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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Whoo hoo!! (none / 0) (#17)
    by mcdirt on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 11:58:21 AM EST

    I knew this would be fun!

    Here's a bit about coal subsidies which isn't a figment of my liberal imagination:


    I don't think NoviDemocrat needs an alt screen name, he seems to cause enough havoc here with just his own!

    As for MichiganLiberal....its on my regular blog bookmark along with RightMichigan and a whole host of others from mainstream to freaky....

    Me; no party affiliation. I'd pigeonhole myself a moderate with liberal leanings, a environmentalist/conservationist by profession (socialist, to you all?) a contrarian by nature and enjoy the devil's advocacy of give-and-take. Nothing personal, my right-wing friends! I still remember the days when the Dems and Reps talked to each other and people weren't permanently scowling.

    Hey Burley, to be clear, I don't necessarily support all the so-called "subsidies" (my word) I suggested restaurants get (TIFAs and DDA's particularly gall me), just trying to point out that businesses and residents don't exist on some fictionarl self-sufficient libertarian island.

    Galt...I love reading your stuff. You're damn smart whether I agree with you or not (let's see....generally, NOT!) Let me know when your Ferrari bond issue is on the ballot, I need to make that election.

    I know this isn't necessarily a forum to debate policy...it's RightMichigan and it is what it is. But I appreciate that I can be a contrarian without getting blacklisted. It give me hope for civility! What is politics and public policy debate if it can't be fun sometimes!!


    'Dirt (Hugh)

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