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    Tag: leadership

    Salute to South Carolina Republicans

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat May 04, 2013 at 09:32:46 AM EST
    Tags: Leadership, Kudos to SC House Republicans, A Republic if you can keep it, Obamacare, John RobertsCare, Slimy Lawyers, Navigators, Single Payer, Lansing Majority?, MIaGoPC'd, NOT Praiseworthy, Lisa Lyons, Bobby ShowStak, Dwindling returns, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Michigan, GOPe, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, Democrat-lite, Centrists lost 2012, Republicans, 2014, Primary, Rick Snyder, Progressives, Big government, Big Budget, STEM Amnesty, Medicaid Expansion, Expansion Of Welfare, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Spineless squish republiCant's in Lansing, take note of what testosterone looks like.

    The South Carolina House approved a bill Wednesday criminalizing the implementation of President Obama's health care law in the state.

    The Republican-controlled House voted 65-39 on the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act.

    The act renders "null and void certain unconstitutional laws enacted by the Congress of the United States taking control over the health insurance industry and mandating that individuals purchase health insurance under threat of penalty."

    "This kind of victory occurs when the grassroots across the State come together and coalesce," Chris Lawton, spokesman for the Greenville Tea Party, told The Greenville Post. "I could not be prouder."

    The bill declares "Obamacare" unconstitutional - despite the Supreme Court ruling last year that the Affordable Health Care Act was constitutional - and that there will be criminal penalties for enforcing the law.

    Gov. Nikki Haley earlier this year said that the state will not implement the nation's health care law.


    About damn time a BOLD message is sent.  Of course, the above is example why "Team R" in Michigan, continues its path of dwindling election results with following the stealth Democrat Nerd agenda.  Merely being a Corporatists "it's about jobs" fed, and state, debt slave is setting the Pale Pastel bar too low for this once Great State, and Nation.  BUT, y'all got your second dose of Bobby ShowStak leadership rewards, didn'tchya?

    H/t Bad Bad Juju

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Bobby Jindal Announces Presidential Bid

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 24, 2013 at 01:16:38 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Expansion, Medicaid, Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, Leadership, Long Term (all tags)

    Perhaps not directly, but is recognizing how important the grassroots are, and carefully eliminating the threats to THAT support base.
    "Fairfax, VA--Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement praising Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for urging the Louisiana legislature to block Medicaid expansion under the new federal health care law in a recent oped, "Obamacare's Medicaid expansion is bad for Louisiana":

    "If the Louisiana legislature listens to Governor Jindal, Louisiana taxpayers will save $337 million from 2014 through 2019, and federal taxpayers another $7.3 billion over the same period, according to a Kaiser estimate. They will be helping to defend taxpayers across the country from an unsustainable expansion of the entitlement state.

    "While some governors have caved on this issue, Bobby Jindal has stood on principle, and for that, he deserves the thanks of every taxpayer in the nation. Hopefully the legislature will listen to him, but should members vote to expand Medicaid, we urge Governor Jindal to veto it.""


    Not a doubt in my mind he has the right perspective on this.

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    House Republicans Doing Thug-Work For MEA

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 10, 2012 at 12:15:23 PM EST
    Tags: Rep. Paul Scott, Recalls, Goevernor Snyder, 'Too Divisive' agenda, Governor Scott Walker, Leadership, Common Sense (all tags)

    Taxation without Representation via MCC

    A Republican-sponsored pension bill that passed the Michigan House adds a significant cost onto employees who work for private companies that contract with school districts while excluding those workers from ever receiving benefits.

    "The House version penalizes schools that cut costs by outsourcing with an 11.9 percent penalty for doing so," said Kristi Flietstra, general counsel for the Professional Educational Services Group.

    "[This] is a penalty imposed on one class of operation (3rd party) to fund an unrelated activity of another party (teacher pensions)."

    Senate Bill 1040 was changed by the House to strip out the portion that would close the defined benefit plan to new employees. At the same time, the bill looks to raise more revenue from school contractors - even though they do not take part in the current system.

