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    Tag: dennis lennox (page 2)

    BREAKING - Stupak Endorses Prominent Conservative

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 01, 2013 at 09:59:46 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Primaries, Republicans, CD1, Dan Benishek, Jason Gillman, Congress, Endorsement, Dennis Lennox, Democrat, Fool, Governor, Bart Stupak (all tags)

    Reposted from MTTM - I am honored  .. I guess? ~ jg

    In an unexpected move, Former Congressman Bart Stupak has endorsed across the aisle, and named Jason Gillman the man to beat for the governorship of Michigan.

    Speculation ended only yesterday, when the 1st district Democrat declared that he would rather run against fellow first district citizen, businessman, and author Jason Gillman, for Governor of Michigan, than he would against the current incumbent Rick Snyder.  "My goal is to win back the state for Democrats, and I think I could actually beat Gillman," Stupak said. "And anyhow who is that guy?"

    Stupak's campaign manager Dennis Lennox was hired by the former trooper and legislator after it was determined that he was personally responsible for a long string of Republican losses. Lennox reportedly said "What can I say? Its not everyone who has such consistent results," and when questioned about his last paying job, he simply replied "please talk to my attorney."

    Stupak was recently recruited by Michigan Democrats by newly installed Dem Chair Lon Johnson. Johnson who lives in the 1st district apparently still 'owed one' to the former congressman not for political favors, but from "that time when he was a trooper and was really cool and let me off with a warning." according to Johnson.

    The endorsement of Gillman is seen as a wise strategic move by Team Stupak, and is expected to move all the big [liberal] money in the Republican primary to a non incumbent.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    A Short Political Biography

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 30, 2013 at 01:45:55 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Biography, Dennis Lennox, Republicans, Dele-Gate, Romney, Signs, CMU, Attention, Politics, I Reserve The Right To Correct Factual Errors, There Aren't Any, Homosexuals, Saul Anuzis, News, GOP, Conventions, Drains (all tags)

    For Dennis Lennox. And maybe some things you could really care less about.

    As Lennox goes on a personal campaign to destroy Decorated Veteran Dave Agema, the credibility he carries with some folks needs to be put back in check. A little background on this guy is in order.

    First off, Lennox is no dummy. He is a little queer, (Odd, but I reserve that the matching definition could be that of the reader's own thoughts) but he knows the political game better than most children his age. In fact, a little better than many who have been in the Republican party for some time, as he plays THEM so well. He is a CMU grad or some such thing, and was vice president at one time of the Young Americans for freedom, a group that was once sanctioned (and relieved by the administration)for anti-homosexual chalkings prior to a veterans support event. It was rumored the chalkings were an attempt to drum up 'news' by SOMEONE in that YAF chapter. It made national news, and attention was given. A lot of attention.

    Almost as much as the fabled attacks by university officials while doing the Gary Peters video taping thing, at one point earning him a label of "mentally unstable and a potential "campus shooter" because of his aggressive, in your face tactics". Which was false, and drew the ACLU to his side, yet was likely a label he sought. It also made national media.

    Lennox went to the 2008 RNC event in MN as an alternate delegate. I was there as well. On the way in during one session he happened to be walking up the same route on the outside of the security fences. Along that route, was every national leftist blogger in the US. He made it a point to stop and announce himself to quite a few of of them. to make sure THEY know who he was and gave them 'official' interviews as a Republican going in.

    At that time of course, he had other things going on as well that would add to his 'national persona'.

    Continued below the fold

    (24 comments, 2094 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 25, 2013 at 10:39:30 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Anuzis, Dele-Gate, Dennis Lennox, Dis-connect From Reality, Remember The Grass Roots (all tags)


    Lennox writes:

    Though Anuzis is arguably the state's top GOP strategist, he isn't a career politician nor is he a wealthy businessman who can self-fund a campaign and buy off opposition.


    If he does run, Anuzis would be in a strong position to be the first Michigan Republican to win a Senate seat in 20 years.

    Cough .. Dele-Gate .. Cough

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha heh .. no really .. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Gag  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Cough Dele-Gate ..  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    sniff..  whew.

    Now back to serious news.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    What Does $1,055.69 Buy GOPe?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Feb 07, 2013 at 12:24:35 PM EST
    Tags: Game on Smear Trolls, GOPe, RINO Season, Karl Rove, Dennis Lennox, a Cat's paw, Democrat-lite, Mitt Romney, Rockefeller extremists, George Romney & Nelson despised Barry Goldwater, George Romney: proud father of the State Income Tax, Bill Milliken: proud father of the EPA, Michigan, Grassroots, Youth Chair, Endorsement, Conservative, Blake Edmonds (all tags)

    Priceless memories.

    This guy will do "anything" to get the nomination.  He doesn't care what damage is done, whether he tears the party apart, or what methods are used....  Note Language Warning

    Yup.  $1,055.69 buys wannabe malefactors for Team Karl Rove GOPe Progressives.  As was noted throughout the blogosphere, the above is the face of who pushes Matt Jones.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Lennoxs by the Editor

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 21, 2012 at 12:28:08 PM EST
    Tags: Dennis Lennox, a Cat's paw, Democrat-lite, Rockefeller extremists, George Romney & Nelson despised Barry Goldwater, George Romney: proud father of the State Income Tax, Bill Milliken: proud father of the EPA, Cap and Trade, Clintonistas, UAW, NLRB, Windmills and unicorn farts, GreenTards, Energy costs will necessarily skyrocket - Barack Obama, What is that Yellow Box for?, First Congressional District Republicans: you're being played a fool (all tags)

    Was just perusing the "all the views fit to distort" section of The Detroit News, and happened to come across an item that needs to be filed away in the "keep your friends close - your enemies closer" folder, with a copy of same in the "campuscrat indoctrinated are dense" folder too.

