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    Tag: Republicans (page 4)

    Provable Vulnerability

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Sep 02, 2013 at 11:05:58 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Republicans, Survey, 30th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, poisoning the party brand, creeping progressivism, executive-grade arm-twisting, constitutionally-restrained government, Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, integrity argument, causa provocare, liberty-minded network, acta non verba, empowered grassroots operation, sending a message, politician paper training, corinthian scales vs. absolute standard, "Mastermind" vs. "Oracle", Rick Snyder, GoverNerd, Nerd King, Slick Rick, mister thirty-six percent, Mr. 36%, Dave Agema, Mike Bishop, Keith Butler, Betsy DeVos, Gary Glenn, Pete Hoekstra, Bill Schuette, Michigan Banana Republican Party, MIGOP convention rule 22, MIGOP Policy Subcommittee, Brian Calley, Wes Nakagiri (all tags)

    When was the last time a sitting Republican governor of Michigan was subjected to a primary?

    Truthfully, I am not sure if it has ever happened.  In 2014 it would likely succeed, according to polling by iCaucus that was completed on Friday and finalized this weekend. The scientific polling was done over a week targeting a specific group that will decide who is the GOP flag bearer going forward; active, educated and engaged republican delegates.

    As a foreshadowing through early results had revealed, there is little question of where folks are at this point in time, and on the eve of Snyder signing Obamacare capitulation into law in Michigan.  The polling shows Rick Snyder in disfavor with delegates, and unwelcome to nearly half. Less than 40% would NOT like to see a primary challenge.

    Not surprisingly to this writer, the results are not as clear with Lt Governor Brian Calley, who has results that are within the margin of error.  Outside of the polling there is a sense that many conservatives still find the problem to be with the governor himself, and Calley to be more incidental and possibly holding the governor to more conservative positions than he would be otherwise.

    This might be the case, and might be seen as an additional reason to oust the governor who requires such 'care'.

    Continued with SO MUCH MORE below the fold.

    (6 comments, 1961 words in story) Full Story

    Survey Says!

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 29, 2013 at 10:08:23 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Polling, Snyder, Calley, iCaucus, Survey, Delegates, Republicans, Primary (all tags)

    Replacing Snyder is preferred.

    An iCaucus commissioned poll of Republican delegates is revealing the rift between the progressive left governor and the base of the Republican party in Michigan.  Respondents have to this point said Rick needs to go, and well beyond the margin of error.

    Should Governor Rick Snyder face a primary challenger in 2014?

    Preliminary and unofficial results currently show a 46.79% Replace Snyder preference to a 37.93% Keep Snyder Preference, with a 15.29% unsure percentage.  Margin of error currently +/-3.87% with 650 respondents with 95% confidence.

    The polling also ranks a number of possible contenders in head to head ratings. The names of will be revealed on Saturday, currently showing one possibility polling stronger differentially than the generic count against the governor, and others within the margin of error, and others losing to him.

    The need to replace Brian Calley is not quite as clear.  38.84 % support replacing the LT Governor, while 35.32% do not, and a heavy 25.84% remain unsure.  This falls within the margin of error, and cannot be seen as a mandate.

    Watch for weekend updates.

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    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Hey Tom?

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Aug 28, 2013 at 08:56:15 AM EST
    Tags: War, Michigan, Senate, HB4714, Illegals, Agenda 21, A21, Redistribution, Obamacare, Tom Casperson, Weak Sister, Republicans (all tags)

    You just cast the deciding vote for an A21 Premise.

    The UN Agenda 21 premise on full display last night. Principle 1

    "Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. "
    Entitled. And by Right even in many other declarations.

    But lets not stop there!  Certainly Principle 5 is equally important. ('equal' being the operative word)

    All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, in order to decrease the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world.
    Step one? Eliminate insurance expense for the not-so-well-to-do.

