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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hey mcdirt - you're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#14)
    by Angry White Male on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 12:34:46 AM EST
    Mcdirt suggests that a restaurant is receiving all kinds of "hidden subsidies" because it benefits from core government services like roads, public safety, a criminal justice system, etc., and that somehow this justifies coercing non-users to pay for a zoo that they, well, never use.

    He's kidding, right? Hey McD - why don't you talk to a restaurant owner sometime and ask him about a particular set of expenses that make an already-tough business nearly impossible. They're called "taxes," and he pays them up the ying-yang.

    Then tell him you don't agree with him getting all those "subsidies." Then duck, because he may take a swing at you.

    Um, how much tax does the zoo pay?

    I didn't think so.

    How much does the zoo benefit from core government services like roads, public safety, etc.?

    I thought so.

    You know pal, with respect, people like you are the reason the GOP is getting its butt kicked nationally, at the state level, and pretty soon in Oakland County, too: They've abandoned their principles.

    "Yes I favor limited government and low taxes, but we need to make an exception for the zoo, for arts taxes, for goofy energy schemes, etc."

    Well, I favor limited government, and I'm all done making exceptions for Republicans who talk the talk but then turn around and abandon any semblance of principle. I hope Drolet recalls a few of their a**es. It's sad, but apparently this party needs to wander in the wilderness for a while in order to figure out that the way to beat Dems is to give voters a real alternative, not a false one.

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