    Rest with how they voted

    SEIU dues skim = bad.  So, with keeping that consistency as Chuck Moss always says, "Here's The Deal" .. House Republicans 11.9% tax skim for the MEA = good.

    Comments >>

    Happy Inde .. uh .. 4th of July.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 04, 2012 at 09:57:49 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan July 4, Independence Day, SCOTUS, Snyder, Constitution, Rights, GOD, Creator, Self Evident Truths, Fireworks, Leadership, Defenders (all tags)

    I said no to fireworks on the fourth.

    As a county commissioner, last year I voted with the prevailing side for Grand Traverse County to NOT contribute funds to the local fireworks displays on independence day.  While a couple of those who wanted to do so cried "unpatriotic", the decision was that we would not use taxpayer funds for the light and noise show so often associated with July 4 activities.

    It really wasn't that difficult.

    Don't get me wrong.  I like fireworks too.  and of course the cost was minimal.  A few thousand dollars to help subsidize an operation that had been somewhat disrupted by a change in a local veterans organization that was till then handling the project's financials, doesn't seem like a great burden.  However, added to it were the contributions from local townships, and other govt agencies, all of which must first take from the citizens by force, to make such generous entertainment available.   The local non profit which brought it before our board, had considerable means to make its own contributions, yet had not even pledged a single penny to the affair at that point.

    Why bother when government will foot the bill, right?  The taxpayers will be only paying pennies.  What great entertainment!  Caesar, keep us happy!!!

    Next thing we might be funding would be large venue amphitheaters with large carnivore elements.

    In the end however, some business owners (along with a few of those govt agencies) decided to step up to the plate.  Sponsorships rolled in, and July 4th festivities were saved!

    Imagine that. (continued below the fold)

    (9 comments, 847 words in story) Full Story

    Richardville Blew It: All Over The Scott Recall

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 07, 2012 at 11:52:01 AM EST
    Tags: Goevernor Snyder, Anti-Right To Work, 'Too Divisive' agenda, Will VETO R-T-W, Rep. Paul Scott, Recalls, Governor Scott Walker, Leadership, Common Sense, Not in Michigan's Senate, Modus OpeRandy (all tags)

    Folks, it's becoming painfully difficult to ignore, but Lansing has a big-time leadership problem.  It's called spineless ineptitude of the Governor, and Senate Leader.  Government should never specify a group.  Especially not for seeking the purpose of retaliation.  Shameful.

    LANSING, Mich. - A federal judge in Michigan issued a preliminary injunction this week blocking a state law that prohibits school districts from automatically collecting union dues from employee paychecks.

    The law went into effect March 16, but doesn't affect districts until their current union contracts expire. Judge Denise Page Hood issued the injunction Tuesday and is expected to issue a written ruling by Friday, the Detroit Free Press reports.

    The injunction means schools will be forced to continue to collect union dues from employee paychecks until a full hearing on the lawsuit is conducted. Teachers union bosses are predictably giddy that their guaranteed revenue stream may continue uninterrupted.

    Rest here

    Nice one, Randy... a whole 82 days.  Thanks for the added legal fees too.

    The concept is not hard to comprehend: Free all workers, or cowardly leave Michigan an isolated peninsula that's enslaved to union extortion netting us a competitive disadvantage to our surrounding Great Lake States.

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    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 26, 2012 at 11:56:40 AM EST
    Tags: Moderates, Michigan, Indiana, Leadership, Right-To-Work, Lightbulbs (all tags)

    You have to hand it to Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels for being a good conservative message carrier in the last few days.

    By golly, standing up for something like Right-To-Work when there is an opportunity like no other is a pretty clear message with whom he might side.  Contrast that to the moderate occupying the executive branch in our state, and we find that Michigan is indeed dark to the light in a state southern to us.  Contrast it to the pandering to the left of some congressmen who represent Michigan, to others who understand the limitations placed on government, as their The edges are defined, and it appears there is no question if conservatives have a friend in Lansing, or Washington, or not.