    In the greatest redistribution scheme seen in our lifetime, you have just assisted in making sure the 'Right' to a healthy and productive life has new legs.  Republicans that voted for HB4714 have saved the state a few dollars over the next couple of years, but have embraced full blown global socialism in the process.  When Sebelius changes the rules with nary a peep from our weak kneed congress, illegals will ALSO have the right to our health care as well.  Former Governor and Democrat Jennifer Granholm started promoting this clunker in 2007, you just turned the key.

    Its a small world after all Tom.  


    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Miller Votes To Stop IRS Obamacare Relationship

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 02, 2013 at 02:48:38 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Congressmen, Republicans, Defund, Bureacracies, Candace Miller, IRS, Congress (all tags)

    In a strangely recurring theme, another Michigan Representative performs a heroic feat of non-consequence.

    From yet another electioneering press release:

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) today made the following comments regarding the U.S. House of Representatives' passage of H.R. 2009, Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013.  H.R. 2009 would bar the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from implementing or enforcing any component of President Obama's health care law.  Miller said:

    "Over the past several months, I have heard from many of my constituents who are very concerned that soon they will have to turn over much of their most private health care information to the IRS as a result of ObamaCare.  I believe that concern is justified.

    "The American people have been jolted by recent revelations of wrong doing within the IRS, which has diminished their faith and confidence in this powerful federal agency.  The IRS has admitted that they had singled out specific groups for extra scrutiny simply because of the political beliefs held by those groups.  Since these revelations came to light, two senior IRS officials have hidden behind the protections of the 5th Amendment to shield from American taxpayers, who pay their salaries, the facts about their wrongdoing.  Giving this discredited government agency even more authority to enact various provisions of the ObamaCare law, and giving the IRS more power over our daily lives by putting them at the center of some of the most personal and private decisions made by American families, is simply unacceptable.

    "The American people do not have the necessary faith needed in the IRS to ensure the agency fairly and prudently enforces this massive takeover of our health care system and be entrusted with unprecedented access to people's most personal information.  I believe that the IRS through its own actions has made clear that it cannot be trusted with this new role.  That is why I cosponsored a simple, two-page bill, H.R. 2900 - The Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act.  This bill takes away the authority of the Secretary of Treasury to enforce any aspect of ObamaCare.

    "Instead of giving the IRS more power and authority over the American people, this bill takes that power away.  I am pleased to say that I voted in favor of this important legislation and that it passed the House.  Now it is time for the Senate to act and protect the privacy of every American's private health care information."

    Again, I must ask

    Will the president sign this?

    No he won't.

    Seriously, just defund all those agencies and mandates.  

    Job done.  

    Right? Right?

    Comments >>

    Walberg Votes To Reduce Power Of Bureaucrats

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 02, 2013 at 12:05:41 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan Congressmen, HR 367, Republicans, Defund, Bureacracies, Tim Walberg (all tags)

    OK, but will the US Senate pass, and then see it through for Obama's signature?

    Via his official press release.

    Washington, D.C. - Today Rep Walberg voted in favor of H.R. 367, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, to reform our nation's regulatory system. The REINS Act requires any rule or regulation with an economic impact of $100 million or more and identified by the White House's Office of Management and Budget as a `major regulation' to come before Congress for an up-or-down vote and signed by the President before taking effect.

    "Last year, more than 50 regulations were implemented with an annual economic cost of more than $100 million each. The REINS Act allows Congress - not Washington bureaucrats - to determine if new major regulations that threaten job creation will go into effect and in doing so, protect jobs for hardworking taxpayers," commented Rep Walberg following the vote.

    Will the president sign this?

    No he won't.

    Quit wasting yours' and our time Tim.  Instead, Defund all those agencies and mandates that have more than that $100,000,000 impact.  

    Job done.  


