad choices don't get worse under the free for all expansion of health care I guess. Body Mass Indexing is a believable end result of 'state provided' health insurance. By golly maybe my concerns have been answered? Jack McHugh notes the new "creepy" rules:

    "Under the bill, enrollees would pay more unless they "demonstrate improved health outcomes or maintain healthy behaviors as identified in a risk assessment by their primary care practitioner." Dr. Edison characterizes as "creepy" the requirement that doctors must track and report to the state whether their patients have met that standard."
    Regularly scheduled doctor visits to make sure you don't bloat.

    OR .. Engage in other risky behavior; do drugs, drink, engage full promiscuity, same sex ..stuff, stare at the sun, hang glide, etc..


    Can State Senate supporters of expanding medicaid still think its such a good idea?

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    No Medicaid Growth

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 20, 2013 at 04:37:10 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Republicans, Medicaid, Government, Courage, Bold Colors, Thank You (all tags)

    For now.  

    The Michigan State Senate Is Adjourned.

    Thank you to the courageous Republicans who resisted the allure of vote trades, pressure from lobbyists and special interests, and did NOT see fit to lay a long term burden on Michigan Taxpayers.  

    And a special thank you to Senator Richardville for upholding senate caucus tradition, and while even supporting the bill, kept to protocol by holding for a majority in the Republican Caucus before bringing the bill to the full senate.  This has done more to solidify Republicans strength than might be appropriately expressed here.

    Thanks for the BOLD COLORS!  

    Have a great summer.

    (23 comments) Comments >>

    Bogaert: - Know Whats In It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 12, 2013 at 02:02:32 PM EST
    Tags: Bad Law, Michigan, Health Care, Exchanges, FORCED PARTICIPATION, Rose Bogaert, Lobbyists, Government, HB4714 (all tags)

    Taxpayer advocate Rose Bogaert sums up the feeling of those who will be deciding to hand sit (or primary as needed) if necessary.

    With regard to HB4717 that passed out of committee 9-5 a little while ago:

    "I would like to address those who have decided to support Governor Snyder wish to pass HB 4714. I would also like to acknowledge those who took the time to respond to my initial email both pro and con. I have been following Lansing for 31 years only to be frequently disappointed in the representation. I am aware that sometimes your job is difficult. I am also aware that you are sent to Lansing to represent your constituents. It seems that too frequently, government is at odds with that representation and the costs, as a result, are detrimental to good government and harmful to the taxpayer.

    While you may choose to support the governor over the citizens of this state, you must also accept the fact that you may be the focus of those who oppose and elect you. Should any of the groups who oppose your decision start to feel the negative effects of that decision, you can rest assured that they may seek other groups to come to their assistance. The legislature recently passed a law to make it more difficult to remove officials through recall. Once again, not serving those who elected you but your own interest. I suggest that before you decide such a life changing decision for Michiganders that you could become the object of their frustration. I am not proposing this, but wish you to be aware. In http://home.comcast.net/~bogaert/Opinion.pdf you will see that the groups can work together to remove the legislator who most egregiously has worked against them.

    Obamacare is not a small issue. You must realizes anything you can do to hinder its implementation will help save us from a disaster waiting to happen. For those who say "it is the law of the land" remember Rep. Nancy Polosi's comment that "we must pass it to know what is in it". If that is how you think laws should be passed, you represent no one not even yourself.

    Rose Bogaert, Chair
    Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.

    "The law of the land", right Mikey?

    By golly, you don't take marching orders from that extremist old tea party right? No worries buster.  Never were any "marching orders".  Only a little faith in a conservative whom it was thought could recognize right from wrong. I hope the soul of the party finds its new home bright and lively.

    Snyder will not win in 2014.

    And Folks?  As the vote is tomorrow in the full house, now might not be a bad time to do your thing.

    (2 comments) Comments >>


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 11, 2013 at 09:45:35 AM EST
    Tags: Bad Law, Michigan, Health Care, Exchanges, FORCED PARTICIPATION, Navigate THIS, Lobbyists, Government, HB4714 (all tags)

    According to one bill watcher, the accelerated deterioration of HB4717 has a catalyst.

    According to this source:

    "On reliable information from inside the GOP caucus the plan is to vote out of committee Tuesday for passage on the floor Wednesday or Thursday Michigan HB4714, medicaid expansion. The bill seems to be changing by the hour but not necessarily for the better. The current version does set up an exchange and REQUIRES enrollment in a plan whether a person is eligible or not: "Sec. 105c. The department shall provide a process by which individuals may apply for or renew medical assistance eligibility through a website from which the department shall enroll individuals in the appropriate health care program without regard to the specific program for which the individual applies." This provision and others are dependent upon waivers from the Obama Administration, or requires the state to SEEK such waivers, but does defeat the proposal if they do not succeed. THIS BILL LOOKS LIKE IT HAS BEEN DRAFTED BY HEALTH INDUSTRY LOBBYISTS WHO WILL SELL SOVEREIGNTY FOR SHORT TERM INCOME."
    Oh but THAT never happens!

    You know the drill.

    In the next two weeks there will be incredible pressure by lobbyists who fail to understand their industry has an end in sight if they are successful in convincing Michigan legislators to expand government for their own particular purpose.  Our legislators who remain outnumbered also are being led by the corruptive influence of a governor who has his own agenda.

    Strength is needed now more than ever.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    From the `60s to the Sixties

    By retvet242, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jun 09, 2013 at 11:23:39 AM EST
    Tags: '60s, America, government, boomers (all tags)

    What happened to us?

    (763 words in story) Full Story

    Sunday Divertere - Remember These?

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun May 19, 2013 at 09:33:53 AM EST
    Tags: Mike Barry, Tea Party, Constitution, Progressive Punishment, Government (all tags)

    I miss the tea party events put together with a shoestring, non professionals, and true grass roots (and righteous) concern for our constitution under attack by this administration.

    Though most is spot on, about half way through he really hits a great point. Watch for his note on "punishment" Also, the sign that reminded me of all the great signs during the Tea Party growth period; The one that reads "If you thinks health care is expensive now, wait till its free" warmed my heart with its truthfulness and insight.

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