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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Good Grief: Now Patterson is Blowing Smoke with a Lottery Scheme

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 24, 2012 at 06:11:33 PM EST
    Tags: Kerry Bentivolio, Patriot, Conservatism, CD11, Nolan Finkley, Detroit News, MBT, Crassis, Baby Ruth, Republicans, Democrats, Cheating, Bobby Schostak, Roy Schmidt, Mark Brewer, L. Brooks Patterson, Crony Capitalism, Tom Stroup, Republican kakistocracy, backroom shenanigans, the write-in candidate, Spelling lessons, Nancey Casses, Corporate Welfare, Elite, GOP, Never Learn, Tax-exempt oligarchies, DIA TAX HIKE (all tags)

    Half-baked L. Brooks Patterson just can't stop himself from placing his ham-handed electioneering fingers into any CD-11 event that should be decided by voters.

    Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is renewing his call for Republicans and Democrats to narrow their selection to one candidate to avoid the cost of a special primary election to fill the term of former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter.

    Um, Brooks .. there is only one Democrat from Local 245 in the special election.  AND there was only one Republican that filed well in advance too, well, until the cabals write-in candidate and her endorsing former state legislator and current Livonia council president, undoubtedly squeezed that Livonia civics grapevine enlisting at least two other filers covering for write-in Nansee Crassis.

    Patterson said Tuesday that both major political parties should hold a lottery to pick one Republican and one Democrat in order to avoid a special primary election Sept. 5.  

    "This is about fiscal responsibility," Patterson said in an early morning statement. "If there is only one candidate from each party running, there is no need to spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election.

    "It's ridiculous to spend that amount of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election for just a couple weeks in office."

    Fiscal responsibility?  Really?  Sorry bub, you tossed that meme out the window with pushing the DIA tax hike.

    But, OK, Brooksie, have your handpicked crony, MBT author and Corporate welfare write-in candidate drop out first.


    < Tossing Integrity and Credibility out the Window . . . Again | Important Notice - Detroit Institute of Arts Tax Panel Discussion >

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