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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    GOP-controlled Oakland County commission urges zoo tax

    By Hayekian, Section News
    Posted on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 08:57:35 AM EST
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    Royal Oak Tribune: "Oakland County commissioners suspended their rules Thursday to hastily pass a resolution urging state lawmakers to pass legislation to create an authority to manage the Detroit Zoo."

    Ya' know, I have the feeling that when Brooks is gone and Bob Daddow retires, OC will just settle into the muck of high taxes, corruption and party-like-there's-no-tomorrow unfunded employee benefit liabilities that almost every other municipal government rolls around in.

    Detroit want a billion for a new Cobo? Sure, why not.

    Employees want early retirement and higher pensions? Heck, we'll be retired in Florida ourselves when the bills come due - let 'em have it!

    The increasingly statist, leftward tilt of this state's political establishment is a bipartisan phenomenon.

    BTW - that zoo legislation would authorize every county to pass a 1-mill zoo tax, not just those in the metro area.

    < Cheating on your taxes isn't bad enough? Granholm and Cherry caught lying about it, too! | It has been a rough spring break for Dennis Lennox >

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    Great shades of Proposal K! (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 09:31:35 AM EST
    Haven't these low-grade morons learned their lesson yet?

    I'd love them try to pass a millage in the middle of a recession.

    How should the zoo be funded? (none / 0) (#2)
    by mcdirt on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 11:36:18 AM EST

    Or should we do away with it, since it doesn't generate revenue?

    Good question. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 11:50:44 AM EST
    With admissions, memberships and by donor contributions.

    Yes, a vote (none / 0) (#5)
    by mcdirt on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 07:47:50 PM EST
    I understand the argument. But there are plenty of things we "all" pay for whether we use them or not. Otherwise, every public street would be a toll road.

    I think it's a mistake to treat every government service and public institution like a business. They're not.

    The question is whether voters want to tax themselves because they believe the zoo...whether they attend or not .... is worth it. Surely thriving cultural institutions contribute to strong property values and an intangible sense of community that makes it a desirable place to live.

    There's an argument to be made for the "worth" of the zoo as a cultural resource -- and an educational venue for generations of SE Michigan schoolkids -- that goes beyond a balance sheet.

    Even if I don't go, I might vote to tax myself for it because I recognize its value.

    That's easier to argue when you're employed, as I am, and not one of my many neighbors and friends who are not.......

    But I don't believe it's fair to argue the zoo is a "failing" institution because it can't be supported solely through user fees. Our road system isn't failing (well, OK, I HAVE seen the potholes) simply because user fees don't support them; our public colleges aren't necessarily failing because they aren't purely tuition-supported and our public libraries aren't failures because taxpayers choose to support them.

    As an aside, the privately funded Zoo Society funds a tremendous amount of the zoo's capital costs.....so combined with the entrance fees there is substantial private donor and user investment in the Detroit Zoo already......investment that's necessary if we want a zoo that's better than the privately funded ones like the one in the U.P. (can't think of it's name). I mean, hey, that's fun, but not exactly a world-class institution.

    I look forward to Mr. Galt's field day with my discussion!!

    • Only user's fees by Ed Burley, 03/07/2008 08:22:10 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Mmmm by mcdirt, 03/07/2008 09:49:34 PM EST (none / 0)
        • Really? by John Galt, 03/07/2008 10:24:32 PM EST (none / 0)
        • A lengthy reply by Ed Burley, 03/08/2008 01:50:50 AM EST (none / 0)
      • addendum by John Galt, 03/07/2008 10:16:20 PM EST (none / 0)
    • Some things should just die. by John Galt, 03/07/2008 10:12:15 PM EST (none / 0)
    MCDirt asks "How should the zoo be funded? (none / 0) (#7)
    by Angry White Male on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 09:26:01 PM EST
    Do you think it's a worthwhile amenity? Do you have a checkbook? Combine those two concepts.

    Do you go to the zoo? Do you think you should pay an admission fee, or instead that taxpayers should pay for you? User fees - there's a third concept to throw into the mix.

    I've never been to the zoo. If I was interested in going I would expect to pay an admission fee, but frankly I'd rather go to a movie. No one's suggested imposing a new property tax to pay for me to go to the movie, however.

    Are you saying that zoos add value to the community and so should get money beyond the user fees they can generate in voluntary free market exchanges? Well then, make the case that individuals or groups should voluntarily contribute even though they never go to the zoo. That would hearken back to a quaint custom popular when this country was truly free, a little thing we call civil society.