    Romney Republicans needed

    I agree with Republican consultant Dennis Lennox that the Republican Party needs to purge its extremist elements to restore a much needed two-party system and help solve our country's problems ("Bring GOP back to mainstream," Nov. 8). But the reality is that such a purge might not leave many members to build from. Republicans have been purging reasonable moderates from their ranks since 1980. Does anyone see a Bill Milliken or George Romney in the Michigan Republican Party?

    Leonard Page, Cheboygan

    Ya, that's the ticket.  All Hail the Squishy Democrat-lite!  Yes, Dennis, push the father of the EPA, or the father of the State Income Tax.  Pray tell, Mr. "Republican consultant," exactly how many Democrats do you wish to elect with every establishment-gamed safe Moderate that's run up the flagpole to only receive the one-fingered salute?  Winning stratagem, kid.  And another thing, exactly how stupid do you think We the People are with those on the alleged Right now using The Left's terminology?  Extremist = TEA movement.  Concerned folks aren't stupid enough to not notice this.  

    Good Lord!  Milliken, and Romney, are the Liberal Rockefeller Extremists of the GOP.  That's why the Republicans lose to Democrats.  Bill Milliken, was such an abject failure as governor that Jim Blanchard, actually appealed to voters as a good idea.  George Romney, instead of trimming waste from the state budget, he pushed the State Income Tax through, and the expansion of Lansing government has never stopped.  Then, George went on to be a national tool of The Left with mocking then Gov. Reagan, and aiding with the defeat of Barry Goldwater, of which, was always the goal of the Rockefeller Family.

    OABTW - meet the real, Leonard Page...

    (11 comments, 395 words in story) Full Story

    Mitt Romney Urged Obama to Embrace the Individual Mandate

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 03, 2012 at 03:57:44 PM EST
    Tags: MI-GOP, NO Integrity, ZERO Credibility, Romney, Latter-Day Saints, Wingman Ron Paul, A Jihadist Best Friend, Robocalls, Habitual Liar, Dennis Lennox, RINO Season, DOMA, Log Cabin Republicans Payola, Principles, Global Warming Alarmist, RomneyCare, $50 Abortion Co-pay, HillaryCare Approved, Ted Kennedy Endorsed, Planned Parenthood Endorsed, 2012 Primary, GOP Establishment Elite (all tags)

    via redstate.com

    Had Michigan not been as close, the Democrats would have waited to spring this on us in the general election. Luckily we have it now and I hope Ohio voters are paying attention.

    In July 2009, Mitt Romney wrote an op-ed in USA Today urging Barack Obama to use an individual mandate at the national level to control healthcare costs.

    On the campaign trail now, Mitt Romney says the individual mandate is appropriate for Massachusetts, but not the nation. Repeatedly in debates, Romney has said he opposes a national individual mandate.

    Rest here

    And the MI-GOP Leadership threw away their credibility over him?  Losers.

    (26 comments) Comments >>

    Android Programming Upgrade Required

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 01:46:33 PM EST
    Tags: Mitt Romney, Latter-Day Saints, Wingman Ron Paul, A Jihadist Best Friend, Robocalls, Habitual Liar, Dennis Lennox, RINO Season, DOMA, Log Cabin Republicans Payola, Principles, Integrity, Global Warming Alarmist, RomneyCare, $50 Abortion Co-pay, HillaryCare Approved, Ted Kennedy Endorsed, Planned Parenthood Endorsed, 2012 Primary, GOP Establishment Elite (all tags)

    Here's a hint for ya Willard, Blunt- RUBIO !!!!!!

    Now, read the lame walk back from a guy that's been campaigning for 5 years:

    "I didn't understand his question; of course I support the Blunt amendment," Romney said on the Howie Carr Show. "I thought he was talking about some state law that prevented people from getting contraception, so I was simply -- misunderstood the question, and of course I support the Blunt Amendment."

    He's tripping over himself so badly in fear of his religion coming under scrutiny in the this election it's sickening.  Obama/Axelrod is going to have a field day in the general if the Repub establishment succeeds with their chosen son.

    For record, the Democrats blocked Blunt today.

    Comments >>

    Romney Campaign Unveils Obamacare Replacement

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 29, 2012 at 04:27:58 PM EST
    Tags: Mitt Romney, Latter-Day Saints, Wingman Ron Paul, A Jihadist Best Friend, Robocalls, Habitual Liar, Dennis Lennox, RINO Season, DOMA, Log Cabin Republicans Payola, Principles, Integrity, Global Warming Alarmist, RomneyCare, $50 Abortion Co-pay, HillaryCare Approved, Ted Kennedy Endorsed, Planned Parenthood Endorsed, Taxed in MA for being just alive under RomneyBama Healthcare, 2012 Primary, GOP Establishment Elite (all tags)

    "Did you notice in Lebanon, what Hezbollah did? Lebanon became a democracy some time ago and while their government was getting underway, Hezbollah went into southern Lebanon and provided health clinics to some of the people there, and schools. And they built their support there by having done so."

    Gee, America thanks you, Elder Jihad-Mitt.  Obviously Romney has chosen the appropriate Wingman this primary too.  With folk like Romney and Paul in the GOP working for this, what could possibly go wrong?  I'm absolutely positive that between their efforts we can Kumbaya Musloids into submission.  Ya, that's the ticket.

    Sleep tight...

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