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    Tag: Follow the money (page 4)

    BREAKING - Dazzo Resigns

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 15, 2012 at 05:00:28 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Bureaucratic Tool, Olga Dazzo, SEIU, Follow The Money, Labor, Bought and Paid For, Cronyism, MDCH (all tags)

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out Olga.

    Buh-bye now.

    This state has had its share of pitiful directors and leftover meat puppets from prior administrations.  Though selected by the incoming Snyder administration, Dazzo was clearly designed to fit in with them.  I had written before:

    "In January of 2011, Maura Corrigan, former Michigan Supreme Court Justice, and the newly installed DHS director, rightly declared the child care workers were NOT employees of the state, ending their nightmare, but the Director of the Department of Community Health Olga Dazzo had no such plans.  This required further legislative action to clarify the status of the contractors."
    And the legislation came, then so did the lawsuit holding up an end to the THEFT that COULD have been avoided if Dazzo had been paying attention, or if she had actually given a rats @$$.

    Of course Snyder could have done more as well, but at least Maura had the sense of what is proper, and didn't need the prod that would never be forthcoming from our falling over left get-along RINO chief executive.  Now Olga is leaving:

    "LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today accepted the resignation of Department of Community Health Director Olga Dazzo, who has decided to return to the private sector. The governor named former Director James K. Haveman, Jr. to lead the agency. Dazzo was appointed by Snyder in December 2010.   "
    Hast la Pasta. Ciao. Say "Yanara"  ..

    I doubt we've seen the last of her though.  It wouldn't surprise me if in her future "private sector" endeavors, she doesn't wind up financially interested in some health care exchange contracts.

    Nah..  THAT never happens.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Wednesdays Divertere: Shovel Ready

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 18, 2012 at 01:52:18 PM EST
    Tags: Goonion Labor Payola, Lobbyists, Grant monies payday, Corrupt Legislators, WPA, FDR in hell, Rick Snyder, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Government Funding, Green Subsidies, Corporate Welfare, It's about jobs?, TEA movement folk, Follow The Money, NObama, Anyone but Stabenow, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Real world language involved heads up for the Piously Correct GOP viewer.

    Raw footage here.

    Sure sounds exactly like a Canadian owned US taxpayer funded DRIC "payday", ToughNerd.  Ya, zero Michigan tax dollars are involved too.  LOL  What a $42M joke so far.  And, "Free money," ToughNerd?  That sounds just like these Progressive folks.

    Figures don't lie, but liars sure do figure.

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    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Like Obama, Snyder Sends Billions of US Tax Dollars To Foreigners

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 18, 2012 at 11:26:27 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Tax Hiker, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Green Subsidies, Follow The Money, NObama, Anyone but Stabenow, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Anybody that didn't see this coming are willfully burying their head in the sand, or just gullible dupes eating up the spoon-fed disinformation from bought off propaganda whores.

    The Bridge changed from a bridge owned by Michigan to a Canadian owned bridge! A Canadian Crossing Authority will own the bridge now, even the half in Michigan.

    Video.  More.

    Birds of a Nationalizing feather, Gov. Ricky Snydholm.  Romney will love this.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    No DRIC/NITC Transparency for 'We The People'?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 12, 2012 at 02:19:52 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Transparency, DELE-GATE, MI-GOP, Dashboards, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Light Rail boondoggles, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, TEA movement (all tags)

    It's yet another pretty sad day for the "DELE-GATE" tattered MI-GOP when even a slippery goonion labor propped up turd like Richardville is cut out of the loop by the Governerd.

    via The Detroit News

    Despite a big grin on his face, Gov. Rick Snyder sidestepped questions Tuesday morning about a possible announcement this week on an agreement to build a new bridge to Canada.

    Snyder fielded questions about the New International Trade Crossing after speaking at a transportation summit at the Motor City Casino in Detroit.

    "There's supposed to be announcement on Friday? I hadn't heard that," teased Snyder. "All I will say is that I'm fully committed to building the NITC because of its importance to the economy of Michigan and Canada."