    Who knows, maybe I'll be convinced by your argument and get out my checkbook. (To be honest I probably won't though, because I personally think zoos are gross and obsolete.)

    "I might vote to tax myself for it because I recognize its value." Very nice - except you would also be voting to send men with guns to coerce money from ME to pay for your little hobby horse. How about, "I might vote to tax myself for rap music concerts in the OC commissioners auditorium" - and you won't mind kicking in for that worthwhile "cultural gem" either, will you? Doesn't matter if you do - the sheriff's will be their to collect your levy whether you mind or not.

    Hey mcdirt - you're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#14)
    by Angry White Male on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 12:34:46 AM EST
    Mcdirt suggests that a restaurant is receiving all kinds of "hidden subsidies" because it benefits from core government services like roads, public safety, a criminal justice system, etc., and that somehow this justifies coercing non-users to pay for a zoo that they, well, never use.

    He's kidding, right? Hey McD - why don't you talk to a restaurant owner sometime and ask him about a particular set of expenses that make an already-tough business nearly impossible. They're called "taxes," and he pays them up the ying-yang.

    Then tell him you don't agree with him getting all those "subsidies." Then duck, because he may take a swing at you.

    Um, how much tax does the zoo pay?

    I didn't think so.

    How much does the zoo benefit from core government services like roads, public safety, etc.?

    I thought so.

    You know pal, with respect, people like you are the reason the GOP is getting its butt kicked nationally, at the state level, and pretty soon in Oakland County, too: They've abandoned their principles.

    "Yes I favor limited government and low taxes, but we need to make an exception for the zoo, for arts taxes, for goofy energy schemes, etc."

    Well, I favor limited government, and I'm all done making exceptions for Republicans who talk the talk but then turn around and abandon any semblance of principle. I hope Drolet recalls a few of their a**es. It's sad, but apparently this party needs to wander in the wilderness for a while in order to figure out that the way to beat Dems is to give voters a real alternative, not a false one.

    Looking again, I think McD is an alt for NoviDem (none / 0) (#16)
    by Angry White Male on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 09:03:46 AM EST
    I hope he is, or another Dem. Because that post about restaurants being 'subsidized' is really a left wing rant. The giveaway is the bit about "subsidized coal" paying for electricity.

    Um, I think you made a mistake McD - the url you're looking for is http://michiganliberal.com/ .

    Whoo hoo!! (none / 0) (#17)
    by mcdirt on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 11:58:21 AM EST

    I knew this would be fun!

    Here's a bit about coal subsidies which isn't a figment of my liberal imagination:


    I don't think NoviDemocrat needs an alt screen name, he seems to cause enough havoc here with just his own!

    As for MichiganLiberal....its on my regular blog bookmark along with RightMichigan and a whole host of others from mainstream to freaky....

    Me; no party affiliation. I'd pigeonhole myself a moderate with liberal leanings, a environmentalist/conservationist by profession (socialist, to you all?) a contrarian by nature and enjoy the devil's advocacy of give-and-take. Nothing personal, my right-wing friends! I still remember the days when the Dems and Reps talked to each other and people weren't permanently scowling.

    Hey Burley, to be clear, I don't necessarily support all the so-called "subsidies" (my word) I suggested restaurants get (TIFAs and DDA's particularly gall me), just trying to point out that businesses and residents don't exist on some fictionarl self-sufficient libertarian island.

    Galt...I love reading your stuff. You're damn smart whether I agree with you or not (let's see....generally, NOT!) Let me know when your Ferrari bond issue is on the ballot, I need to make that election.

    I know this isn't necessarily a forum to debate policy...it's RightMichigan and it is what it is. But I appreciate that I can be a contrarian without getting blacklisted. It give me hope for civility! What is politics and public policy debate if it can't be fun sometimes!!


    'Dirt (Hugh)

    zoo tax (none / 0) (#18)
    by maidintheus on Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 08:36:44 PM EST
    I don't care if it is worth. Who decides what is worth it?  That is a slippery slope we've already slid down.  Stop it!  It being worth it isn't the issue.  Can we afford it?  What about those that can't afford it due the high taxes they already pay?  Is a tax hike the right way to pay for so many things?  Let those who think something is worth it put their money where their mouth is and send money to fund the issue.  If those that have a cause they care about spend time raising awareness and funds for that cause instead of taking for granted that people should be taxed for it, our state and this country would be healthier financially and the people would have freedom of choice.

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