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Congressman Kerry Bentivolio (R-11) leads Farmington Hills attorney and foreclosure king David Trott 59.55% to 40.45%, according to polling released today.
The poll was a collaborative effort between Murray Communications, a Michigan-based Republican political consulting firm; Portable Insights, a Rhode Island-based opinion research company; and Combat Data Inc., a Michigan-based political data and voter outreach services company.
Bentivolio, a Republican from Milford, was elected to Congress last year after then-Rep. Thaddeus McCotter was disqualified from the primary ballot after failing to turn in the required minimum number of valid petition signatures.
"What has been happening in Syria is truly a human tragedy. The nation has been torn apart by civil war. Tens of thousands have either lost their lives or been driven from their homes. It is without a doubt that Assad is not a friend of ours.
However, it has also been made clear that those who oppose him have direct ties to al-Qaeda. Whoever wins this war will not be affectionate toward the United States.
What, then, is "our interest guided by justice" as it relates to involving ourselves in the Syrian fight? In other words, what is the objective of any American mission?
I think the Secretary of State is confusing national honor with the president's ego. A few months ago, The New York Times reported that President Barack Obama drew a "red line" in the case of a chemical attack in Syria in an "off-the-cuff" statement that "defined his policy in a way some advisers wish they could take back." This was recently buoyed by the fact that a member of the president's military counsel leaked that the White House only wants the attack to be "just muscular enough to not be mocked." Embarrassment, not justice, seems to be the motivating factor for an attack.
Any Republican OR Democrat willing to subject this nation to an additional conflict and understands this is a fool.
Attorney for Former U.S. Representative Thaddeus McCotter Says New Information Key To
Getting To The Bottom Of "What Really Happened."
Detroit, MI - Former U.S. Representative Thaddeus McCotter filed a civil suit yesterday against former Deputy District Director Don Yowchuang and Dillon Breen in Wayne County's 3rd Circuit Court. The complaint alleges Yowchuang and Breen purposefully submitted forged petitions in order to keep McCotter off the ballot and, thereby, denying him the opportunity to appear on the August 2012 Republican Primary ballot. The 55-page complaint carefully details all of the inconsistencies in the defendants depositions with Michigan's Attorney General and outlines the specific misrepresentations the defendants made to investigators. Additionally, the complaint specifically details charges of fraud and conspiracy by the defendants against the former Congressman.
David Ottenwess, attorney for McCotter, said, "With the power of the subpoena in this civil suit, we will get to the bottom of what really happened to sabotage former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter and get justice for the people of the 11th District to protect the integrity of the election process from this perversion of conspiracy, fraud and greed."
WDIV, Channel 4 in Detroit broke a story last week about Yowchuang detailing his desperate need for money prior to the May 2012 filing deadline. WDIV outlined Yowchuang's sealed settlement with a Central Michigan University Fraternity Housing Corporation and his purchase of a new quarter of a million dollar home while having a poor credit rating during the six months before and after the petition scandal took place. Yowchuang recently pled no contest to ten felony counts relating to petition fraud in McCotter's 2012 bid for the U.S. Congress and is currently awaiting a determination on appeal of a felony conspiracy charge by Michigan's Attorney General Bill Schuette.
Tonight, at 6:30pm, Kerry Bentivolio will face his Democratic opponent, Syed Taj, at a candidates' forum in Livonia, hosted by the Clements Circle Civic Association.
This promises to be an exciting event. Both candidates will give short speeches and answer questions.
Show up to support Kerry if you can make it. Its likely Taj will be mobilizing his supporters in force for this event. There may be media present, and it is always helpful and encouraging for Kerry to see supporters rooting for him.
Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is renewing his call for Republicans and Democrats to narrow their selection to one candidate to avoid the cost of a special primary election to fill the term of former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter.
Patterson said Tuesday that both major political parties should hold a lottery to pick one Republican and one Democrat in order to avoid a special primary election Sept. 5.
"This is about fiscal responsibility," Patterson said in an early morning statement. "If there is only one candidate from each party running, there is no need to spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election.
"It's ridiculous to spend that amount of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election for just a couple weeks in office."
"Taxes go to projects that are worthy, whether we use them or not," Patterson said, noting that when he travels around the world to recruit business, he is always asked about schools, neighborhoods and cultural amenities. "The DIA is a huge opportunity for me to answer that question in a positive way. It's an economic development tool for me."
Or not? Holy bejesus! Why don't you have another cocktail, Brooksie? You too, Nolan.
Nolan Finley of the Detroit news correctly assesses the CD11 Primary race between Kerry Bentivolio and the write-in candidate who (having more money than common sense) is willing to cough up $200k of her own money.
"She doesn't need to pound the negatives of Bentivolio, the tea party activist, reindeer farmer and school teacher. Nor does she need to extol her superior qualifications. Both are obvious."
Perhaps you could elaborate Mr Finley? What is so obvious that it required merely a cheap shot from your pen to prove? That he is crazy because he is a reindeer farmer? Or a teacher? Help us out here. And WHY is she superior? Because she could pass a tax (the MBT) that is now threatening to have consequence on the budget because it was written so poorly?
Uh Oh.
Lets talk about obviousness. The write in candidate has her own issues. Those including the fact she was AWOL when the opportunity arose to throw her name into the mix along with Bentivolio for the Republican nod. OF COURSE she could have not known that McCotter had a crappy team working for him, and would put the district in play for primary action. But like all other races, there are primaries for a reason.
They help us select the best candidate going forward from the perspective of the party electing them.
A late entry as if she is saving the party is pretty obviously a play for a faction's control of that seat. Obviously, Brooks isn't happy Kerry is not his best bud.
As an aside, if she is willing to spend HER OWN Money so recklessly, it should be a concern to those voters who would put her in the house that allocates money that is NOT HERS.
The most popular and successful jingles had one particular characteristic.
They would haunt you.
In fact the way in which "double your pleasure" stuck around double time, and Oscar Mayer had kids running around wishing they were processed meat, its been clear that using music to sell a product would be forevermore a staple in marketing plans. Upbeat music to sell underwear, soda, and toiletries is now part of our Americana.
This video for Nansee Cassiss uses bouncy ball type jingle magic to remind folks how to spell her name. I will leave it to the reader to determine what this style of music might remind them of.
Just close your eyes, listen, and make a note of which pet food comes to mind.
And Bentivolio was originally given grief because he was a lowly reindeer farmer?