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    Tag: 2A (page 5)

    You Don't Sweat Much For A Fat Girl

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 31, 2013 at 01:32:26 PM EST
    Tags: Sales Tax, Michigan Roads, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Randy Richardville, Rick Snyder, Internet Sales, Main Street Fairness, DICK Durbin Plan, Big government, Budget, Wholesale Tax Hikes, gas tax, registration fees, Taxes, Exchanges, Obamacare, Gun Control, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, CMU, Rape, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Michigan, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    That's prolly the nicest thing I have to say about Lansing Republicans.  They aren't even faking it anymore, they just want to raid folks bank accounts.  

    via The Detroit News

    Bills introduced Wednesday in the state Senate include a proposed constitutional amendment to raise the 6 percent sales tax to 8 percent and devote the extra revenue to transportation funding.

    The state's 19-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax would go away in return.

    If voters didn't like that approach, a mix of increased gas tax and vehicle registration fees would go into effect if there's support in the Republican-controlled Legislature.

    The bills call for registration fees to rise by about 80 percent. Gas and diesel taxes would be roughly doubled.

    A scant few days after the Obama amnesty loving Nerd finished his SOTS, there you have it.  Senate republicrats rushed to hammer out SJR J (Richardville - Kahn/Caswell) tie bar to SB 85 (Kahn - Pappageorge), and SB 88 (Kahn), or SB 86 (Kahn), and SB 87 (Kahn).  Look, Team R Governerd lackeys, you serve feces on a croissant, but it's still a sh*t sandwich.  Look elsewhere for revenue?  Oh, Hell no.  Tax 'em because it's a crisis.  If I were one of the Socialists on Team D, I would make you Lansing republicans pay through the nose for that tax hiking yes vote you need to pass either of that crap being served.  And, they will.

    Continued below

    (315 words in story) Full Story

    Tuesdays Divertere: Litmus Test - Will You Fire On Americans?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2013 at 07:12:38 PM EST
    Tags: China, US Natural Resources, Coal, Oil, Farmland, Bank of China, National Debt, US Debt Ceiling, Spending, Monkey man, Obama, Cultural Marxism, New Left, Democratic Party Socialists, Republican Apologists, Internationalists, Fast and Furious, UN Small Arms Treaty, Tyranny, August 1 - 2. 1946, West Point, Defining Domestic Terrorists, Flag Officers, Katrina, House to house Confiscation, Trial Operations, Miami, Huston, Oaths, Choices, Just following orders?, SHTF?, Constitution, un-a-LIEN-able, 2A, Dr. Jim Garrow (all tags)

    America's conscience is responding with strengthening itself against tyranny, while our governmental protectors now practice maneuvers in Miami, and Huston, that desensitize, and hone skills as is observed here.

    Interesting times we live...

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Where Would our 83 in Michigan Side?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 28, 2013 at 10:01:38 AM EST
    Tags: Sensus communis, Sheriff David Clarke Jr., Education, Responsibility, Duty, Partnership, Oaths, CMU, Rape, Michigan, Gun Control, Obama, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, Mike Bouchard, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Some truth you'll never hear come from Benny Napoleon's mouth...

    Education, responsibility, and duty.  It is a common sense partnership for a Lawful, and civil society.  Wisconsin's Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr., is an honorable American.  I would be proud of any of our 83 sheriffs in Michigan, who'd step up with stating the same message.

    Those who are friend, or foe to 2A in Michigan?  Below the fold just may surprise some folks.

    (2 comments, 582 words in story) Full Story

    Both Plans Gave Me Gas

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 23, 2013 at 01:26:37 PM EST
    Tags: Speaker Bolger, Michigan Roads, Roger Kahn SEIU-lite, Rick Snyder, Big government, Budget, Wholesale Tax Hikes, gas tax, registration fees, Taxes, Exchanges, Obamacare, Gun Control, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, CMU, Rape, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Michigan (all tags)

    via freep.com

    Michigan voters could face a May 7 vote on how they want to pay for billions of dollars in road and bridge repairs in the next few years.

    A key lawmaker has put forward a plan under which voters would be asked to choose between a legislative plan to hike fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees, or a second option that would involve a 2-percentage-point increase in the state's 6% sales tax.

