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    Tag: Big government (page 3)

    MI-GOP: Tax Hiking Revenue Raising Arm of the MDP

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jun 14, 2013 at 10:51:08 PM EST
    Tags: Two Party System, Historic Scam, Big Government, Progressives, Etienne-Gabriel Morelly, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richarville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where? (all tags)

    Any of you been keeping an eye on some of the sneaky tax/fee hikes happening in Lansing?

    HB 4665: Eileen Kowall-r  - to extend the "temporary" 71.4% tipping fee hike from 2011 = PASSED by House MI-GOP (Thank you for your lone Republican NO vote, Rep. Nesbitt)

    HB 4668: Jon Bumstead-r  - Hunting and Fishing tax hike... 106.6% increase for resident deer license, and basic fishing license 73.3% increase = unanimously PASSED by House MI-GOP

    HB 4669: Jon Bumstead-r  - annual ORV sticker 61.5% tax hike, and if wanting to use state trails, make it a 123% tax hike = unanimously PASSED by House MI-GOP

    Seriously, what the Hell is the point of voting Republican?  Just so one can say they didn't vote Democrat?  That's real intelligent.  I'm tellin' ya, the Republican Majority in Lansing, are Professional Grade Bandits.  No bullsh!t.

    MI-GOP: Morbidly Into - Gnawing Our Pocketbooks

    Wait for it...  because it's the right thing to do.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    The Line Was Crossed

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 11, 2013 at 11:23:34 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Governor, Rick Snyder, RINO, Validation By Association, Republicans, HB4717, Cronyism, ACA, Expansion, Big Government, Short Term Gains, Primaries, Line In Sand, Alan Keyes, Romney (all tags)

    Conservative activists and organizers from across the state of Michigan have had enough.

    As promised, Governor Snyder will have to face the reality that the conservative base might well leave him to fend for himself as he repeatedly (and without remorse) promotes expansion of the ACA in Michigan.  Joan Fabiano and Jen Kuznicki in an article and open letter to the Governor explain that Republicans should, and will not be casting their vote for him in the coming election.

    "It is with careful consideration that we decide on a course of action that is, in our view, politically problematic, but nonetheless a forthright answer to a governor who will not listen to his base: Conservatives should not help this Governor get reelected."
    This decision does not come easy, and the letter is signed as well by some of the most effective grassroots leaders in the state.

    Many are concerned that The 2014 Democrat candidate for governor is likely to take advantage of this, and they are correct.  Thus another reason to fight for, and support the legislators who stand up for limited government intrusion into our lives; something clearly pointed out as part of the problem with the ACA by Fabiano and Kuznicki:

    'Unsustainable consequences of the passing of the "Affordable" Care Act will leave millions without a job, and millions with cut hours and wages.  Those consequences lead us to believe that expansion will overwhelm the system, rip off doctors, temporarily prop up hospitals, all leading to requests for more taxpayer funding on both the State and Federal levels.

    Medicaid expansion is not solely a fiscal issue, it gets to the heart of the role of government in our lives.  Take into consideration the life of a restaurant worker who has been working full time.  Due to Obamacare, he will be facing a cut in hours because of the fees placed upon his employer by the cynical law.  He will lose his health insurance as a result, and he will be eligible for Medicaid if the state expands it.  You have, at the hands of government, changed that man's life from being a hard-working climber to one that has been knocked back by a government he is in charge of.  He has lost half of his income so that the government can manage his life.'

    And all of this merely the tip of the iceberg.

    Continued below the fold

    (13 comments, 1212 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Thursday Feature - Red Lights

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Jun 06, 2013 at 09:22:31 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Red Light Cameras, Graft, 6th Amendment, Due Process, C4L, Big Government, Wayne Schmidt, (RINO-104), Constitution, Bad Law, ATS (all tags)

    When Wayne Schmidt says Red Light Cameras are just a tool, he validates the word"tool" as something that has an appropriate place in the conversation.

    Why is it that government must constantly move the line in the sand in a way that chips away at our liberties?  Why do we continue to elect those who are so readily available and capitulating to the Lansing and National parasites which outnumber them 8 to 1?

    Schmidt didn't write this legislation any more than he built Cobo Hall with his bare hands.  This is likely template legislation provided by ATS to Schmidt, and the reward for being such a bold legislator remains a mystery.

    Any dummy that follows him into this rabbit hole just adds another reason to distrust our legislators' ability to learn from history.

    [editor's note, by JGillman] I should note the video was originally found at: http://www.michigancapitolconfidential.com/18710

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    Wayne Schmidts Red Light Cameras

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 03, 2013 at 02:28:15 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Red Light Cameras, Graft, 6th Amendment, Due Process, C4L, Big Government, Wayne Schmidt, (RINO-104), Constitution, Bad Law (all tags)

    Aside from the fact that the lobbyists were contacting local sheriffs BEFORE any legislation was released, there are plenty enough reasons to dislike, or 'hate' the idea of Red Light cameras being used in Michigan.

    Some of them glaringly obvious, some perhaps not-so-much.  Michigan Campaign For Liberty did a pretty good job of banging out 17 reasons why to hate the red light snitch devices, and perhaps adding to why folks like Wayne Schmidt ought not EVER seek political office EVER again.

    From constitutionality to poor allocation of resources, to outright graft, you have seen our other commentary on this issue.  

    C4L's list below the fold provides a more complete bullet point list.