    Add to this, Mr Daniels was selected as the standard for rebuttal of the President's SOTU speech the other night, and even with a dry presentation it cut some clear lines of delineation between those of us on the right, and the left so often emulated by moderates. When Daniels answered Obama:"

    "In word and deed, the President and his allies tell us that we just cannot handle ourselves in this complex, perilous world without their benevolent protection. Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb!

    A second view, which I admit some Republicans also seem to hold, is that we Americans are no longer up to the job of self-government. We can't do the simple math that proves the unaffordability of today's safety net programs, or all the government we now have. We will fall for the con job that says we can just plow ahead and someone else will pick up the tab. We will allow ourselves to be pitted one against the other, blaming our neighbor for troubles worldwide trends or our own government has caused."

    How true.

    In fact, looking at the health care exchange, and light bulbs, we can see that the second view has been alive and well in Michigan and those charged to represent us.

    I hope the Republican establishment view that capitulating to the left's desires brings us together somehow, can be replaced by the solid philosophical grounding that conservatism brings.  Sometimes one has to be strong.  Rather than emulate even the most modest of progressive ideals which are nearly always counter productive, perhaps our Republican leaders in Michigan can learn a little from this perceived establishment governor, from a state with people so much like our own.  Conservative messages well delivered will win. Solutions are at hand. We just need to use them.

    In Indiana, the passage of Right-To-Work is a message sent.  In Michigan, its passage would show it to be a message well received.

    And in both cases it demonstrates a measure of true leadership.

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    First Blood

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 05, 2011 at 05:08:01 PM EST
    Tags: Rep. Paul Scott, Recalls, Goevernor Snyder, 'Too Divisive' agenda, Governor Scott Walker, Leadership, Common Sense (all tags)

    You just knew this was coming.  Expect more.

    About 2,500 more signatures than are needed to hold a November recall election against Rep. Paul Scott, R-Grand Blanc, were filed with the State Bureau of Elections today, a move recall organizers say proves the strength and potential of their organization.

    The Committee Against Government Overreach had only about two weeks to gather the 12,200 signatures after the Genesee County Elections Commission approved their recall language July 21.

    Ironic, eh?  Liberal unions using 'Against Government Overreach'.  That's exactly what Liberals are all about.  Down is up anymore, I reckon.  Damn shame, but I have little sympathy towards those in the legislature that are about to get their tickets punched.  They bowed to Governor Snyder's "too divisive" agenda.  How's that Kumbaya thingy working out for ya, Rep. Scott?

    Oh well, at least Wisconsin Governor Walker and his Republicans got something worthwhile accomplished for all their troubles with public sector unions.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Michigan's Public Sector Unions Should Support MIFTW

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 26, 2011 at 10:11:54 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, MIFTW, Freedom To Work, Right To Work, Public, Private, Workers, Government, Recalls, Unions, Labor, Leadership, Membership (all tags)

    Michigan's public sector unions have had their hackles up since Snyder took over.

    Even though the new governor has not really done anything to directly harm the unions, what he has done has established some choke points which put union desires at risk.  Desires, which of course rely on fiscally imprudent decision making, in times that cannot afford such decisions.  His line in the sand has met the oncoming rush of contracts they would like to have in place, and the new limits are getting under their skin.  Add to this, the reality of future liabilities and a quest by Lansing to deal with it in the manner chosen has prompted them to action.

    Recalls, Protests, general aggravation.

    Its the only tools they have.  The leftist driven leadership of the unions only know how to "persuade" through coercive measures.  Coercive being a subjective term I admit, however.  All the actions being taken to object to the decision making in Lansing are of course legal right? Well perhaps not, but who might be the first to call out shenanigans and be seen as a partisan.

    But I digress

    I get it.  I get the reasons the union leadership is pushing their recall and protest agenda.

    more below ~

    (4 comments, 826 words in story) Full Story

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