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    Tag: Tea Party (page 4)

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Sat May 19, 2012 at 10:56:04 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Democratic Party, Mark Brewer, Tea Party, TEA Party wannabe, scandal, charges, arrested, convicted, slap on the wrist, What part of: (all tags)

    Yes, the democrats are at it again.

    Who is it this time?

    {Click below to find out.}

    (1 comment, 421 words in story) Full Story


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 08, 2012 at 11:14:56 PM EST
    Tags: Gary Glenn, Pete Hoekstra, Clark Durant, Dick Lugar, Richard Mourdock, Michigan, Indiana, Republicans, RINOS, US Senate, Responsibility, Primary, Signatures, Tea Party (all tags)

    Bottom line is we need to understand when we've taken the wheel, and are actually driving this thing.

    I don't doubt the ability of the tea movement to shoulder once again, a myriad collection of RINOs, power hungry moderates, and mislabeled Republicans this election.  I expect them to once again carry across the finish line, the standard bearers of establishment elitism and compromise. But there is something else that we will see.

    They will have replaced a few of those along the way.

    And it starts with the victory of Richard Mourdock over Richard Lugar in the Indiana Republican US Senate primary.  Tea party grass roots ultimately helped by favorites such as Palin, and Club for growth, to overcome the entrenched RNC financed defense of "Obama's favorite Republican" made the Bob Bennett loss of a couple years ago more real.  It took it from fluke status to a legitimate answer for politicians who pander too far over to the left for their own good.

    Fair play,and a good game.  Play to win, and when we don't, we plod forward to the next election.

    But what really makes this especially interesting, is that the same folks who shepherded in Mourdock, are now backing Gary Glenn.  The search to replace Stabenow has brought out a number of candidates, all of whom would be satisfactory when making the stark comparison to the puppet of the leftists, but not all will make it into the final cut.

    More below ~

    (23 comments, 699 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Still Brewing And Permanent.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 19, 2012 at 10:42:46 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Nation, Permanent Tea, Tea Party, July 3, Conservatives, Traditionalists, Save Our Country, Passive Resistance (all tags)

    In February 2009, the modern day Tea Party movement was born.

    When it was obvious that Obama was not going to pursue a path of fiscal sanity, and the country was certain to go trillions of dollars further into debt, a spark ignited the flame, and the kettle was set.  The spark, an impassioned Rick Santelli, and the kettle, an increasingly concerned nation of patriots, taxpayers, and traditional American heroes.  

    February 19, 2009 Santelli went on a classic rant rebuking the idea that taxpayers should subsidize those who have mortgages underwater.  "President Obama are you listening?" as one of the more famous quotes. However it was "we're thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July .. All you capitalists who want to show up to Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing" that brought the temperature to the Fahrenheit 451 mark on the digital paper we now use so regularly.

    Twitter was agog, and imaginations throughout our nation flourished.  What had been [sometimes not so] quietly simmering underneath hit a boiling point.  Motivated patriots in several areas around the country saw Friday February 27, 2009 as a rallying day to 'petition' the government.

    And it was a verifiable success.

    Continued below ~

    (2 comments, 1023 words in story) Full Story

    Richardville A Republican?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 29, 2012 at 09:48:36 PM EST
    Tags: Richardville, Majority Leader, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party (all tags)

    A lot of folks would prefer we spend our time hitting the Democrats for their foibles, wrongness, and socially retarded ideals.

    We do.  We really do.

    Can we help that they spend so much time pretending to be Republicans?

    Randy Richardville is the perfect example.  He is such a lousy Republican leader, the senate had to override him to make SB1018 a reality last week.  He refuses to get on board with the best legislation the Republicans can get behind: RTW.  And his push for that very strange DRIC/NICT project would make governor Granholm proud.

    IF she was still here.

    And whether you like the tactics involved with some who have pushed for stronger conservatism in the party or not, you must see the alliances and support system he has, as questionable.

