To help you figure things out, there is a Scoop Admin Guide which can hopefully answer most of your questions.
Some tips:
Most of the layout is changed in "Blocks", found in the admin tools menu
Features can be turned on and off, and configured, in "Site Controls" in the admin tools menu
Stories have an "edit" link right beside the "Full Story" link on an index page, and right beside the "Post a Comment" link on the full story page. They can also be edited by clicking the story title in the "Story List" admin tool
Boxes are what allow you to write new features for Scoop; they require a knowledge of the perl programming language to work with effectively, although you can often make small changes without knowing much perl. If you would like a feature added but cannot program it yourself, ScoopHost does custom Scoop programming as one of its services.
If you aren't sure where to look for a particular feature or piece of display, try the "Search Admin Tools" link in the admin tools menu.
In 1971, homosexual activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."
Piers Morgan, confirms all that mentioned by Mother Heroine hyphenated Melissa, is true because it's written in the Constitution just like the word "muskets".
There were few opportunities for girls when Albania's civil war ended in the late 1990s, so Resilda Karafili's parents put her on a plane to Metro Detroit when she was 10 to live with relatives and get an education.
It was years before Karafili realized that she had been sent to the United States without proper documents. [STOP]
The global socialists bigotry of soft amnesty for lawbreakers. By the way, Resilda, our tax dollars sent to U of M Moscow on the Huron already subsidize your years ago aware illegal presence. Stop spitting in legal American citizens, and residents of Michigan's faces, get your paperwork in order, and shut up at the back of the line. Or, go b!tch at your disgusting parents for knowingly sending you into a position founded in lawlessness.
Twitter is a good thing. All who use that social media eventually reveal who they truly are in 140 characters or less. Take for example this doozy about "know nothings" from Dennis Lennox.
Well, it doesn't take much looking to source who the disgraced man-child from Cheboygan, is thankful to for gifting the misogynistic Left fodder against Conservatives.
Black, female, young, Conservative, Republican, and very much like Alan Keyes in 2004, intelligently opposes the long standing homophile agenda to change the definition of marriage = BIGOT
It doesn't matter anymore if one is Kara, Dennis Prager, Alan Keyes, or Dave Agema, because the Progressive bleat to destroy family, and Natural Law must commence for us to be wards of the state owned collective. That's how the Left rolls.