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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    9.3% What an accomplishment! (none / 0) (#13)
    by designated conservative on Thu Nov 20, 2008 at 09:09:52 PM EST
    Governor Granholm,

    As a taxpayer and small business owner in Michigan, I've noticed that you've been working hard to implement your plan for improving Michigan's economy.  

    Please stop.

    Yes, immediately.  Stop now, before you make another plan.  Don't do it, even if you really want to.  Please stop right this minute.

    I'm certain that you've done everything you can possibly do to the Michigan economy at this point.  Of course, I must admit that I also thought this same thought back in 2007, and look how much further down the road we've gone since then!  It is amazing what a few Democrats in power can do when they put their minds to it!

    I wasn't kidding, please stop.

    Respectfully yours.

    A designated conservative

    For more, visit the home of a designated conservative of the Republican Party at http://dcon2012.wordpress.com/.

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