     Below ~

    (4 comments, 474 words in story) Full Story

    Tea Party Explained

    By retvet242, Section News
    Posted on Sun Mar 18, 2012 at 10:29:32 AM EST
    Tags: Tea Party, Kalkaska, Recalls (all tags)

    Tea Time

    by Tom Backers

    "The Tea Party Explained"

        During the recall contest between the now deceased County Prosecutor and certain members of the Board of Commissioners, I had the opportunity to canvass many areas of the County and Village of Kalkaska and spoke to hundreds of residents.  By the time the petition to recall became a moot point, two very distinct community undertones became apparent; people in the communities did not understand the Tea Party Patriots...and...many of them absolutely feared repercussions from their own local government authorities should they sign the petition to recall the Prosecuting Attorney.

        The lack of understanding confounded me.  I realize that in this County, and in this economic environment, many folks are simply too busy riding out the recession to have much time or energy to pay attention to, or research, the root causes of the situation they now find themselves in.  They only know that something is terribly wrong when they themselves have to work two or three jobs, if they can find them; and then have to watch their children and grandchildren leave the area to find work for themselves.  So in the end, the people I had opportunity to speak with at length agreed that something has to change drastically to shift the direction in which the County, Village and nation are headed; but when presented the opportunity to initiate such change at a basic and local level, feared provoking the very government that needs to change.  

        More Below

    (2 comments, 787 words in story) Full Story

    Bobby Schostak: Grassroots Are Stupid

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 07, 2012 at 12:03:22 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Bobby Schostak, Corruption, Michigan, Republicans, Credentials, Spin, Tea Party, Grassroots, Base (all tags)

    Michigan GOP Chair Bobby Schostak ain't Obi Wan Kenobi.

    "There is no trouble" and "The ones you seek aren't here" and all the jedi mind trick posturing that Bobby will try, doesn't change the fact that the MiGOP betrayed the trust of Michigan Republicans. The treachery so obvious, that the credentials committee, occupied primarily by a single candidate supporting crew, couldn't even get a unanimous vote in its decision to cheat.

    So when those of us (who support honest dealings) see from people supposedly representing our values, an attempt to subvert political process, we bristle. And then we speak out.

    This is NOT Chicago. And we are NOT the Democrat party.

    However, given the RINO Power mentality which runs the Michigan Republican party it might just as well be.

    And doubling down below the fold, Bobby Schostak does the "suck it up sunshine" routine, attempting to make OUR efforts at transparency appear divisive.

    (8 comments, 2052 words in story) Full Story

    Pure Bamboozle

    By Croton Crier, Section News
    Posted on Sat Feb 11, 2012 at 03:32:28 PM EST
    Tags: Health Care Compact, tea party, principles, Michigan House, Michigan Senate, SB 693, HB 5014, federal funding, e-records, Snydercare, Obamacare, health insurance exchange, health care, republican party platform, free market, socialism, regulation, corporate welfare, state sovereignty, health care freedom, compacts, Obama bucks (all tags)

    November 2010 brought great hopes to Michigan. Many new members elected to the MI House and Senate vowed to stop the hemorrhage of debt, regulation, and taxation. Perhaps the greatest hope of freedom loving people was the promise to end Obama care and its unconstitutional overreach into our personal lives.

    (37 comments, 812 words in story) Full Story

    Santorum Brings Michigan Into The Mix

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 08, 2012 at 09:46:15 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Santorum, Trifecta, Primaries, Republican, Tea Party, Conservative President (all tags)

    By golly we DO matter!

    Trips.  Trifecta. Three times the fun last night for Republican contender Rick Santorum as he CRUSHED the competition in MN, MO, and with Fox News beating to death the "beauty contest" meme, CO. Santorum might see some trophies for his wins in those states in the form of a revitalized campaign account and new tires for his pick up.

    The big losers? Mitt and Newt.

    Particularly Mitt.  Polling had put Mitt in the lead in CO, and conventional wisdom proved wrong for some counties.  The presumed leader having those counties pulling for Mitt 60% against McCain in 2008, give the Mitten State's son a 20% finger. A bad night for Romney, as even "non binding" votes show a trend that should scare the bejeezuz J. Smith out of establishment Romney supporters.

    He has high negatives.  Very high.

    But Michigan Santorum fans have wins for yet another reason (below the fold)~

    (21 comments, 461 words in story) Full Story

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