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    Tag: Mitt Romney (page 4)

    Following The Paper Trail and Noticing The Missing Links

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Sun Mar 18, 2012 at 09:59:30 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, presumptively bluffing, projected delegates vs allocated delegates vs committed delegates, primary process, ex post facto rules changes, memory holes, conflicting memorandums, "Doster Memo", "Jorns memo", paper trails (all tags)

    So, is it a 274 delegate margin, a 233 delegate margin, a 173 delegate margin, or a 116 delegate margin currently separating Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum?  How deeply is Newt Gingrich locked into third place?  And if Ron Paul's been mathematically eliminated from a statistically certain pre-convention majority, then why is he still campaigning?  We know the answer to the third question (at least we think we do), but those first two aren't mere academic questions, and answering them might help in understanding why Anuzis and his Backroom Band are sticking to the meme that Romney is supposed to get both of Michigan's at-large delegates to this summer's national convention . . . in spite of all the verifiable evidence otherwise.

    And while we're at it, we're going to connect a few dots and see what we see.

    (4 comments, 5242 words in story) Full Story

    Because The Question Needs To Be Asked

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 13, 2012 at 03:50:06 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Newt Gingrich, Winning Our Future, Ron Paul, Revolution, Mitt Romney, Restore Our Future, Rick Santorum, Red White and Blue Fund, behind-the-scenes collusion, convention brokerage deal, Rand Paul (all tags)

    When it comes to conspiracy theories, I tend to take the advice God gave his prophet, Isaiah:  "I'm warning you!  Don't act like these people.  Don't call something a rebellious plot, just because they do, and don't be afraid of something, just because they are.  I am the one you should fear and respect.  I am the holy God, the LORD All-Powerful!" (Isaiah 8:11-13, CEV)

    But I gotta tell you; some of the "off the radar" developments swirling around on the periphery of the Michigan Dele-Gate fiasco have me wondering just what the hell is going on behind the curtains in those back rooms.  And specifically one development has me intrigued.

    (1 comment, 2139 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    So That The Heir-Apparent May Receive His Crown

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 10, 2012 at 10:54:20 AM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, presumptively bluffing, math vs math, projected delegates vs bound delegates vs committed delegates (all tags)

    If we're to believe the drive-by mainstream media (Such as The Ticket, Politico, Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, and CNN among others), then this here republican presidential primary is all but a done deal.  With all that orange on the map below, everyone else should just quit now.  Michigan's native son is the only one with a clear path to victory, so let's just call it good and move on to the general campaign.

    Apparently Team Romney has never heard of a guy named Yogi Berra, or the concept of there being a reason that we actually play the games.

    (2 comments, 2993 words in story) Full Story

    This Will Not Be Quietly Swept Under The Rug

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 05, 2012 at 11:23:00 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, primary process, delegate math, ex post facto rules changes, memory holes, conflicting memorandums, MIGOP Party Leadership, MIGOP Paid Staff, MIGOP District Chairs, MIGOP State Committee (all tags)

    Last week, the Michigan "Dele-Gate" Fiasco was a big deal.  A whole bunch of media outlets, both in-state and nationally, had something to say about it.  Tony Roza over at The Green Papers is also keeping track of this mess, though for now he has the official delegate count consistent with last week's backroom banditry.  But funny things tend to happen over the weekend with media stories.  If there isn't someone actually pushing the narrative, then the story tends to die off.  And when someone who's actively involved in burying the truth is controlling the narrative . . . well, that's probably cause for concern.

    (5 comments, 958 words in story) Full Story

    A Tale Of Two Memos

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Fri Mar 02, 2012 at 08:52:17 AM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, primary process, delegate math, ex post facto rules changes, memory holes, conflicting memorandums, Scott Greenlee (all tags)

    I grew up in rural northeast Michigan (Iosco County to be precise).  I can tell you as a certainty gained from hard experience that I know manure when I smell it.  So when I say that the stench arising from the sequence of high-profile republican primary screwups smells like a bathtub-sized crock of elephant exhaust . . . well, I've got a usable reference point.

    (6 comments, 2550 words in story) Full Story

    Because The Narrative Cannot Survive A Rewrite

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 04:35:21 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Mike Cox, Bill Runco, MIGOP Credentials Committee, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, primary process, delegate math, ex post facto rules changes, memory holes (all tags)

    Yesterday, I wrote that Mitt Romney's campaign leadership in Michigan was doing their damnedest to spin Michigan's Presidential Primary results into a win for "Michigan's Native Son."  If they could successfully do so, then it would preserve their desired narrative that the favorite son of a popular governor had defeated an insurrection in his own backyard, and would now heroically go forward and accomplish that which his father was unable to do a generation ago.

    However, facts are stubborn things.  As the day wore on, the truth started to make its way to the beltway media that the real result of the Michigan Primary is an exact split of the delegation (which, according to Tony Roza over at The Green Papers, would have been the result even if we hadn't been penalized).  Since such an outcome might have derailed the Romney coronation train, something had to be done.  At the eleventh hour, something was done.

    (9 comments, 1650 words in story) Full Story

    Android Programming Upgrade Required

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 01:46:33 PM EST
    Tags: Mitt Romney, Latter-Day Saints, Wingman Ron Paul, A Jihadist Best Friend, Robocalls, Habitual Liar, Dennis Lennox, RINO Season, DOMA, Log Cabin Republicans Payola, Principles, Integrity, Global Warming Alarmist, RomneyCare, $50 Abortion Co-pay, HillaryCare Approved, Ted Kennedy Endorsed, Planned Parenthood Endorsed, 2012 Primary, GOP Establishment Elite (all tags)

    Here's a hint for ya Willard, Blunt- RUBIO !!!!!!

    Now, read the lame walk back from a guy that's been campaigning for 5 years:

    "I didn't understand his question; of course I support the Blunt amendment," Romney said on the Howie Carr Show. "I thought he was talking about some state law that prevented people from getting contraception, so I was simply -- misunderstood the question, and of course I support the Blunt Amendment."

    He's tripping over himself so badly in fear of his religion coming under scrutiny in the this election it's sickening.  Obama/Axelrod is going to have a field day in the general if the Repub establishment succeeds with their chosen son.

    For record, the Democrats blocked Blunt today.

    Comments >>

    Media Myth vs Delegate Reality

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 29, 2012 at 10:12:46 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, primary process, delegate math, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy (all tags)

    The media elites (to say noting of the party elites) would love to have you believe their line that Romney's wins in Michigan and Arizona last night have him back in command of the primary contest heading into Super Tuesday, where ten states await him.  Their meme is that, though the win in Michigan was ugly and close, Romney is now the presumptive nominee; it's just a matter of how long it's going to take to clear the rest of the field.

    The reality, however, is so much messier.

    (9 comments, 1835 words in story) Full Story

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