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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    abso-freakin-lutely (none / 0) (#4)
    by John Galt on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 06:43:27 PM EST
    If the people of detroit, michigan, and the world really and truly loved the Detroit Zoo... if it is the local wonder everyone proposing this millage says it is...

    ... then it should be able to sustain itself.  

    If it can't sustain itself, it should close.  Just like a store or a business that doesn't get enough business to stay open... or can't seem to make enough money to keep the doors open.  

    Why should we be maintaining a zoo that not-enough-people are going to?  Why should we be maintaining a zoo that donors are running away from?  Heck, they plaster the Detroit Mayor's name on the thing, and they don't/can't contribute much to the place.  It resides in Royal Oak.

    I'm glad they're open to putting it up for a public vote.  It gives the public a chance to tax itself, through a direct vote.  But it was sad to hear L.Brooksy talk about how "it's only $10 for a house valued at $200k".  Oddly enough, going to the zoo costs $10.  So Oakland County wants the homeowners to pay for the Detroit Zoo, by forcing them to buy a yearly admission ticket for every home.

    Sorry, L.Brooksee... while you might not be a monkey, i don't expect to see that kinda poop thrown about from a Republican.  Increasing taxes to pay for a failing establishment of government is not a Republican concept - no matter how cheap it is.


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