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    Tag: Transparency (page 5)

    When a UAW Bailout Isn't Enough

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Aug 07, 2013 at 12:50:39 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, Governor Snyder, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Transparency, MEDC, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Public Act 95 of 2013, Corporate Welfare, Public Act 396 of 2012, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Red Wings, Bankrupt Detoilet, Tax Hikes, Public Act 56 of 2011, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Richardville, Bolger, Rewarding Lawbreakers, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Home Team First, Oaths, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, U of M cronies, STEM Amnesty, Progressives, Common Core, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, Michigan, State Senate, HB4714, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    This is about as good as it gets with avoiding clear answers to direct questions.

    God, I just despise the nasally weasel.  Snyder embodies everything that is in topic over here.

    It's going to be a pleasure to fire him next November.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    Poll Strokers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 31, 2013 at 12:34:15 PM EST
    Tags: Mr. 36%, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, Governor Snyder, Rich Baird, NERD fund, Transparency, MEDC, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Wealth redistribution In Dog Years, Corporate Welfare, No Shame in Ilitch's Game, Red Wings, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Richardville, Bolger, Rewarding Lawbreakers, $929 Million Rer Year on Illegals, HB-4024, HB-4026, Home Team First, Oaths, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, U of M cronies, STEM Amnesty, Progressives, Common Core, poisoning the party brand, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, the 'Big Tent' needs a cleansing, Obamacare, Exemption employees, Medicaid, Expansion, Michigan, State Senate, HB4714, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Gov. Snyder has pretty much sealed his re-election fate.  If he blunders on with his Milliken v2.0 course (with Calley, or not), Rick Michigan will in fact be a One Term Nerd.

    Gov. Rick Snyder's decision to take Detroit into bankruptcy has statewide popularity, but his advocacy for expanding Medicaid has cost him support among fellow Republicans, according to a new poll released exclusively to The Detroit News.

    Snyder's favorability has regained ground from a 38 percent low point in February after the divisive right-to-work debates, climbing to 44 percent this month, according to statewide polls commissioned by Lambert, Edwards & Associates, a bipartisan public relations firm.


    The poll conducted by Denno Research shows 36.5 percent of all voters are more likely to vote for Snyder because of his stance on Medicaid, but it has come at a price among his own supporters and strained his relations with some Republican lawmakers.

    About 37 percent of Republican voters said they were less likely to vote for the incumbent Republican governor because of his support of expanding the Medicaid entitlement program, a major component of President Barack Obama's health care law.

    "He's got his party behind him on (Detroit)[duh!], but when you talk about Medicaid expansion, forget it [Jeez, go figure]," said Bill Ballenger, publisher of the Lansing newsletter Inside Michigan Politics.

    When Snyder is out at County Party fundraisers, pay attention to what the Nerd doesn't say about his government growing, tax hiking agenda before writing him and Schostak that contribution check.  NOTE:

    While the governor held a series of forums over the past month advocating for Medicaid expansion inside medical facilities across the state, he's taken a different message to his Republican base lately.

    During a speech Monday night before Macomb County Republicans in Sterling Heights, Snyder didn't mention his Medicaid plan or his proposals to raise taxes to fix the state's roads, but made clear the state would not be bailing out Detroit.

    What a mealy-mouthed corporatist weasel, nevertheless, there it is = Rick Snyder.

    More importantly, the 800 lb. Conservative Gorilla is in the "Big Tent" and still has no use for milquetoast Team R pale pastel.  If Senate Republicans had any doubts on how/why they should Vote No on HB 4714, it has been unequivocally removed for them.  Or, be betrayed again by a term limited Richardville without the kiss.

    Vote at your own electoral peril, Senators.

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Open Government/FOIA Town Hall Meeting in Traverse City

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 31, 2013 at 09:27:18 AM EST
    Tags: Transparency, Mackinac Cernter, FOIA, Training, Watchdog, Government, Traverse City (all tags)

    Continuing its series on transparency in government, The Mackinac Center is hosting a community event for those who want a better understanding of how the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act work.

    Date: Aug. 1, 2013

    The Mackinac Center is hosting a series of community events aimed at raising awareness of common problems encountered by those who attempt to request government records and provide information to those who want a better understanding of how the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act work. Our state has valuable tools for holding public servants accountable but those tools are useless if people don't know about them or don't know how to use them.

    Vic McCarty, host of "The Vic McCarty Show" on WMKT AM1270 in Traverse City, will be moderating this event.

    The panelists will be:

    • Miriam Aukerman, ACLU Staff Attorney

    • Robin Luce-Herrmann, General Counsel, Michigan Press Association

    • Michael J. Reitz, Executive Vice President, Mackinac Center for Public Policy

    This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is needed!

    The event will be held on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    Traverse Area District Library - Woodmere Branch Library
    610 Woodmere Avenue
    Traverse City, MI 49686

    Comments >>

    So The People Will Indeed - BREAKING

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 04:13:13 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Snyder, Transparency, Cronyism, Hand In The Cookie Jar, Bridges to Nowheresville, This Place Is A DRIC-Sty!, LIke A DRIC Over Troubled Waters, Weasel Politics (all tags)

    None other than Ed Arditti breaking the news that the "People Will Decide" ballot initiative WILL appear on Michigan ballots in November.

    "No motion for rehearing will be entertained"

    Oh my, doesn't THAT put a kink in the nerds plans.

