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    Tag: MEDC (page 5)

    Technology Transfer Complete

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 30, 2013 at 08:38:42 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Batteries Not Included, Chinese, Technology Transfer, A123, Millions, MEDC, Ripping Off The Taxpayer, China, Competitive Nations, Once 30 years Behind Us, Failure Of Leadership, Cronyism, Graft, Payoff (all tags)

    Taxes paid into the crony capitalist federal bureaucracy, as well as into our own state coffers gave an assist to a tech transfer to a competing nation.

    The MEDC usually has simple results of failure, highlighted by jobs claims not materializing, eventual bankruptcies, and occasionally giving our money away to fraudsters.  Channeling the zen masters in Lansing's sacred halls of executive investing excellence, it provides a leg up to those who know how to play the system for their advantage over other businesses. Countless photo opportunities for politicians who 'bring home the bacon' can be counted on, as long as the MEDC efforts are funded with millions of our hard earned dollars.  Photo ops equal exposure, equals career doors opening for friends and family, and through the entire process equals some serious bling for those actively participating in its promotion.

    Picking winners has never been so lucrative.

    This time its potentially more dangerous. Last year, after my failed bid in the Republican primary, I produced a radio spot which predicted the A123 situation's end quite accurately.

    Continued below

    (2 comments, 736 words in story) Full Story

    DEQ Receives Big Ben-dover Award

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 18, 2013 at 09:50:48 AM EST
    Tags: DEQ, The Green Organisation Ltd, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidy, Fred Upton Curlicue Light Bulbs, Red China, A123 Systems, ChiComs, Government Funding, LG CHEM, Crony Capitalism, MEDC, Wealth Redistribution, LEED, UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Michigan, Rick Snyder, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Naturally, because the Fabians in England has managed its own affairs so well, why not seek their approval here in, Michigan?

    The DEQ recently was recognized by an International environmental group for its pollution prevention efforts.

    The department was a 2012 North America Gold winner of the International Green Apple Award for Environmental Best Practices by The Green Organisation, an independent, non-political, non-profit organization that recognizes, rewards, and promotes environmental best practices around the world.

    How do you like them apples?  Nothing like the cost savings associated with keeping the incredibly expensive global green hoax alive with such not-ready-for-primetime ideals that are rewarding subsidy to foreign nations, or are being bought by Communists for pennies on the US taxpayer Dollar.

    Speaking of rotten Green apples.  Exactly what is in the Memorandums of Agreement Granholm signed with England, that Governor Snyder, would want it to remain secret, anyway?

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Gov. Mordecai Jones Strikes Again: Transparency

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 21, 2012 at 09:09:52 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Ardesta, Stem Cells Research, Embryos, Crony Capitalism, 21st Century Investment Fund, NextEnergy, Chris Rizik, MEDC, Discera, U of M TTNAB, ChiComs, DRIC-NITC, DRTP, Tunnels, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Light Rail boondoggles, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, One Tough Nerd PAC, Follow The Money, 2014, Gas Tax Hike, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    via WXYZ

    "Michigan's citizens are tired of the divisive political culture in Lansing," Snyder said on the campaign trail. "Midnight deals, closed-doors meetings, lobbyists and special interest influence have stood in the way of long-term solutions.

    "As governor, I will ensure that government is open, fair and accountable to the citizens by making Michigan a national leader in transparency and ethics."  Source

    (8 comments) Comments >>

    The Nerd has Non-Profit Fund Transparency Issues?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 19, 2012 at 09:02:11 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Crony Capitalism, Stem Cells Research, Embryos, Ardesta, MEDC, DRIC-NITC, DRTP, Tunnels, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Light Rail boondoggles, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, One Tough Nerd PAC, Follow The Money, 2014, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    A preview via WXYZ


    When your name is mentioned in the company of Robert Ficano, and Kwame Kilpatrick... no good can come of it.

    Comments >>


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2012 at 12:57:02 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Taxes, Government, Crony Capitalism, A123 Systems, Azure Dynamics, United Solar Ovonics, Evergreen Solar, MEDC, Paybacks, Waste, Fraud, Causes (all tags)

    Its whats for dinner.

    Continually feeding us the economic benefit angle of government intervention in free markets, leaders love to pad the wallets of their best buds in industry. To do so requires a "cause" however,as simply jacking the public treasury for personal gain is abhorrent to those on BOTH sides of the political divide. Climate change has become one of the easiest causes to gather around, because the science is so ambiguous, its been simply easier for governments to act and perhaps err on the side of caution.

    So we promote and enhance business models that are designed to combat climate change with other peoples' money. Also included in these 'causes' is the argument that "new jobs are created" with the development of such technology.  Such was the case with A123 Systems:

    "In 2009, A123 received millions in federal and state funds, for the creation of jobs for Michiganders. Taxpayers  unwillingly, or unwittingly saw their paychecks shrink for promises never realized, and now they may have ultimately subsidized a technology transfer to a competing world power."
    Which in fact is now happening.

    But the cherry in the pie is something even more disturbing.  Adding insult to injury, the failure to produce promised results for taxpayer paid incentives and gratuity is now lining the pockets of the failed executives who apparently understand private public partnerships better than the rest of us.

