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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Humble servant of the day: Rep. Dian Slavens (D-Pompousville)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 03, 2009 at 11:44:06 AM EST
    Tags: Dian Slavens, hyperbole (all tags)

    This was just too awesome a quote not to share.

    Candidates for public office either have an abundance of ego or none at all.  There's no middle ground because there really can't be.  The second option is almost universally preferable.  Your opponent will spend countless hours and dollars painting a caricature of you so distorted by the time they're done even your children won't recognize you.  If you can't ignore it, laugh it off and persevere you're going to drive yourself crazy.

    Of course, there's always the first option.

    Some candidates are just so freaking full of themselves that they don't even notice anyone or anything else around them.

    You've met these guys.  They knock on your door and tell you how great they are, ignore the questions you ask them, can't seem to comprehend that you're not interested in what they're saying and then walk away with a booming "hey, thanks for your support!"

    Big announcement time.  If her statement to the local paper yesterday is any indication, the Inflated Ego People of Pompousville have crowned a new queen... Democratic Representative Dian Slavens.

    On January 1st the new Michigan House of Representatives took part in an official swearing in ceremony at the Capitol in Lansing.  That was a month ago, but apparently the adulation she received at the time wasn't enough.

    Yesterday evening Representative Slavens held a party in her own honor at the Canton Public Library where she invited a group of special friends, family members and associates to join the general public to witness her take the oath again, in strictly ceremonial fashion.  

    But why, Dian, why?  She answered that question to the local paper, the Mirror:

    "It's an honor that I was chosen to be our community's voice in the State Capitol and it's only fitting that the community be included in this momentous event," Slavens said.

    MOMENTOUS!  And here I was confused.  Her ceremonial swearing in, nay, her very presence was not just a distraction to the hard working library staff and the students and patrons who happened to be utilizing the facility during her to-do, they should have understood that they were in the presence of unadulterated greatness!

    If "momentous" seems a peculiar adjective for this event that's because it is.  Sort of like pheasant hunting with a howitzer.  Here is how Dictionary.com defines the term...

    adjective of very great significance; "deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision"; "a momentous event"

    Dropping the atom bomb and Dian Slavens getting sworn in as the Representative of Michigan's 21st House District.  Yep.  Two peas in a pod.  Lets just hope the latter isn't as destructive to Michigan's economy as the former was to Nagasaki's.

    And while we wait for the answer, make sure you clear the way when you see Slavens walking down the hall.  Clearly there's too little room for you, her AND her ego.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere: February 3 | Don't forget! Tonight! 6:45 PM! >

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    This proves the big problem (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Feb 03, 2009 at 01:16:21 PM EST
    No wonder the state is so screwed up. Liberals are legends in their own minds. Makes me wonder why the Democrat Party doesn't offer mental health care for their members and elected officials. They obviously need it.

    I am awed (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Tue Feb 03, 2009 at 01:19:19 PM EST
    I feel humbled that one of the first official acts of this High Queen is a party in her own honor. It is, after all, for the people! It might have been Peter Ustinov in Quo Vadis who could work up the strength to get himself going every day because his people deserved a God/Caesar who was happy. (In any case, it was one of those old movies with gladiators in it.) If not for these sorts of occasions the plebs would never get the opportunity to grovel at the feet of royalty or sufficiently bask in the glow of the worship worthy. For this we citizens are thankful.

    Deja vu Dillon-style (none / 0) (#3)
    by designated conservative on Tue Feb 03, 2009 at 02:24:40 PM EST
    Wow.  I had an eerily similar experience after writing to House Speaker Andy Dillon (D, Redford Twp.).  Speaker Dillon had pontificated to a reporter all of the many reasons why he KNEW that public charter schools in Michigan were a lousy idea and should not be encouraged.  As I recall, he cited some long-dispelled statistics that purport to show charter schools as not being as effective as "traditional" public schools....  

    I was annoyed enough with the tone of his comments and the level of ignorance he showed to write to him of our family's experience with a local school that is part of the National Heritage Academies group.

    I wrote that our experience with this charter school was very positive.  Our children received a first-rate education, the teachers were motivated and positive, and the principal, secretaries, and even the janitorial staff were helpful, courteous, and got things done when they needed to be done.

    I said that he (Mr. Dillon) was wrong about charter schools, and that we needed more of them in Michigan, not less.

    A couple of weeks later I received a call from Mr. Dillon thanking me for my letter, and for my support of his position.  He said that he was pleased that I was on his side.

    I was surprised to get the call, and speechless that he had so completely misunderstood the point of my note.  It takes a great ego of elephantine proportions to truly turn black into white and white into black, but Mr. Dillon accomplished it that day.  I'm pretty sure that even after our conversation he still thought that I agreed with him!

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