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    Tag: Dumb Things Youngsters Do (page 2)

    Mondays Divertere: Affirmative Action for Basketball

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Mon Apr 15, 2013 at 11:46:12 AM EST
    Tags: Governments Greatest Creation, The Sheeple, Student debt, Democrats War on Wisdom, They Laugh at Themselves For Being Morons?, Lennox, Amoral, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, NEA, MEA, DNC, Communist Party USA, MDP, Obamacare, academia, John Dewey, University aristocracy, Melissa Harris-Perry, Teaching for Change, Bill Ayers, Cultural Marxism, FDR, LBJ, Great Society, Progressives, GoPC, Pale Pastel, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Meet America's campus lizard youth when confronted with their first cognitive challenge.

    Epic fail.  Then again, it should not come as much of a surprise.. they're programmed to fail from K-12.

    H/t Moonbattery

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Sundays Divertere: Stay With It To The End

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Apr 14, 2013 at 08:00:23 AM EST
    Tags: Bowing To The King, Government Tyranny, Cultural Marxism, Lickspittle Lackeys, Sheeple, Big Government, academia, Lennox, Bill Ayers, Peter Pan, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, New Left, GoProud, Perverts, Progressives, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, Amoral, GoPC, MIaGOP, Elections, 2014, Michigan, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, Oaths, Purge Violators, SB59, Rick Snyder Veto, Firearm Registration, Government sanctioned Homicide Zones, Be a victim, CMU, Rape, Robberies, 2A, un-a-LIEN-able, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Holy cow, indeed.  They walk amongst us.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    In-state Freebies for Those Indoctrinated Insane

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 10, 2013 at 09:23:11 AM EST
    Tags: Jeff Irwin D-spicable, Amoral, Progressives, Eugenics, New Left, Cultural Marxism, John Dewey, U of M cronies, Big Ed, academia, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Student debt, Wealth Redistribution, Pay up Suckers, STEM Amnesty, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Cheap Labor, Underemployment, Obamacare, Michigan, Michigan Democratic Party voters = Useful Idiots, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    The Detroit News

    There were few opportunities for girls when Albania's civil war ended in the late 1990s, so Resilda Karafili's parents put her on a plane to Metro Detroit when she was 10 to live with relatives and get an education.

    It was years before Karafili realized that she had been sent to the United States without proper documents. [STOP]


    The global socialists bigotry of soft amnesty for lawbreakers.  By the way, Resilda, our tax dollars sent to U of M Moscow on the Huron already subsidize your years ago aware illegal presence.  Stop spitting in legal American citizens, and residents of Michigan's faces, get your paperwork in order, and shut up at the back of the line.  Or, go b!tch at your disgusting parents for knowingly sending you into a position founded in lawlessness.

    OABTW... Kevin Mersol-Barg.  WTF?  When did the alleged XY chromosomes start carrying the bra burning baby murdering Progressive hyphenated last name thingie?  {eye roll}  A young Permanent Revolution Lev Davidovich Bronshtein.

    Comments >>

    I Thought I've Sheen It All

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 08, 2013 at 11:42:28 AM EST
    Tags: Lennox, Amoral, Progressives, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Michigan, academia, Cultural Marxism, New Left, Perverts, GoProud, Sodomites, Log Cabins, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, GoPC, Bobby ShowStak, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, Elections, 2014, Natural Law, God, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, Conservative, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it, #BraveWithDave (all tags)

    Twitter is a good thing.  All who use that social media eventually reveal who they truly are in 140 characters or less.  Take for example this doozy about "know nothings" from Dennis Lennox.

    Well, it doesn't take much looking to source who the disgraced man-child from Cheboygan, is thankful to for gifting the misogynistic Left fodder against Conservatives.

    Liberal Chad Selweski of Macomb Daily (MI) Defends GM Dolt By Saying Megyn Kelly 'Definitely NOT A Combination Of Beauty and Brains'. He Isnt Fired Yet!

