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    Tag: leadership (page 2)


    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 22, 2011 at 03:52:10 PM EST
    Tags: Democrat Party, Cowards, Legislative Obstructionists, FLEEBAGGERS, Lansing, Leadership (all tags)

    I know this is gonna come as a really big surprise... but now, Indiana's Democrat children have taken their ball and bat, deciding to flee to Barry SoetorObama's home-command of Illinois.

    Seats on one side of the Indiana House were nearly empty today as House Democrats departed the state rather than vote on anti-union legislation.

    A source tells the Indianapolis Star that Democrats are headed to Illinois, though it was possible some also might go to Kentucky. They need to go to a state with a Democratic governor to avoid being taken into police custody and returned to Indiana.

    And Democrats dare call Republicans "The Party of NO"?  Beats the hell out of being "The Party of NO SHOW" at the hands of puppeteering union lackeys.

    Today's fight was triggered by Republicans pushing a bill that would bar unions and companies from negotiating a contract that requires non-union members to kick-in fees for representation.

    Ah, so it's all about Democrats cowering from powerful organized thievery finally being put in its place.  Good thing Indiana has a Republican Governor, right?

    (1 comment, 506 words in story) Full Story

    Pay Attention VERY Closely.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 03, 2010 at 11:18:11 AM EST
    Tags: Right to work, Leadership, Republicans, Snyder, Labor, Jobs (all tags)

    This is ONE chance.

    We changed the State House last night.  We have a super majority in the Senate.  With this combination, COURAGEOUS measures can be done.

    I realize Snyder has not made it HIS agenda priority, but to really affect how business is done in the state of Michigan, and whether-or-not it is, we need to start pushing back on the stranglehold big labor has had here.  Labor, which has been chasing out our manufacturing sector, and managing to embed itself like ticks in the skin of our state government has to find a natural predator NOW, or it might be impossible the next go round.  Labor is costing us jobs because it is so inflexible.

    More jobs is a good thing right?  

    There is a win win for Michigan.  If I am not mistaken, Snyder has indicated he would likely sign it if it came before him. IT.. being right to work legislation that needs to be on the table.

    And right away.  

    Ask those prospective leaders in both the House and Senate: "Do you support Right To work legislation, and will you send it to the governor to sign?"

    There is no excuse NOT to have it there.

    (30 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Neither A RINO Nor A Weasel Be

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 02, 2010 at 05:52:10 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan 2010 Gubernatorial Primary, Tom George, non-factor, Mike Bouchard, vote siphon, Rick Snyder, drag queen, Mike Cox, weasel, Pete Hoekstra, leadership (all tags)

    A critical choice will be made tomorrow by many voters in this once-great state; some voters, in fact, have already made their choice.  Regardless of which county, township, or municipality you live in, every voter in the State of Michigan will have the opportunity to vote in the Gubernatorial Primary Election.  This is a big deal.  Michigan has suffered for the past seven and a half years under executive leadership that is most charitably described as incompetent; whom we elect this time will either guide us out of the hole we're in, or dig us deeper into it.

    The general consensus, on these pages as well as statewide, is that a republican governor will serve Michigan better than a Democrat.  Given that the epic failures of Governor "protobama" Granholm have been on national display, this is not surprising.  However, there has been considerable disagreement as to precisely which republican candidate would be the best choice.  Personally, I took my time making up my mind, not settling on a choice until about two weeks ago.  For the record, the polling didn't drive my decisions . . . I actually did my own research.  What follows "below the fold" are strictly my personal opinions and conclusions based on that research.

    (14 comments, 1892 words in story) Full Story

    Jay Riemermsa Takes to the Airwaves and Kicks off a Money Bomb

    By Jay Riemersma, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 19, 2010 at 07:46:01 AM EST
    Tags: Jay Riemersma, Congress, Conservative, money bomb, primary election, leadership (all tags)

    Jay Riemersma's first television ad hit the airwaves yesterday. It's already getting a great response from the grassroots and garnering media attention as well. Now the Riemersma camp is launching the first money bomb of the campaign.

    (255 words in story) Full Story

    Sen. Rick Santorum Endorses Jay Riemersma in MI-2

    By Jay Riemersma, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 03, 2010 at 09:25:13 PM EST
    Tags: Jay, Riemersma, Santorum, Rick, Congress, Conservative, Taxes, Washington, NFL, Football, Republican, leadership (all tags)

    "When I think about our nation's future and the direction the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are taking us, it's clear to me that electing more Republicans will not be enough...what we need are strong, conservative leaders who will have a national platform to articulate our conservative principles." - Sen. Rick Santorum

    (2 comments, 535 words in story) Full Story

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