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    Tag: Rick Snyder (page 5)

    Lyons: Families Deserve Better Than $1.2 Billion Sales Tax Hike

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 16, 2013 at 09:21:18 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Roads, Prevailing Wage, Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, State Senate (all tags)

    Representative Pledges to Lead Charge in House to Ensure Tax Hike Scheme is Dead on Arrival

    LANSING--State Representative Lisa Posthumus Lyons, R-Alto issued the following statement today in response to reports that legislative leaders are considering a proposal to take repealing Michigan's prevailing wage law off the table for consideration as well as to raise the state's sales tax to fund road repairs:

    "Our roads and infrastructure are in bad need of repair, but simply raising taxes on hardworking families while preventing policies that make Michigan competitive and create jobs is not the answer.

    "Michigan's hardworking taxpayers deserve better. Our road funding problem is an opportunity to look at comprehensive tax restructuring, not just taking the status quo and asking for more.

    "I am asking the Governor and legislative quadrant to take a different approach to this issue. I am willing to seek solutions, but this proposal misses the mark, and I will lead the charge to ensure it does not get the 2/3 votes in the House to put it on the ballot."


    Media outlets across the state today reported that some lawmakers had begun discussions on a plan that would halt talks of repealing the state's prevailing wage law and increase road funding by over a billion dollars by asking voters in 2014 to raise the state's sales tax to 7%.  The plan would require approval by two-thirds of lawmakers in both the state House and Senate before it could be foisted on taxpayers.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Spot Check

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 12, 2013 at 10:46:35 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Governor, Sales Tax, 7%, Gas Tax, Roads, ATM, Poll, Mark Schauer, Rick Snyder, 3rd Party (all tags)

    This site has served the conservative community for a long time.

    Recognizing that many 'moderate' elements now lurk for fear of being drawn into arguments they cannot win, there ARE ways to get a pulse on what is being considered. Even the soft conservatives out here are getting the fire-to-the-hand test of loyalty by the governor who doesn't really seem to have ANY center of gravity. When the first answer is always to go back with hands out for more taxes, its an insult to the 'conservative' voter who actually feels some bizarre obligation to support it. When we see this:

    "The MIRS subscription newsletter reported Monday that the quadrant leaders "are moving toward a package" that would devote all revenue collected at the gas pump -- including fuel excise and sales taxes -- to roads while boosting the state sales tax by one percent to replace lost revenue currently earmarked for schools and cities."
    I am all for making sure the taxes collected on Gasoline goes to roads.

    However, the increasing cost on gasoline and subsequent sales tax windfall provided cover for the fungible nature in which the schools are supported. It allowed other areas of state government to grow, and covered the years of neglect and lack of schools oversight by the legislature. The schools have enough to operate on, but do not have some of the tools in which to better manage what they get.  Snyder's additional sales tax is NOT the way to solve this.

    There really has to be a question forming in the minds of even the most ardent Republicans.

    We are NOT ATM machines.  How the hell did we get here?

    We need to know where you are at.  Is Rick Snyder at all trustworthy to see through another 4 years? Would readers of this site vote for a Democrat to prove a point? Would a third party bid be a better way of giving Snyder's unpredictable 'antics'?

    Take the poll.  

    (5 comments, 364 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Say Ya To Da UP

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 29, 2013 at 11:36:58 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rick Snyder, HB4714, Expansion, State Senate, Agenda 21, Tom Casperson, Obamacare, Friends (all tags)

    But NO to Medicaid expansion.

    Snyder is straight up serious in taking care of his health lobby friends. He is not going to quit, or roll over as along as he thinks he can 'turn a few.' Some good information on the status of the expansion of the medicaid/welfare state in Michigan is always available if one pays attention.  To wit, Jack Hoogendyk says:

    "The governor of Michigan has not given up on his quest to expand Medicaid. He succeeded in getting HB 4714 through the house in June. He hit a roadblock in the Senate. Since they failed to take a vote on 4714 and went on recess, the governor has been on a statewide tour in an attempt to whip up support in the general public. A special work group has been assigned to find "substitute language" in the bill that can get the needed votes for passage. Rumor is, they are on their 9th version of the bill.