    Rest here

    Bull. Sh!t!  It's more than obvious that this shady Canadian schemed Public Private Partnership, Chicom and NAFTA entwined goonion labor payola boondoggle Bridge deal being foisted upon U.S. taxpayers by the Governerd, Prince William Clay II, and LaHood just has to reek to high heaven.  Frankly, I'm not so sure anymore that if we all ended up with a Gov Bernero instead of the Ann Arbor Nerd, that 'ol Virg would've been as brazen and as slimy in this unnecessary bridge as Ricky Ardesta is.  As much as I hate to say it, even a lame-duck Jenny the now Wartless wasn't this devious and clandestine when pursuing it as the DRIC.

    TEA movement folk, y'all might want to be seriously scouting for a Governerd primary challenger now.

    Comments >>

    Now We're Too "American-centric"

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 04, 2011 at 03:39:25 PM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Politcal Patronage, Mackinac Center, Jack McHugh, Community Benefits Disclosure, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Communist China, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, Goonion Labor Payola (all tags)

    That dosen't sound very positive to me, but, ya, the GoverNerd is across the boarder kissing the Canuck's ring.

    Mr. Snyder acknowledged that the new bridge remains a tough sell in Michigan, where relatively few people understand the vital role the bridge plays in getting U.S. exports to markets in Canada and beyond. The project was first proposed more than five years ago.

    The perception in many parts of the state is that the project is a political payoff for the heavily Democratic Detroit area, offering jobs and construction contracts to an economically depressed part of the state.

    "This is a very tough project," said Mr. Snyder, who is in Ottawa to speak at a cross-border innovation conference organized by the U.S. embassy and Canada 2020. "I wouldn't underestimate the challenges. But we will get this to happen."

    He blamed "special interest politics" for poisoning the debate on the U.S. side.

    Certainly that has nothing to do with the $500 million gesture that you begged the Canadians for or your PAC.

    "I understand why they're spending the money," he said of the Morouns. "It's economic self-interest. The troubling part is the lack of accuracy in what they represent."

    Well, that inaccuracy has always been on the governments behalf, GoverNerd.  It's well documented here.  Simply hit any of the 'Tags'.

    God bless Mr. Moroun for fighting for us taxpayers against this NAU abomination.

    Comments >>

    Dog Years? Nope. Dog GONE!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 20, 2011 at 03:31:50 PM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Politcal Patronage, Mackinac Center, Jack McHugh, Community Benefits Disclosure, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Communist China, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, Goonion Labor Payola (all tags)

    This calls for a celebration.

    Minutes earlier, a substitute bill supported by Democrats, which provided community benefits for the Delray area of southwest Detroit, where the bridge would be located, was voted down, 5-2, on a party-line vote.

    On the main bill, Sens. Judy Emmons, R-Sheridan, and Dave Hildenbrand, R-Lowell, were the only "yes" votes, with Sens. Mike Kowall, R-White Lake Township, Goeff Hansen, R-Hart, and Mike Nofs, R-Battle Creek, voting "no."

    The vote is also a blow to Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe (YES!), who backs the bridge and pledged to secure the votes to get the bridge bill out of committee.

    Thank you to all the No votes that killed this unwanted boondoggle.

    The ball is in your end of the court GoverNerd....

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Yesterday Beijing, today Shanghai

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 29, 2011 at 09:29:32 AM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Communist China, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money (all tags)

    From Detnews.com

    Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is meeting with business representatives in Shanghai today on the third day of his trade mission to China.

    Snyder and a delegation of government, university and business officials, who are on an eight-day Asian trade trip with stops in Japan, China and South Korea, flew to Shanghai from Beijing, Snyder spokeswoman Geralyn Lasher said Wednesday in a telephone interview from China.

    What?  No Jinhua City?!?!

    Sure puts a whole new perspective on those that beg for scraps don't it...

    Comments >>

    Relentless Positive Bridge-ness

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 23, 2011 at 12:13:05 AM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Communist China, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money, Goonion Labor Payola (all tags)

    Studley?  No. Way.

    The Michigan Chamber of Commerce has ended months of neutrality and come out in favor of a new public bridge to Canada backed by Gov. Rick Snyder, chamber President and CEO Rich Studley said Wednesday.

    Yessiree.  From the same fine folks at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce that brought you the endorsement of SEIU payola Jason Allen and Randy Richardville, and the same folks that endorsed the five entrenched incumbents on the Wall of Shame that just gave Obama another trillion dollars to campaign with on the left side of the page.

    With a record like that of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce... what could possibly go wrong for taxpayers subsidizing a NAFTA Bridge?

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