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    Tag: slut

    Joshua Pooh

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 18, 2013 at 02:20:45 PM EST
    Tags: Obamacare, Theft, Medicaid Expansion, Creepy Provisions, ACA, Insurance, Abortions on Demand, Sandra Fluke (does it really rhyme with f*@k?), Democrats War on Wisdom, SLUT, Abortion, Ardesta, Homosexuals, Charles Pugh, Progressives, Log Cabins, Amoral, Twitiots, Postagegate, Biography, Dennis Lennox, Basket case vs. Closet case, Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Michigan Democratic Party voters = Useful Idiots, Public Act 295 of 2008, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Sure .. he is a 'con'servative, Puppetry, Transparency, Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Obama Donors, Rich Baird, NERD Fund, Same Snake Two Heads, HB4714, You Poke It You Own It, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Sorry Charlie, err, Joshua, however, besides same last names, you two do have the same stench.

    Last week, following offensive comments about LGBT Michiganians [those would be Michiganders] from Michigan's Republican National Committee member Dave Agema, Michigan Republicans collectively failed to take any action to hold Agema accountable for his hate speech. Republican Gov. Snyder was complicit in this, telling a Lansing radio host "I'm not getting into that."

    Hate speech my ass, signed Wolverine. Furthermore, if the Ann Arbor Nerd wasn't such a flaming Progressive surrounding himself in Obama funding secrecy, his answer for Medicaid Expansion would have also been, "I'm not getting into that."

    Every stupid thing on The Left has become an ongoing distraction from reality.

    H/t Market Ticker

    Sit and spin on that one, Mr. deflector of communications for the Michigan Democratic Party.

    Comments >>

    Professor Thomas Pedroni, Wayne State University

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 13, 2013 at 11:20:37 AM EST
    Tags: Lenin: must exploit youth to advance Communism, Rod Rock, Clarkston Community Schools, Thomas Pedroni, WSU, William Penn, MSU, Race Warlords & Poverty Pimps, Gretchen Whitmer, Mark Schauer, Serri Gay-Dagnogo, AFL-CIO, Political Correctness, New Left, Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory, Abortions on Demand, Sandra Fluke (does it really rhyme with f*@k?), SLUT, Democrats War on Wisdom, Perverts, Frank Kameny, Alan Gilmour, Homosexuals, Communist Party USA, Dan Savage, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), Lobbyists, Amoral, Log Cabins, Lennox, Inkerbell, rdww, Drolet, Ronulans, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, academia, University aristocracy, Melissa Harris-Perry, Children of the Borg, Teaching for Change, Bill Ayers, Destroying All Institutions, Governments Greatest Creation, The Sheeple, A Republic if you can keep it, Jeb Bush, Progressives, Governor Snyder, Common Core, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    This campus commie is a piker in comparison.

    They have hold of your child's mind seven hours a day...

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto of their plan for the "abolition of the family," to "replace home education by social" or public schools, and to replace monogamy with "an openly legalized community of women" (sharing women in common).

    Entire article HERE

    Home school

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Sundays Divertere: Mother

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun May 12, 2013 at 08:41:14 AM EST
    Tags: ObamaCare, RomneyCare, memory holes, Sandra Fluke (does it really rhyme with f*@k?), Democrats War on Wisdom, SLUT, FREE birth control, Abortions, City of Detoilet, Planned Parenthood, Women of the 99%, International Women's Day, 2-28-09 Socialist Party of America, August 1910 Europe, Soviet bloc, Bolsheviks, Progressives, A house divided, Amendment XIX (all tags)

    H/t RamZPaul

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Tough Break, Fluke'rs

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Nov 01, 2012 at 02:43:24 PM EST
    Tags: Obamacare, AG Schuette, Michigan, Constitution, Jennifer Granholm, SLUT, Women of the 99%, Parasites, Sandra Fluke, One Term Nerd, Obamacare Health Exchange, NObama, Dump Debbie (all tags)

    Obamacare mandate blocked.

    Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette today announced that a federal judge has issued a ruling blocking the implementation of a controversial U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that would force religious employers to violate their religious and faith-based beliefs by providing insurance plans that cover services, including abortion-inducing drugs, that conflict with those beliefs.

    The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by Michigan-based Weingartz Supply Company and Legatus, an organization of Catholic business owners, to defend religious liberty and challenge the unconstitutional Obama administration mandate.  Schuette filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs on September 27, 2012.

    "Religious liberty is America's first freedom," said Schuette.  "Any rule, regulation or law that forces American employers to violate their free exercise of religion is a flat-out violation of the First Amendment and federal law, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    "This victory is an important step in defeating an unconstitutional mandate that will force private sector job-providers across America to violate their conscience.  The First Amendment applies to everyone, and we must defend religious liberty for all, not just the chosen few dictated by the federal government."


    In other words, keep your vagina out of my wallet.

