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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

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    Found 9 results.

    1) I'm so tired of the One Way to Victory Schtick! [none / 0] Replies: 1
    posted by designated conservative on 08/29/2011 05:42:41 PM EST
    attached to Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

    2) build a wall [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 03/04/2009 12:08:16 AM EST
    attached to Where have all the good local candidates gone?

    3) Andy Dillon, Business-Killer [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 02/04/2009 09:34:26 PM EST
    attached to Day 6: House Democrats still obstructing bipartisan stimulus bill

    4) Deja vu Dillon-style [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 02/03/2009 02:24:40 PM EST
    attached to Humble servant of the day: Rep. Dian Slavens (D-Pompousville)

    5) the key to "restorative" justice [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 12/09/2008 09:13:12 AM EST
    attached to GR Democrat Proposal: No jail for criminals if they say "sorry"

    6) so sorry [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 11/24/2008 03:10:03 PM EST
    attached to Studio 28: In Memoriam

    7) 9.3% What an accomplishment! [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 11/20/2008 09:09:52 PM EST
    attached to Unemployment rate hits 9.3% (!!!) while 74,000 Michiganders lose their jobs

    8) candle of conservative values [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 11/11/2008 11:38:00 PM EST
    attached to Recovering From the Wreckage

    9) disrespect abounds [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by designated conservative on 11/10/2008 03:33:35 PM EST
    attached to Michigan liberals attack Lansing congregation in the middle of Sunday worship



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