    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Fridays Divertere Castrados: John Boehner .. Again

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Jul 26, 2013 at 09:56:25 AM EST
    Tags: Illegal Aliens, Drug Mules, Undocumented Democrats, Rewarding Lawbreakers, scAmnesty, Lipstick On A Pig, Two wings - One bird, ObamaCare, Exemption Employees, Medicaid, Expansion, GOPe, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Obama, Snyder, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, Rule Of Law?, Hispandering, poisoning the party brand, New Left, Cultural Marxism, Peter Pan, 200 Dumb Kids, Backfired Petulance, Critical Theory, Oaths, Michigan, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Subsidies, Taxes, Citizens, School Fund, $300 Million, Elections, Conservatism, Republicans, Real Leadership, Home Team First, Principle, One Chance (all tags)

    How Boehner single-handedly lost the GOP Majority in the House for 2014

    {facepalm} Every House Republican't that voted for a second term of Weeper Boehner should be tarred, feathered, and ran out of town on a rail.  That should be the "teachable moment" for Representative Steve King.  It's the pandering Politically Correct garbage in the GOP "Big Tent" that will stab one in the back just as fast, if not faster, than the Democratic Socialist Party plantation race warlord poverty pimps.

    Comments >>

    What's in Your Wallet?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 22, 2013 at 05:02:58 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, Governor Snyder, Rick... Michigan?, The Flim-Flam Man, Rewarding Lawbreakers, Illegals, Sanctuary City Ann Arbor & Detroit, Amnesty, Marco RubiObama, Exemption Employees, ObamaCare, Medicaid, Creepy Provisions, Expansion Medicaid, Mandated Healthy Lifestyles, Brothers Keeper, Agriculture Reform. Food and Jobs Act of 2013 (S.954), JP Morgan, EBT Cards, Welfare, Expansion, executive-grade arm-twisting, Progressives, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Two wings - One bird, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, Rule Of Law?, One Term Nerd, Jeb Bush, Common Core, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Cheap Labor, Underemployment, Who Profits?, Follow the money, U of M cronies, Big Ed, Perkins Loans, STEM Amnesty, Government Funding, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, University Aristocracy, STEMinists, MEDC, Snyder's self-invented culture of the 'bullied' Nerd, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Bobby Schostak, Hispandering, poisoning the party brand, Oaths, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Michigan, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Subsidies, Taxes, Citizens, School Fund, $300 Million, Elections, Conservatism, Republicans, Real Leadership, Home Team First, Principle, One Chance (all tags)

    Besides Rick Snyder, same 'ol same old... Amnesty for gatecrashers.

    The immigration overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate could put a big squeeze on the budgets of state and local governments.

    The proposal does not help states pay for costs incurred by required policy changes, including ramped up English classes and greater access to public hospitals and health clinics.

    "Potentially, we are going to create a financial catastrophe for states and localities," said Sheri Steisel, senior federal affairs counsel and a human services expert at the National Conference of State Legislatures. "The states will end up with the cost and consequences of the federal decision-making, with very little resources to rely on to make up the difference."


    Not that the self-invented Nerd persona since being sworn to his Oath has done a damn thing about that "big squeeze" anyway.  Why Hell, stealth Democrat Rick Michigan has even fought his own Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson, over providing gatecrashers a driver license, squashing voter verification, and placing the Lawless to the front of the line ahead of American citizens.

    Michiganders must really enjoy being little more than Debt Slaves.  Wolverines - do not.  Frankly, I don't see a snowball's chance in Hell that Snyder will be a second term anything in this state, but go ahead "liberty-minded network" with squandering your time and resources on Calley.

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    Divertere Castrados: Mom, Tell him to Stop Touching me

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 18, 2013 at 01:11:46 PM EST
    Tags: Grow a pair Team R, ObamaCare, John Roberts' Senate TAX ruling on Obummercare, SCROTUS, Rule of Law?, Amnesty, Exemption Employees, Home Team First, Medicaid, Expansion, Progressives, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, One Term Nerd, poisoning the party brand, Michigan, 2014, Elections, Conservatism, Republicans, Real Leadership, Principle, One Chance (all tags)

    What's up with the whinny Beta male videos?

    John, is just now realizing the Looter vote buying Democrats Socialists don't play "fair"?  JHFC!  What barstool has Boehner been on since March 21, 2010?  Shut it down, John.

    Save the emasculated "fairness" Bee-esS for whatever infiltrated church you pour yourself into from time to time.

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