    The Senate is not scheduled to meet again until August 27th. Many members have left town to go on vacation so, it is highly unlikely that there will be any action before that time. Here is what I know from a VERY reliable source: 19 members of the Republican caucus are "solid NO" on Medicaid expansion. If you do the math, that is half of the senate. If a vote was taken today and it was a 19-19 tie, the lieutenant governor would then have to cast the tie-breaking vote. You know what he would do."

    Yes we know.

    This scenario is NOT impossible, but at this point not likely, unless some fence sitters indicate they will deal.  

    In a way, one might actually be able to gauge the integrity of their state senator by what that senator does, and what deals are made in exchange for a yes vote.  For the most part, sides have been chosen.  The fence sitters are either A. Waiting for a better deal/promise from the governor, or B. are truly conflicted as to the real cost/benefit of the equation presented them.  

    And perhaps the latter reason could encourage a little more resolve from some constituents.  In fact, having heard in the last week that Tom Casperson might be leaning the humpty dumpty route and favoring the Snyder Medicaid plan, perhaps some clarification calls to the honorable Upper Peninsula State Senator are in order? As always we encourage the most respectful dialogue with our legislators and their office personnel. And as Casperson has been a strong A21 opponent, it might help to point out that Medicaid Expansion is undoubtedly part of the A21 plan.

    OH, and if you get put on hold, pass the time with this.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Wow, That Was Quick

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jul 20, 2013 at 12:49:47 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Banana Republican Party, 30th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, poisoning the party brand, creeping progressivism, executive-grade arm-twisting, constitutionally-restrained government, Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, integrity argument, causa provocare, liberty-minded network, acta non verba, empowered grassroots operation, sending a message, politician paper training, corinthian scales vs. absolute standard, "Mastermind" vs. "Oracle", Rick Snyder, GoverNerd, Nerd King, Slick Rick, mister thirty-six percent, Mr. 36%, MIGOP convention rule 22, MIGOP Policy Subcommittee, shenanigans and skullduggery, 1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance, false-flag challenger (all tags)

    Let me point out that a mere five days ago I'd pointed out that a convention rules change approved by the MIGOP Policy Committee subtly sent a signal that Brian Calley is somewhat vulnerable to getting his keister kicked off of the republican ticket at next year's Michigan Republican State Convention.  This would square with what a couple of C.I.s inside the Republican Legislative Caucus are telling me, but at this point I don't have anything that I can corroborate on the record.

    Nevertheless, I was kinda hoping that it'd be more than 48 hours before someone went shooting their mouth off to the press.  (62 days or so sounded like a really good number.)  Apparently, I shouldn't underestimate some people's ability to attract reporters.

    (5 comments, 1313 words in story) Full Story

    "I'm Gonna Tell On You!"

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jul 19, 2013 at 04:12:47 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Detroit, EFM, Kevyn Orr, Bankruptcy, Restructuring, Futility, Higher Taxes, Pensions, Judicial Playthings, Rick Snyder, Toys (all tags)

    Seriously, its really becoming US V THEM.

    The governor actually does something that makes sense, (and only 2-3 decades late) and the protectors of leftist failures jump into action. And, the kids are getting hurt feelings. Yesterday's Detroit Bankruptcy filing made little Rose cry.  She thought she had beat the bad man to the punch.  So she has retaliated:

    "Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order."
    THAT will teach that bad boy a lesson.

