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Because The Narrative Cannot Survive A RewriteBy Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
Yesterday, I wrote that Mitt Romney's campaign leadership in Michigan was doing their damnedest to spin Michigan's Presidential Primary results into a win for "Michigan's Native Son." If they could successfully do so, then it would preserve their desired narrative that the favorite son of a popular governor had defeated an insurrection in his own backyard, and would now heroically go forward and accomplish that which his father was unable to do a generation ago.
However, facts are stubborn things. As the day wore on, the truth started to make its way to the beltway media that the real result of the Michigan Primary is an exact split of the delegation (which, according to Tony Roza over at The Green Papers, would have been the result even if we hadn't been penalized). Since such an outcome might have derailed the Romney coronation train, something had to be done. At the eleventh hour, something was done.
A bit of background first.
Per the rules, the Michigan Republican Party has 55 days to certify the results of the Michigan Republican Presidential Primary. That means that this matrix currently available on the MIGOP website (which I took a screenshot of yesterday, and date-time stamped it just in case) is officially unofficial until 23 April. Until that time, the state committee isn't required to actually comment on those results. It's mathematically possible that CD-05 and/or CD-10 could flip over into the Santorum column during the certification process, because they're that close, but it's very unlikely that they'll do so. Now, you won't find this anywhere in the 39-page 2011 Michigan Republican Party Directory, but the Credentials Committee consists of seven people, as follows:
From "MI GOP Credentials Committee Gives Romney 2 At-Large Delegates" (MIRS Breaking News - 01 March 2012 @ 12:44):
The Michigan Republican Party (MRP) Credentials Committee voted 4-2 last night to give Mitt Romney both of the state's at-large delegates, State Policy Committee Chair Mike Cox told MIRS today. The Santorum campaign filing a complaint . . . you think so? That means that if this backroom band "decision" isn't reversed before the MIGOP State Convention in May, then Michigan (along with Florida and Arizona) will have an "under appeal" flag sitting beside any honest report of its delegate count. This will be for no other reason than that in an actual middle of the night, smoke-filled backroom, Team Romney and the Michigan Republican Party establishment elites voted to ignore the results of Tuesday's Primary Election and ex post facto disregard the party's own rules (which were submitted to the Republican National Committee on February 7, 2012). So far as I'm aware, the vote tally on the question was as follows:
Voting "no": According to what I've learned, Holly Hughes was not notified of the meeting until after the vote was taken, thus the reason for a missing vote. I haven't had a chance to speak with Ms. Hughes directly, but I know her well enough to suspect that she would have voted "no" had she been present. I'm told that as I write this, she's making many phone calls to protest the decision. Of course, this morning, none other than Saul Anuzis released a statement on how last night's meeting didn't actually violate the rules. From That's Saul, Folks!:
At the February 4th State Committee meeting held in Lansing, the Credentials Committee unanimously passed the procedures for allocating Michigan's delegates to the National Convention in the event that the RNC imposes the 50% penalty on our delegation. Yup, nothing to see here, folks; just a miscommunication with regard to the intent of our original memorandum. Everyone's in agreement that the earlier memo was wrong, and now we're doing it the right way. We're moving along now. Except that the memo that Saul links to was put out by Kim Jorns (MIGOP Executive Director) just this morning! Conspicuous by its absence is a link to the original memo (dated February 7, 2012) that was sent to all four candidate campaigns and copied directly to Reince Priebus. I'd love to get my hands on that original memo, because I'd gladly bet a Salmon P. Chase that it outlines a procedure that follows exactly MIGOP rule 19-C(2). All the creative rewriting on the planet isn't going to save Mister National Popular Vote, or Michigan's Native Son, if that original memo happens to surface. In the meantime, I'm thinking that we ought to be making as much hay as possible out of this, as well as applying lots and lots of pressure to the MIGOP Credentials Committee to revisit last night's decision. The phone numbers you'll need are these:
And, for what it's worth, an organization calling itself "Stop the MI GOP Corruption" has launched an online petition drive in an effort to shame the Credentials Committee into revisiting and reversing its decision. (I find signature # 45 a tad interesting.) I recommend sharing the link around.
Because The Narrative Cannot Survive A Rewrite | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 hidden)
Because The Narrative Cannot Survive A Rewrite | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 hidden)
Related Links+ The Green Papers+ this matrix currently available on the MIGOP website + in this article from yesterday + That's Saul, Folks! + the memo that Saul links to + 2011 Michigan Republican Party Directory + Michigan Leaders Lining Up For Romney + launched an online petition drive + signature # 45 + Also by Kevin Rex Heine |