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MiFTW Says NO To Medicaid Expansion In MichiganBy JGillman, Section News
Recall that Snyder was backed into signing the Freedom To Work Act, but now needs to defend it.
Part of that task is to provide an atmosphere that PROMOTES a healthy dialogue between employer and employee. A couple of points made below should be noted.
"Medicaid expansion as proposed in HB 4714 is anti-worker and anti-jobs,"Said Brian Pannebecker, spokesman for Michigan Freedom To Work and a UAW/Ford employee. "It is designed to triple Medicaid payments and add nearly 500,000 more to Michigan Medicaid rolls. It will encourage employers to hold down hours and wages, and place a glass ceiling over those workers seeking advancement. Earn a quarter raise and lose your insurance? Many of those already having private sector insurance will lose that preferred care and they will be dumped on Federal public insurance. It may save some companies money to push some of their operating costs on our grand children but it will disrupt the employer/employee relationship and shock Michigan's fledgling recovery into a tail spin. That is not wise public policy.Agreed. Continued below the fold.
Pannebecker continues
"With the federal debt climbing each day, those costs will be tripled by government bureaucracy and interest costs, and be put on the backs of our children and grandchildren. We do not need government bureaucrats between workers and their doctors, dentists and pharmacists. Studies show Medicaid patients have poorer outcomes and higher mortality rates, and typically order and/or are provided more services because it is supposedly `free'.Free DOES have its costs. Another notable from MiFTW: "Adding half a million more people in Michigan on a Federal entitlement program that will eventually be supported by tax dollars state and federal, will tie the hands of future elected officials and create more class warfare,"said Tim Bos of Waterford, Michigan, grass roots leader for Michigan Freedom To Work. "Every penny the state and Federal governments have must first be taken from taxpayers, and while deficit spending, from the future earnings of our children. As a former union member and now a small businessman I am very concerned how this will affect business growth in Michigan. It will force employers to suppress wages and limit hours of workers, and thereby disrupt normal business practices. Health Care costs have soared but the so-called Affordable Care Act has done just the opposite of what it claimed to do. It appears we are in for a huge shock in health insurance costs and taxation later this year to implement this train wreck. We hope Michigan senators will not rush to enforce Medicaid expansion as the U.S. Supreme Court has stated it is optional. Michigan does not need to bite that poison apple."Truth. Poison apple. Let the leftist OWN the disaster that is Obamacare. Let it go down in history as the abject failure it was designed to be. Because it is the "law of the land" does not excuse willing capitulation in its implementation. We need not be enablers for bad federal policy. Opting out is not only an option, but the logical one.
MiFTW Says NO To Medicaid Expansion In Michigan | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
MiFTW Says NO To Medicaid Expansion In Michigan | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)