    (8 comments) Comments >>

    When In A Hole One Usually Puts Down The Shovel

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 06, 2012 at 08:59:59 AM EST
    Tags: Anyone but Stabenow, Air America, NObama, Stimulus Bill, Jennifer Granholm, SLUT, Current TV, GreenTard Energy, Rick Snyder, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Government Funding, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Roger Penske M-1 rail boondoggle, Billionaire Welfare, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    A123 in April received a two-year extension on its deadline to spend a $249.1 million grant from the federal government, originally received in 2009. The money was to be used for the construction of new lithium-ion battery manufacturing facilities in Michigan. A123's Livonia plant opened in 2010, and its Romulus plant opened last year. The company had $120 million left of the $249.1 million grant.

    The hiring announcement comes after the company has hit financial problems. In March, A123 said it would spend about $55 million to replace defective battery packs in five battery packages that were assembled at its plant in Livonia.

    In addition, financial losses have accelerated. In its 2011 earnings, A123's loss grew 69 percent to $257.7 million from the year earlier. And in April the company reported a first-quarter loss of $125 million -- a 133 percent increase from the  $53.6 million loss during the same quarter in 2011.

    Rest here

    But dammit, when it's a taxpayer funded hole you just put 400 new hands on the shovel to keep on digging.

    Shovel ready...

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Go Pound Sand at UC Berserkeley, Jenny Warts now Removed

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed May 23, 2012 at 11:34:41 AM EST
    Tags: Jennifer Granholm, SLUT, Current TV, Air America, Ed Schultz, Progressives, DNC operative Tom Athans, Fairness Doctrine, Anyone but Stabenow, NObama (all tags)


    If this state ever had an AG with a pair, 'ol Wart Face would've been behind bars long ago.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Going Robo: Calling Out Obama's War on Women

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 07, 2012 at 01:59:50 PM EST
    Tags: Anyone But Stabenow, NObama, Soros, Moveon.org, operative Tom Matzzie, accountableAmerica shell org, Denise Ilitch, Jennifer Granholm, SLUT, Women of the 99%, Assail Rep. Benishek, silence EIB Network, International Women's Day, 2-28-09 Socialist Party of America, August 1910 Europe, Soviet bloc, Bolsheviks, UN, Al Gore, Joel Hyatt, Comcast, Current TV, Air America, Ed Schultz, Progressives, DNC operative Tom Athans, Fairness Doctrine, Al Franken, Cenk Uygur, Occupy, Anarchists, Totalitarianism, We ALL are Breitbart, Conservatives must vote (all tags)

    Well folks, I just received my first Robo-call from the Soros' Moveon.org connected K Street operative Tom Matzzie, who fronts the Accountable America shell org, which is now waging an attack on my CD-1 Representative Dan Benishek, with utter factitious propaganda.

    First, a moment with Anderson Cooper exposing Barack Obama's War on Women.

    H/t Diogenes'

    Now, the Robo-call with blocked number is below.

    (228 words in story) Full Story

    Socialists Lecturing Us Taxpayers

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 08, 2012 at 03:21:42 PM EST
    Tags: Jennifer Granholm, SLUT, Women of the 99%, Assail Rep. Benishek, silence EIB Network, Google, International Women's Day, 2-28-09 Socialist Party of America, August 1910 Europe, Soviet bloc, Bolsheviks, UN, Al Gore, Joel Hyatt, Comcast, Current TV, Air America, Ed Schultz, Progressives, DNC operative Tom Athans, Fairness Doctrine, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Cenk Uygur, Occupy, Anarchists, Totalitarianism, We ALL are Breitbart (all tags)

    It was barely middle morning when my power was restored, ya, those things happen in the rugged Northern lifestyle from time to time, and I really don't mind the hyperactive info world of our modern society going dormant for a spell.  The power lines that get knocked down occasionally is of no concern to me as I had the foresight to procure 14k of natural gas standby electricity for such instances, however, nine times out of ten the cable TV and internet service is taken out with the power.

    Frankly, our electronically connected interweb world never sleeps, mankind must, which conflicts with required sleep and the addicted news junkie within.  The internet outage has really been a welcomed reprieve.  It freshens the soul and serves to remind me why I abandoned the city with choosing the friendlier neighborly Northern lifestyle similar to my rural Oakland County childhood.  That might be a bore to others seeking all the trappings of citified communal living arrangements of convenience, but my little Mayberry-esque plot of Gods' creation I truly do hold precious.

    Well, thus far today has already been a snap return to reality only to reap the rewards of my assumption it being just the first robocall attacking my Rep. Dan Benishek, for his "promoting" what Rush says on the airwaves broadcast by a private business.  The robocall was from this unheard of by me "group" calling themselves "The Women of the 99%."  Really?  Dan is promoting any such thing?  That is one wildly outrageous accusation to make by an unidentified "group" who, by the way, is now intruding into the privacy of my home.  Hmmm... no number shows on the caller ID, and *69 only prompts the phone company's recorded message that they are unable to determine the phone number used.  No surprise there as the unrelenting onslaught of robocalls from the Romney campaign and his Restore Our Future PAC used the same tactic.

    And, we're just getting warmed up, folks...

    (7 comments, 842 words in story) Full Story

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