    Plans? What plans? There aren't any steenkin plans! er.. at least that we will be able to discover.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    CATO: Missed It By .. That .. Much

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 18, 2012 at 04:25:44 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Obamacare Health Exchange, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, Public-Private Partnerships, Light Rail boondoggles, Central Planning, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Tax Hiker, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Mitt Romney, Been there done that with Granholm, Transparency, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Health Care Compact, Joke is on The Taxpayer, TEA movement, I marked my 2010 ballot and all I got was Bigger Government and No R-T-W (all tags)

    Pay close attention, easily duped Governerd fanbots.

    Unfortunately, CATO pulled its punches on ObamneyCare much like have the goofy edge-nibbling Health Care Compact proponents.  The right way of addressing Federally administered RomneyCare for all?

    (272 words in story) Full Story

    No DRIC/NITC Transparency for 'We The People'?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 12, 2012 at 02:19:52 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Transparency, DELE-GATE, MI-GOP, Dashboards, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Light Rail boondoggles, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, TEA movement (all tags)

    It's yet another pretty sad day for the "DELE-GATE" tattered MI-GOP when even a slippery goonion labor propped up turd like Richardville is cut out of the loop by the Governerd.

    via The Detroit News

    Despite a big grin on his face, Gov. Rick Snyder sidestepped questions Tuesday morning about a possible announcement this week on an agreement to build a new bridge to Canada.

    Snyder fielded questions about the New International Trade Crossing after speaking at a transportation summit at the Motor City Casino in Detroit.

    "There's supposed to be announcement on Friday? I hadn't heard that," teased Snyder. "All I will say is that I'm fully committed to building the NITC because of its importance to the economy of Michigan and Canada."

    Rest here

    Bull. Sh!t!  It's more than obvious that this shady Canadian schemed Public Private Partnership, Chicom and NAFTA entwined goonion labor payola boondoggle Bridge deal being foisted upon U.S. taxpayers by the Governerd, Prince William Clay II, and LaHood just has to reek to high heaven.  Frankly, I'm not so sure anymore that if we all ended up with a Gov Bernero instead of the Ann Arbor Nerd, that 'ol Virg would've been as brazen and as slimy in this unnecessary bridge as Ricky Ardesta is.  As much as I hate to say it, even a lame-duck Jenny the now Wartless wasn't this devious and clandestine when pursuing it as the DRIC.

    TEA movement folk, y'all might want to be seriously scouting for a Governerd primary challenger now.

    Comments >>

    So Much For Dashboard Accountability

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 23, 2012 at 05:25:08 PM EST
    Tags: Snyder, Ardesta, Michigan, Abortion, Stem Cells, UofM, Republicans, Transparency (all tags)

    In fact, go ahead paint the windshield black and hit the gas.

    The Governerd has drawn the line in the embryonic muck used in our universities.  He doesn't want the details of taxpayer funded stem cell research to be TOO transparent. From the Ivory tower:

    "Republican Michigan legislators who are trying to force the University of Michigan to provide details on embryonic stem-cell research have a big hurdle to overcome: Gov. Rick Snyder.

    Snyder, also a Republican, remains convinced that the Legislature cannot force U-M or other universities to answer questions about stem cells included in budget bills, his spokeswoman told the Free Press."

    Of course such transparency might reveal even more of the dirty little secret known as Detroit with its status as abortion capitol.

    My goodness we hate to see little shredded blobs of plasma go to waste.  Golly if those mean ol Republicans would just stop nosing around where they aren't welcome!  Just give the money and shut up already.

    Anyhow, had to put it out there.  Stay tuned.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    MSP Should Have NO Friends On This

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 21, 2011 at 10:07:28 AM EST
    Tags: MSP, Michigan, State Police, Data Extraction, Cell Phones, Texting, Sir that is an ugly cat picture, Cellebrite, Forensic tools, Transparency (all tags)

    Left or Right, on this issue we should agree.

    The troubling revelation that Michigan State Police have the tools to so completely violate a person's 4th amendment rights, has both the ACLU and conservatives concerned, and rightly so.  The hand held machine available to officers can scan and retrieve a complete inventory of cell phones information, including pictures, text, email, and phone records.  From the manufacturer's site:

    The Cellebrite UFED Physical Pro is a high-end, all-in-one solution for logical and physical extraction. The UFED Physical Pro expands your current device capabilities to extract deleted mobile device data, user passwords, file system dumps, and physical extraction from GPS devices.

    With expanded coverage that now includes more than 3000 phones and a growing list of GPS devices, UFED Physical Pro provides the most complete mobile forensics solution available on the market.

    Utilizing UFED's simple and field-proven user interface, a complete high-speed hex dump of the phone memory is delivered without the need of cumbersome PC drivers. Critical data such as user lock codes, and deleted information such as text messages, call history, pictures, and video are sorted and retrieved by Cellebrite's Physical Pro engine. The UFED Physical Pro also includes robust search tools for manual hex dump analysis, as well as an expert mode, which allows advanced capabilities for researchers.

    UFED Physical Pro provides access to data inaccessible by logical methods:

    • Phone user lock code
    • Deleted data including: deleted call history, text messages, images, phonebook entries and videos
    • Access to internal application data
    • Phone internal data including: IMSI history, past SIM cards used, past user lock code history

    Under no circumstance would these be appropriate tools patrol officers should be carrying.  It seems imprudent that a patrol officer should need to carry such technology for common stops, traffic enforcement, or assisting motorists.

    Further troubling, is the reticence of the MSP to provide a modicum of transparency sans a very high fee.  Likely violating the intent of law.  

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