    Gratitude, Lennox?

    , Dennis.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Sundays Divertere: Kara the Unicorn

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sun Apr 07, 2013 at 11:10:25 AM EST
    Tags: Lennox, Progressives, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Michigan, academia, Cultural Marxism, Sodomites, New Left, Perverts, GoProud, Log Cabins, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, Amoral, GoPC, Bobby ShowStak, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, Elections, 2014, Natural Law, God, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Black, female, young, Conservative, Republican, and very much like Alan Keyes in 2004, intelligently opposes the long standing homophile agenda to change the definition of marriage = BIGOT

    It doesn't matter anymore if one is Kara, Dennis Prager, Alan Keyes, or Dave Agema, because the Progressive bleat to destroy family, and Natural Law must commence for us to be wards of the state owned collective. That's how the Left rolls.

    Comments >>

    Fridays Divertere: Right-wing Troglodyte

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Apr 05, 2013 at 02:48:59 PM EST
    Tags: Lennox, academia, Bill Ayers, Peter Pan, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Cultural Marxism, New Left, GoProud, Perverts, Progressives, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, Amoral, GoPC, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, Elections, 2014, Michigan, Natural Law, God, endowed by their Creator, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    The language is reminiscent of Dennis Lennox harassing Conservatives with opinions, yes?

    H/t iOwnTheWorld

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Thursdays Divertere: The Great Alan Keyes

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 04, 2013 at 01:59:00 PM EST
    Tags: Lennox, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Michigan, Log Cabins, Cultural Marxism, Sodomites, New Left, Perverts, Progressives, GoProud, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, Amoral, GoPC, Bobby ShowStak, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, Elections, 2014, Natural Law, God, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, #BraveWithDave, Conservative, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    GREAT addition to the debate! ~ JG

    Comments >>

    Need We Say More?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 03, 2013 at 03:46:26 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Republicans, Log Cabins, Change, Culture, Energy, Defense, Budget, Science, Education, Religion, MiGOP, Dumb Things Youngsters Do (all tags)

    Expect that we will.

    But in the meantime, note that those young conservative stalwarts fighting for "truth and the American way, civil discourse (especially from 'bigot haters'), and eventual control of the Michigan GOP, are perfectly willing to use the tools of the left to draw support from the left.  Where else but the Obama 'petition' site is the calling out for Agema's Resignation. Using the site favored by low information voters for its pretense of reaching the president himself, One of the signers of the other petition, Timothy Maurer, "Greater Detroit Area Republican" has continued to advance such greatness as Homosexuality, destruction of family, spread of disease, and the neo-RINO mentality.

    Bravo young Maurer! Obama will invite you for a beer summit soon to discuss your 'concern'.

    What a champ!  What a hero to young Pizza munchers who want to be Republicans, but can't because they don't like personal responsibility, family values, the first amendment, or anything else that Republicans stand for!  What a supporter of strong families, and tradition, by holding Barack Obama's hand and opening up the internal debate of Michigan Republicans into a place where the left can emerge from the underbelly of our nation and weigh in with their agenda for advanced personal destruction.  Support as expressed by a [non-Republican] Jennifer from Holland:

    " I am not Republican, though I hold many of the values they proclaim to support: I believe in strong families, based in commitment to one another and their communities. I believe in helping those less fortunate than myself and allowing people to believe what they wish, as long as their beliefs do not cause harm or loss to others. I have been married for 13 years and we have a son we are raising to be a good human being. But you would deny me my family of 13 years simply because my spouse is another woman. ... "
    Ooooh snap!

    And that son will learn tolerance! And will learn how to be intolerant of intolerance to promote tolerance of the intolerable!

    Yes MR. Maurer, you seek "a big tent" with no walls. Am I right?  Is that what you desire?

    Bravo then, as you have found a way to do it by reaching out to those who are destroying the rest of the culture, energy, defense, budget, science, education, and last but not least, freedom of religion.

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