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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Really? (none / 0) (#12)
    by John Galt on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 10:24:32 PM EST
    Kalamazoo College, the state's highest tuition private college is $30k/year with room and board.  

    Baker College, one of the largest "chain" private colleges has tuition on par with Oakland University - $180/credit.

    Hillsdale College, which doesn't get ANY federal funding and doesn't accept stafford or perkins loan money isn't anywhere close to the highest, and certainly isn't any more expensive than UofM (which is over $30k/year)... and UofM gets millions from the state, millions from private donors, millions from private scholarships, millions from people to get naming rights on buildings... millions from the federal government in research grants...

    The most expensive private college is still cheaper than the most expensive public college in this state.  I'm sorry, I'm not buying that it's anything but fiscal irresponsibility.


    A lengthy reply (none / 0) (#15)
    by Ed Burley on Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 01:50:50 AM EST
    -- Has customers arriving courtesy of publicly-funded and maintained roads.

    And we see how well that's going, don't we?

    -- Uses sewer and water services whose infrastructure is supported and subsidized not only by its rates paid, but by broadly-collected public tax dollars.

    EXCUSE ME! When the business initially went in, it had to install it's own plumbing and PAY for the privilege of hooking up to city sewer and water (there was no choice in the matter). In addition, unless the city you live in is different, businesses and residences pay for their sewer and water according to its use. It is NOT equally distributed across residences and businesses.

    -- Uses coal-fired electricity purchased at rates subsidized by federal tax breaks for coal mining and state financial backing of power plant construction.

    Seriously, have you been talking to NoviDumbocrat? First of all, I doubt very much that our government is subsidizing any coal; and secondly, that subsidy "benefits" all equally. Truth be told, subsidies do not help keep costs down. In fact, they drive the cost up.

    -- Receives police and fire protection from publicly funded agencies.

    As do all citizens. This is NOT unique to business. In fact, most cops today are too busy patrolling the highways to generate revenue for Jennifer, rather than investigating crime. My daughter's house was broken into and the cops admitted to her and her husband that they don't have time to investigate. They were told to file an insurance claim and they'd get their money back. Great police protection, eh?

    -- Probably got a property tax abatement when it opened.

    Probably not. I'd like you to find one restaurant that got one. It's usually big out of state businesses that Jenni offers tax breaks to, while letting existing Michigan businesses go down the tubes financially - thanks to her tax hikes.

    -- Is certified by the publicly-funded county health department.

    Who in the hell asked for them? How do you see this as a benefit for the business? You are a liberal, aren't you? Only a liberal would say something this stupid.

    Have you ever owned a restaurant, or worked at one when the state health inspector came to call? Have you ever had the privilege of spending thousands of dollars to "repair" things like doors being in the "wrong spot," or windows being "too low" or "too high"? That's not a benefit...it's a curse.

    -- Uses foods from corporate farms whose crops are subsidized by federal government largesse

    And whose idea is it to subsidize anything - not free market types like me. That's YOUR thing, baby. You and those dumbass liberal Democrats, and moderate Republicans. And even IF the subsidies actually helped, ALL of us who eat benefit, not just restaurants.

    -- Has its waste hauled away at a rate subsidized by the city's taxpayers.

    Again, do you own a restaurant? Have you ever? Where did you get the information that businesses pay LESS for trash? Truthfully, if it were me, I'd choose to hire an independent trash businesses to haul mine away. We all know that they charge less than the subsidized crappers (which are probably owned by a mayoral, or gubernatorial relative).

    -- Has snow cleared from its parking lot through a contract subsidized by the tax-funded DDA (um...this is a maybe)

    You truly are a doofus, just like NoviDumbocrat. The city plows ALL the streets, not just those in front of the restaurant.

    -- Is enhanced by TIFA-funded streetscape projects

    Oh, we must be talking about Detroit here? Well, that's even funnier. Have you seen all the new business going into Detroit? No! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    -- Is marketed by a tax-funded DDA-type entity

    Again, give me a break about Detroit...shit.

    Restaurant owners and business owners in general struggle in this state thanks to these "benefits" that you cite. It is typical of the stupidity of a liberal to ASSume that businesses WANT crap like this. That's why idiots like you think that folks should all pony-up for the zoo. Somebody wants it out there, so everyone else should have to pay for it. Typical.


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