    Once uncle Barry hears about it, he's going to take Ricky's bridge away.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    Speculation, Scuttlebutt, and Surprises

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 15, 2013 at 05:58:12 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan Banana Republican Party, 30th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, poisoning the party brand, creeping progressivism, executive-grade arm-twisting, constitutionally-restrained government, Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, integrity argument, causa provocare, liberty-minded network, acta non verba, empowered grassroots operation, sending a message, politician paper training, corinthian scales vs. absolute standard, "Mastermind" vs. "Oracle", Rick Snyder, GoverNerd, Nerd King, Slick Rick, mister thirty-six percent, Mr. 36%, MIGOP convention rule 22, MIGOP Policy Committee (all tags)

    I've been a more-or-less regular contributor to this site since June 28th, 2008, and more than once I've referenced John F. Kennedy's admonition that those who insist on making a peaceful takeover impossible ultimately make takeover by revolt necessary.  Without variation, that reference has been in the context of yet another ham-handed move, by the blueblood elites that populate the state party's halls of power, to shut down the voice of the grassroots volunteers and convention delegates.

    Just in case the bluebloods weren't paying attention, the August 2010 State Convention, the May 2012 State Convention, and the February 2013 State Convention sent a pretty consistent message that the rank and file are beyond fed up with party leadership (both internal and publicly elected) behaving like their priority is staying in power rather than in delivering results consistent with the party platform.  However, what came out of the State Committee (specifically, the Policy Committee) over the weekend didn't do anything to advance a détente.  Realistically, the net result may have been to provide the liberty-minded network with a primary target that heretofore wasn't even on the radar.

    (1 comment, 1137 words in story) Full Story

    Ghosts Of Liberals Past

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 11, 2013 at 11:13:02 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, Same Beast, Haunted Michigan, Shady, Welfare, Dependence (all tags)

    Little known fact: Rick Snyder found the former governor's crack pipe.

    A wisp of SOMETHING is animating the Governor throughout this summer.  Its not been this site alone that sees it either.  Tim Skubick notes Snyder's 'spirit' of Granholm shining through:

    "This is about caring about one another," Gov. Rick Snyder has been telling audiences as he crisscrosses the state trying to nudge the public into proving that they concur. It is shades of Ms. Granholm, pure and simple.
    What a champ.

    Because it is So very compassionate to empower the left by imprisoning a whole new segment of our population with dependence on government.  When the choice to move forward for that tiny little 2 or 3 point improvement in salary meets the cost of lost insurance coverage as a result, it makes little sense to go forward.

    So ready your personal shackles Michigan's middle class, you're about to be blown away.


    (6 comments) Comments >>

    End Of the Family Farm?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 11, 2013 at 03:29:47 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Feral Government, Bakers Green Acres, Rick Snyder, Swine, DNR, Bill Schuette, Overreach, Tyranny (all tags)

    Maybe. Bakers Green Acres has endured the tyrannical hand of overzealous bureaucrats to the point of disintegration.

    Tomorrow's court hearing will likely signal more of the end to private property ownership and farming for small family organizations.  The hearing is at 111 Canal St. Lake City, MI and starts at 2 pm. The Bakers are facing a DNR $700,000 fine for wanting to do business as they have for decades. Donations are being accepted for their legal costs of defending not only THEIR way of life, but challenging the state imposed rules which CRUSH small farms and small business for nothing less than "the best of intentions."

    The Attorney General, OR The Governor COULD 'save the day' of course, but it could have happened already.

    Anyhow, The Bakers can still keep an upbeat attitude. In fact they are having a pig roast on Saturday along with some fund raising activities. And you are all invited. Celebrate the farm Saturday at their place.

    "The hogs are scalded and ready to roast.  The yard is looking good.  All the animals have been admonished to be on their best behavior.   We are anticipating good weather (if the weatherman can be trusted), which makes a hay ride a lot more fun.  There will be several ways you can enjoy and help support the farm: bid on products from our friends and associates in the Silent Auction, take home some farm products, and donate to the "piggy bank."

    Here's the plan for the Celebration of the Farm on Saturday:  ..."

    Follow the link to see how REAL Americans respond to statist oppression.

    Best of luck to the Bakers.

    God give them strength.

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