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    Tag: michigan supreme court (page 3)

    Welcome to the High Court, Mr. Davis

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 01, 2010 at 07:31:45 PM EST
    Tags: Alton Davis, Board of State Canvassers, court of appeals, elections, Elizabeth Weaver, fake Tea Party, mandamus, Michigan Supreme Court, petitions, Tea Party (all tags)

    Cross-Posted in The Wizard of Laws

    The fake Tea Party has filed an application for leave to appeal with the Michigan Supreme Court, asking that court to overturn the Michigan Court of Appeals, a panel of which voted unanimously that the FTP should not be on the November ballot. With the much publicized departure of E. Weaver and the elevation of Alton Davis, this will be the first rule-of-law test for the newly constituted Supreme Court.

    (21 comments, 772 words in story) Full Story

    Weaver Sticks it to the Republicans.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 26, 2010 at 10:42:58 AM EST
    Tags: Betty Weaver, Michigan Supreme Court, Granholm, Republlicans, Democrats (all tags)

    She wasn't going to be nominated by the Republicans at the convention as in years past.  She WAS going to legitimately compete as an independent.

    And now..  Betty Weaver has given a solid middle finger to the Republican party which supported her past ascension to the Michigan Supreme court. Weaver, who had filed as an Independent has apparently decided to forgo the cost of the race, and give a payback to the Republican party of Michigan that said it wouldn't nominate her as a result of her frequently siding with the more liberal justices too often..  She is quitting the bench.

    Liz Boyd, spokeswoman for Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, said Weaver, 69, would formally tender her resignation later in the morning and appear with the governor at a news event at noon.

    The governor will appoint a replacement, and that action doesn't require the approval of the state Legislature, Boyd said.

    And she is giving the valuable title of "incumbent" to whomever Jennifer Granholm puts in her place.  It is a gift to the Ds, a snub to the Rs, and a position that requires no confirmation from the legislature apparently.


    (11 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    G R Press: Judge Jane Markey - A case of poor judgment

    By Abogada, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 24, 2010 at 11:19:50 AM EST
    Tags: Jane Markey, Curt Benson, Cooley Law School, abuse of power, nepotism, Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct, Michigan Supreme Court (all tags)

    A Grand Rapids Press Editorial, dated July 28, 2007, takes issue with Judge Markey's "abuse of power" (their words, not mine) in attempting to "leverage a teaching job for her husband" at Cooley Law School - while she served on the School's Board of Directors.  

    This is the kind of thing that the opposition will use in ads come fall....we can't risk it.  Taking back the Michigan Supreme Court is just too important.  

    (1 comment, 737 words in story) Full Story

    Making Sense of the Michigan Supreme Court Race

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 04:49:23 PM EST
    Tags: Allen, bodily injury, courts, Justice, Kelly, Markey, Michigan Supreme Court, post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, Young (all tags)

    Cross-posted in The Wizard of Laws and, by mistake, in the Multimedia section of RightMichigan.

    Party delegates to the August 28 State Republican Convention will face the formidable tasks of selecting candidates for Secretary of State, Attorney General, and governing boards of Michigan State University, Wayne State University, and one other whose name escapes me (I think it's in the People's Republic of Ann Arbor).

    At least as important as these tasks is the responsibility to select two nominees for the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Robert Young is running for reelection, and he deserves our unanimous, unwavering support. Justice Young is an extraordinary legal talent with a first rate mind, unshakable integrity, and incredible vision.

    The other nomination is between Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Mary Beth Kelly and Court of Appeals Judge Jane Markey. Both are well-qualified. So, how does one distinguish them?

    (1162 words in story) Full Story

    A Crystal Ball?

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Mon Oct 26, 2009 at 01:24:25 PM EST
    Tags: Tags: conservative, courts, defendant, liberal, Michigan Supreme Court, plaintiff, predictions (all tags)

    The Michigan Supreme Court experienced an extraordinary change in last year's elections, when Cliff Taylor was replaced by Diane Hathaway. This month, the new court begins its first full year together. Check here for one observer's keen predictions as to how the court will decide its first eight cases. Among other things, the cases involve home invasion, a vehicular homicide, and apples. Enjoy!

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Your politicians demand honors and privileges

    By leondrolet, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 09, 2009 at 07:48:37 PM EST
    Tags: michigan legislature, michigan supreme court (all tags)

    "Power doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, power brings that out, that's all." - Henry Ford

    "None are more haughty than a man of moderate capacity raised to power." - French proverb

    Dear Friends,

    Our economic distress isn't distracting Michigan's political elites from tending to their core mission - demanding honor and privilege for themselves...at taxpayer expense. Examples:

    1. Last Thursday, the Michigan Supreme Court voted against closing several expensive `satellite offices' that were supposed to be temporarily needed until the now-completed Supreme Court Building opened in Lansing.  One satellite office in Traverse City is used exclusively by Justice Betty Weaver, who does not wish to surrender her vacation/office with beautiful view of Grand Traverse Bay. According to an article in subscription only MIRS News, conservative Justice Robert Young led the charge to close the excess offices. From MIRS News:

    "There is no justification for the taxpayers of this state in this dire of an economy to be supporting two fully furnished offices for the justices," Young argued.

    Young pointed out that the Weaver office is housed in a privately owned building and comes with a $65,000-per -year rental price tag for a suite of offices overlooking Traverse City Bay.

    "I'd prefer to have the perk of having a second office close to my home," argued Young at one point while trying to argue that times have changed and necessitate the savings.

    "It's not a perk, it's a part of the job," sniped Weaver.

    Justice "Beachfront Betty" Weaver prevailed with support from newly-elected Justice Diane Hathaway and will keep her expensive view.

    2. State Representative Fred Durhal, Jr. (D - Detroit) has introduced legislation requiring taxpayers to pay for a state police escort at funerals of deceased state legislators. Under House Bill 4229 (http://www.michiganvotes.org/2009-HB-4229), state politicians would be given death benefits usually provided to military veterans who risked their lives for this country. This vital legislation ensures that taxpayers recognize the nobility of state lawmakers upon their deaths.

    (436 words in story) Full Story

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