    Its a place where only the taxpayer loses:

    "The top executives who presided over its failure - and supported the president's cap-and-tax initiatives early in his term - are likely to receive millions of dollars in bonuses, thanks to their scheming earlier this year and a bankruptcy court judge."
    But wait.. there's more.

    Below the fold.

    (1 comment, 619 words in story) Full Story

    Tie Jinx

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 12:45:06 AM EST
    Tags: Bread and circuses, Detroit Moneypit, Public Subsidized Sports Arenas, Billionaire Welfare, Light Rail boondoggles, DRIC-NITC, MEDC, Crony Capitalism, Reinventing Taxes, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Today's interpretation of bread and circuses...

    The sloven tieless attire says Detroit.  The frenetic effēminātus screams San Francisco.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Proposal 5 and Article V, Section 18 is Marriage Made in Heaven for Michigan

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 19, 2012 at 12:12:17 PM EST
    Tags: Prop 5, Limits, Rick Snyder, MEDC, Crony Capitalism, A123, LG CHEM, Kakistocracy, Green Subsidy, Progressives, BAD Behavior, SB-992, Bobby Schostak, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Epic FAIL, now a Port Authority too?, Tax Hiker, One Term Nerd, Agema start scouting, 2014 (all tags)

    Fact is folks, Michigan has been blessed with our Balanced Budget Law... partially.  However, with every term of vote buying, and interest lobby bought off congresscritters we send to Lansing, proclaiming that R is for reverse, and D is for driving into a ditch, our bloated budget habitually reflects that like a teenager with a new license to the family car - the keys need to be restricted from exposure.  As it should be, most youth behaves carefree with their new power to blaze their own trail on the open roads, however, that still leaves mom, and dad held responsible for the family car.  It's a fact of life - when the little darlings have a fender bender caused by doing things other than paying attention to the road, any damage caused comes out of the family wallet to fix the car.

    Yessirree.  Article V, Section 18 is merely PLPD coverage on the family car.  Out of pocket repair bills is exactly the exposure that every Michigan family faces with handing the keys to their little darlings behind the Lansing wheel.  What's that?  A smart family should know to also carry collision, or, Full Coverage if entrusting others with risks to the family vehicle?  Well, with just checking the old inbox, that is the message that the good folks over at the Michigan Capitol Confidential are driving home on Prop 5.

    The idea behind a Tax Limitation Amendment is to make it more difficult for the political class to pilfer the pockets of taxpayers. Research -- most notably by scholar Mancur Olson -- has shown time and again that in democratic nations the wishes of an electorate are often ignored by narrow special interests that seek costly "favors" from the government. Politicians all too frequently accommodate those favors (be they subsidies or tariffs or spending hikes or other items) in part because their contributors and powerful constituents support them. Increasing taxes also is often a path of least resistance.

    Constitutional restrictions are an effective way to handcuff politicians and stymie the special interests who lobby them for more money. Academic research on balance seems to show that such restrictions do check the growth of government and tax burdens, too.

    Amen!  So, the natural question must be asked, why is it that the biggest opponent of Prop 5, Rick Snyder, a CEO, and CPA mind you, is behaving like a teenager who incessantly tells dumb 'ol mom and dad who are liable for his actions that he can text and drive?

    The funny thing is with Halloween approaching, skeletons do come out of the closet...

    (786 words in story) Full Story

    But I Want the Fist and the Tiara

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 10, 2012 at 11:05:17 AM EST
    Tags: Brooks Patterson, Stupidity, DIA Tax, Proposal 10-2, SB-992, Kakistocracy, Bobby Schostak, Milliken a 12-3 EcoTard, U of M, ChiComs, DRIC-NITC, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, Obamacare Health Exchange, Anti-Right To Work, Public-Private Partnerships, Crony Capitalism, MEDC, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Epic FAIL, Tax Hiker, One Term Nerd, Agema start scouting, 2014 (all tags)

    I reckon that being truthful plays all kinds of hell on an Executive who pushed through the DIA Tax on his county, and on a Governerd swirling tax dollars down the drain on excess, and extravagance while the bodies pile, and anarchy descends.

    via The Detroit News

    The Michigan Republican Party on Tuesday pulled a cable TV ad that bashes Detroit while touting Oakland County's GOP.

    County Executive L. Brooks Patterson saw the 34-second ad and asked state GOP Chairman Bobby Schostak on Tuesday to pull it, saying it was unnecessarily negative.

    Patterson, who is undergoing rehabilitation for injuries suffered in a car crash, received a resounding no, spokesman Bill Mullan said.

    "I've always run political campaigns built on positive messages. My campaign has asked the independent entity that produced this ad to take it down, but they've refused," Patterson said in a statement on Tuesday. "Detroit has its challenges. But my administration has always tried to be part of the solution."

    More with video of pulled commercial

    And, folks still try to tell me that there is a Two Party system.  Again .. Shut up, Brooks.  Your 73-year-old duplicitous tongue needs to head out to pasture, and tell tales of how you remember your legend to your grandchildren.  Everything has a built in obsolescence, Brooks - you, like this dangerous fossil, have finally met yours.

    That is fact.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

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