By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
Posted on Thu Jun 14, 2012 at 05:47:24 PM EST
Tags: Michigan Banana Republican Party, Michigan's 11th Congressional District, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, MIGOP May 2012 State Convention, backroom shenanigans, Michigan Leaders Lining Up For Romney, integrity argument, disingenuous hypocrisy, memory holes, MIGOP Credentials Committee, Republican Main Street Partnership, Michigan "Dele-Gate" Fiasco, Anuzis Amendment to MIGOP Convention Rule # 9 (all tags)
Mentioning the term "abusive relationship" will often conjure up any number of images in the listener's mind, from a physically violent spouse or parent to a tyrannical employer or a manipulative neighbor. But no matter the scenario or the type of relationship (domestic, intimate, personal, professional, or social), there is one thing that all truly abusive relationships have in common . . . exactly one common thread running through all abusive relationships that is the sole defining characteristic demarcating what does and doesn't make any relationship abusive. And until the person on the receiving end of the abuse gets this, there is no chance of breaking the cycle.
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