    The statewide vote would be premised on the gas tax increase and vehicle registration hike already getting approved in the Legislature. So choosing neither would not be an option.


    Yessirree, SSDD in Lansing.

    Funny how 2¢ was viewed not long ago.  Keep that stiff upper lip, Speaker Bolger.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Taxpayers Should Be Last Place We Look

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 18, 2013 at 01:55:47 PM EST
    Tags: Speaker Bolger, Michigan Roads, Rick Snyder, Big government, Budget, gas tax, registration fees, Taxes, Exchanges, Obamacare, Gun Control, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, CMU, Rape, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Michigan (all tags)

    Stand tall, legislators!  The One Term Nerd works to undermine your most every important move.  There are options available to help solve road funding.

    Ps. standing tall includes all local Party leaders, too.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Rape: Gov Snyder Can't 'Opt Out' of Owning This

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 17, 2013 at 03:12:10 PM EST
    Tags: CMU, Michigan, Gun Control, Obama, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Rape, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    The incident that light was placed upon earlier today, has concluded in another defenseless victim of predator inviting "Weapon Free Zones" in Michigan.

    January 17, 2013 --
    At 10:05 p.m. last evening, Isabella County Central Dispatch received a 911 call from a female that stated she had been kidnapped and had jumped out of a car. When deputies arrived, it was determined that she had been abducted at gunpoint from the CMU campus. The male suspect, who was later identified as a 30 year old Mount Pleasant resident, then drove her to a home on S. Crawford Rd., where he bound her and sexually assaulted her.

    He then put her back in the car, retrieved 2 gas cans, got in the car and began driving. While they were driving, the suspect told the victim that he was going to take her life. After hearing that, the victim jumped out of the car and ran to a residence on S. Mission Rd. yelling for help. A resident at the home let her in and immediately locked the door. While she was on the phone with 911, the male suspect ended up pouring gasoline on the house and then lit it on fire. There were 4 individuals in the home at the time.


    As the rest of the CMU presser states, and in detailing coverage, we will not be subject to that violent criminal's recidivism.  Thank Heaven for small favors!  The tragedy remains for all others who are subjected to senseless Progressive Policy creating these vulnerable target rich environments where we are the ones criminalized for Lawful possession of means to defend our life's.

    CMU Policy:

    No person shall possess, discharge or otherwise use any weapon on any property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the University. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the individual has a concealed weapon permit or is otherwise authorized by law to possess, discharge or use any such device. Exceptions to this prohibition are listed below.

    By stroke of pen, Governor Snyder sealed the limiting fate with owning the above.  We law abiding citizens shall be infringed - by politicians, and the lawless.

    My heart goes out to the young lady who was assaulted.  Innocence lost, again.  I personally do not have a daughter, but am completely able to imagine the horror a parent would be going through right now, especially when one knows that there were options available for their little girl to be safe.

    I am thankful in many ways today that that was not my daughter.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    CMU: Where's Your Signs?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 17, 2013 at 06:54:27 AM EST
    Tags: CMU, More signs, Michigan, James O'Keefe, Gun Control, Obama, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    via Central Michigan Life

    Central Michigan University police is investigating an attempted abduction at gunpoint Wednesday night outside the Student Activity Center.

    According to an alert sent out to the campus community at approximately 12:20 a.m. Thursday, a female was approached at gunpoint at approximately 9:30 p.m. by a male suspect in the parking lot of the SAC, a popular workout facility connected to the CMU Events Center off Broomfield Road.

    The alleged suspect, described as a white male between 20 and 30 years old, 5-foot-8 and 160 pounds with short blonde hair, then kidnapped the victim and her vehicle, a blue 2003 Ford Escape with Michigan registration "CNN9599."

    The victim eventually escaped from the suspect, but he took off south in the her vehicle.


    Obviously, the Governerd just needs to raise revenue for more signage.

    Comments >>

    Wednesdays Divertere: This Home Is Proudly Gun Free

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Jan 16, 2013 at 01:32:37 PM EST
    Tags: James O'Keefe, Michigan, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, Right to Life, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Meet your Press.

    Progressives are hypocrites?  Go figure...

    H/t ProjectVeritas

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