    (5 comments, 1235 words in story) Full Story

    Sure, now They Pass it

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 09, 2013 at 08:54:11 AM EST
    Tags: HR 1406, Comp time, Private Sector, Michigan, Liberty, Freedom, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, A Republic if you can keep it, Progressives, Bowing To The King, Government Tyranny, Obamacare, Tax hiking, BIGGER Spending, Big Government, Cultural Marxism, Melissa Harris-Perry, Crony Capitalism, Public Sector Unions, Protected incompetence, Democrats War on Wisdom, Gary Peters (all tags)

    Yannow, when my minimal scheduled 53 hour workweek was the norm, I sure would've loved to have this option available.

    The Republican-led House on Wednesday approved a measure that would give private sector workers the option of trading overtime pay for extra time off weeks or months later.

    The bill, approved on a 223-204 vote, would allow employees who work more than 40 hours a week to save up to 160 hours of earned time off for future use. GOP lawmakers say they want to give busy working parents at private firms the same flexibility that public sector workers have to take time off to spend with their children or care for aging parents.

    Busy parents?  Feh.  Whatever.  An extra 20 days of vacay banked away sounds good in most anyone's book.  But, of course, like pending doom, the Progressives have to opine.

    Democrats say it's not fair to compare the legislation to similar flexibility that is offered to public sector employees because many government workers are unionized and have civil service protections against potential abuse by employers.

    See that?  You're just too stupid to carve out your own swath in life.  Only the DNC Progressives, bureaucrats in the hive mentality of Mother Government, and Goonions can save you peons from yourself.  And we pay their wages, and retirements?  Insanity.

    Amash, Benishek, Bentivolio, Camp, Huizenga, Miller, Rogers, Upton, and Walberg, thank you for voting YES on this legislation.

    Note: Gary Peters voted NO.

    Comments >>

    You got Your Crony in my Capitalism

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 08, 2013 at 07:38:27 PM EST
    Tags: A Republic if you can keep it, Lansing Majority?, MIaGoPC'd, NOT Praiseworthy, Bobby ShowStak, SB-992, Schostak Brothers & Company, Dwindling returns, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Michigan, GOPe, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Progressives, Primary, Rick Snyder, Corporatism, Wealth Redistribution, Big government, Big Budget, STEM Amnesty, Medicaid Expansion, Expansion Of Welfare, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Pure governmental a$$hattery.

    How about a nice big bowl of Yooper Super Scooper Fudge ice cream?

    Or Traverse City Cherry Bomb or maybe a sugar cone of Very Vernors?

    Those flavors haven't been created yet but they could be in the Pure Michigan ice cream contest, which kicks off Wednesday.

    Pure Michigan is teaming up with Hudsonville Ice Cream in an effort to help promote the bounty of food and agricultural products available in the state.


    At least I know which Crapitalism brand name not to buy from now on.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Rep. Bentivolio, You Want Them To Read What They Pass?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 07, 2013 at 01:30:26 PM EST
    Tags: Kerry Bentivolio, Read the Bill Act of 2013, CD-11, memory holes, S.3360 of 2012, US Congress, GOPe, Party Overhaul, Grassroots, Michigan, 'Nutty Nancy' and Babbling Brooks, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, backroom shenanigans, Republican kakistocracy, Big government, Big Budget, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Primary, Rick Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Heaven's to Betsy, what has this world come to when the Ruling Class would be required to read Laws that govern us, and they exempt themselves from?

    WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Kerry Bentivolio introduced the Read the Bills Act of 2013. This legislation makes important changes to the way Congress does business by giving ample time to review legislation before it is voted on, requiring that all votes on passage be taken by roll call, and by providing that legislation shows in context how it modifies existing law.

    It is a basic moral question that a member of Congress should only vote to pass legislation having read and understood it. The Read the Bills Act accomplishes this by requiring that every vote on a bill's passage take place no less than 7 days after the text of the bill is available on-line to the public where it can easily be found. There is an exception to the "7 day rule" for declarations of war.

    "It is our duty to be transparent to the constituents we serve. This legislation will increase transparency and ensure that Congress doesn't pass legislation to find out what is in it," said Rep. Bentivolio. "Every law affects how the American people live and it is a dereliction of the Oath of Office to pass laws without knowing what they are."

    Rep. Bentivolio's, bill may be viewed here.

    Uh-oh.  No more "unanimous consent" sneak through?   The oligarch running the District of Corruption isn't going to be too happy about that, Rep. Bentivolio.  However, you have my support on this bill.  As an aside... any friendly wagers that this legislation dies in committee like S.3360 did in the Senate last year?

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    "The Governor had his Chance"

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sun May 05, 2013 at 08:48:27 AM EST
    Tags: SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, gun CONTROL, Bowing To The King, Government Tyranny, Janet Napolitano, DHS, Firearm Registration, Oaths, Constitution, Senator Cruz R-TX, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, American, Elections, 2014, HAS TO GO, Pale Pastel, GoPC, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, PPACA enablers, Progressives, Tax hiking, Big Government, BIGGER Spending, Crony Capitalism, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Be a victim, CMU, Rape, Robberies, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Our Michigan tax dollars at work obstructing our 2nd Amendment Rights while criminals roam freely.

    Seeking to make a point about firearms, a Michigan man decided to open carry his .45-cal. handgun at his daughter's school and later uploaded the footage to YouTube. The father says he made sure to first notify the school, the Michigan State Police, the county sheriff and other local law enforcement officials that he would be exercising his right to carry a gun.

    The rest of the man's trip to the school was seemingly incident free. He later had a conversation with the deputy about Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder recently vetoing a bill that would have permitted citizens with extra training to carry concealed weapons.

    "To be honest with you, that would be better," the woman identified as a deputy says, talking about concealed carry.


    Nah, deputy ma'am.  The stealth Democrat Nerd knows what's better for Law-abiding citizens than even the dwindling 2012 republican majority in the legislature.

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